Danny's Profile

Joined: Oct 21, 2021

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Danny added Eat The Rich to their pull list Oct 21, 2021

Eat The Rich

What unspeakable horror eats away at the heart of Crestfall Bluffs?

With law school and her whole life ahead of her, Joey plans to summer with her boyfriend Astor in his seemingly perfect hometown of Crestfall Bluffs.

It's a chance to finally meet Astor's family and childhood friends, all while enjoying a vacation with every need ...

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Merlyn reviewed Black Manta #2 Oct 19, 2021

Yet another "lost tribe" plotline from DC, all too very similar with Thao-La and her group of Kryptonians. I understand DC is looking to ride that diversity train but could we get just a tiiiny bit of originality, is that too much to ask for? It gets points though for using one of the most ridiculous-but-in-a-good-way villains from DC, Gentleman Ghost.

I've been criticized by some idiot more

Black Manta #2

By: Chuck Brown, Valentine De Landro
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Black Manta and Gallous pursue a deadly metal, coveted across the seven seas...a metal that kills anyone with Atlantean DNA! Is it this terrible treasure that summons Torrid, a woman from Black Manta’s past, who just literally broke out of Hell to attack him? And how does it connect to Devil Ray, the new bad boy of the oceans, looking to punish ...

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