talesfsuspense's Profile

Joined: Mar 09, 2022

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Avengers: West Coast #90

By: Dann Thomas, Dave Ross

Even a robot can love, as Ultron proves when he creates a consort by the name of War Toy. War Toy has been modeled off the brain patterns of Mockingbird; what desperate measures will Hawkeye employ to save his former wife? The return of Goliath, super-sized Clint Barton!

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Avengers: West Coast #89

By: Dann Thomas, Dave Ross

Ultron has returned, and his first stop is the West Coast! With the automaton set on humanity’s extermination, will Ultron come into conflict with the West Coast Avengers? You bet!

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Avengers: West Coast #102

By: Dan Abnett, Dave Ross

Final Issue! The Avengers West Coast are no more. But there will always be a place for heroes. What will become of the former members of the Avengers West Coast?

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talesfsuspense reviewed Captain Carter #1 Mar 9, 2022

marvel continues to force a character who needs to take things from other characters to maintain relevance. they should forget about peggy carter for good, and focus on their other female characters, who are a thousand times better.

Captain Carter #1

By: Jamie McKelvie, Marika Cresta
Released: Mar 9, 2022


A reality where Agent Peggy Carter took the Super-Soldier Serum is turned upside down when the World War II hero is pulled from the ice where she was lost in action decades before. Peggy struggles to find her footing in a modern world that's gotten a lot more complicated - cities are louder, technology is smarter and ene...

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Fury - Mar 13, 2022

You remind of someone🤔

Ultimate Goblin - Mar 14, 2022

Yeah, I was already tired of these duplicates in 2015

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