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Joined: Oct 22, 2021

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Action Comics #1037

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Adriana Melo
Released: Dec 1, 2021

The Warworld Saga, Part II, and THE FACE-OFF YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY finally face MONGUL and his champions head-on! The fates of Warworld and all who live under Mongul’s rule hang in the balance…but He Who Holds All Chains is better prepared than Superman knows. Not everyone walks away from this one!

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Deveti Putnik rated Batman: The Cult #3 Oct 22, 2021

Batman: The Cult #3

By: Jim Starlin, Bernie Wrightson

While Batman escapes the sewers with the help of Robin, Deacon Blackfire's army force the National Guard to withdraw and the Governor to suggest evacuating Gotham City.

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Deveti Putnik rated Batman: The Cult #2 Oct 22, 2021

Batman: The Cult #2

By: Jim Starlin, Bernie Wrightson

Batman must overcome the influence of Deacon Joseph Blackfire's religious cult--by fighting off the drugs he has been dosed with!

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Deveti Putnik rated Batman: The Cult #1 Oct 22, 2021

Batman: The Cult #1

By: Jim Starlin, Bernie Wrightson

Batman suddenly finds himself the prisoner of a mysterious religious cult led by Deacon Joseph Blackfire. But rather than eliminate the Caped Crusader, the cult attempts to break his will...and have him join their ranks!

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Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Vol. 1

By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

Celebrate 30 years of one of the most influential stories ever told in the comics medium with the anniversary edition of the undisputed graphic novel masterpiece BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.

Writer/artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in this saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, 10 years after th...

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Deveti Putnik dropped Jupiter's Legacy from their pull list Oct 22, 2021

Jupiter's Legacy

The comic-book event of 2013 finally arrives as superstar creators MARK MILLAR and FRANK QUITELY give us the superhero epic that all future comics will be measured by. The world's greatest heroes have grown old and their legacy is a poisonous one to the children who will never live up to their remarkable parents. Unmissable.

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Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 2

By: Mark Millar, Frank Quitely

Industry sales beast JUPITER'S LEGACY is back with MARK MILLAR & FRANK QUITELY! Superhero offspring Hutch and Chloe have come out of hiding with son Jason to assemble a team of super-crooks from around the globe. Collects JUPITER'S LEGACY, VOL. 2 #1-5.

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Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 1

By: Mark Millar, Frank Quitely

The children of the world’s greatest superheroes may never be able to fill their parents’ shoes. When the family becomes embattled by infighting, one branch stages an uprising and another goes into hiding. How long can the world survive when one family’s super-powered problems explode onto the global stage? Just in time for the la...

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Deveti Putnik added Jupiter's Legacy to their pull list Oct 22, 2021

Jupiter's Legacy

The comic-book event of 2013 finally arrives as superstar creators MARK MILLAR and FRANK QUITELY give us the superhero epic that all future comics will be measured by. The world's greatest heroes have grown old and their legacy is a poisonous one to the children who will never live up to their remarkable parents. Unmissable.

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Deveti Putnik rated Watchmen Collected Oct 22, 2021

Watchmen Collected

By: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons

This Hugo Award-winning graphic novel chronicles the fall from grace of a group of super-heroes plagued by all-too-human failings. Along the way, the concept of the super-hero is dissected as the heroes are stalked by an unknown assassin. One of the most influential graphic novels of all time and a perennial bestseller, WATCHMEN has been studied o...

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