ANukem's Profile

Joined: May 11, 2022

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ANukem reviewed Nightwing #91 May 11, 2022

standar stuff. barely ok. not even Bruno Redondo shines.

Nightwing #91

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Apr 20, 2022

Trying to save a city that's even more beyond saving than Gotham is no small task, and even someone like Nightwing needs a day off to relax with his best friend and to recharge-but when your best friend is Wally West, a.k.a. the Flash, a "recharge" might not end up being so relaxing!

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ANukem reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #11 May 11, 2022

I still dont know what they're doing in this comic book. Arguably the most well known character in DC and probably the second one most popular, Superman, and they still can't seem to hire a good artist.
Anyways, while the art is kinda lacking, the writing is also lacking

Superman: Son of Kal-El #11

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: May 11, 2022

Jonathan Kent has faced many challenges in his life as both Superman and a Super Son, but what will the first son of the Last Son of Krypton do in the face of...metahuman bombs? Jon faces a deadly decision and Lex Luthor's alliance with President Bendix deepens in this penultimate chapter of The Rising Saga!

ANukem reviewed Jurassic League #1 May 11, 2022

The art is OK, doesnt have the usual DWJ dynamism and the concept is just weak. Unfortunately it misses completely on the only thing it had to deliver: just some fun stuff.

Jurassic League #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Juan Gedeon
Released: May 11, 2022

You know the story: an infant escapes the destruction of its home planet and is deposited on Earth to be raised by human parents. A goddess from a lost city defends truth. A Tyrannosaurus rex dons the visage of a bat to strike fear into evildoers' hearts. This heroic trinity, alongside a league of other super-powered dinosaurs, join forces to save ...

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Really good art and just Thor and Hulk beating each other.

Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War: Alpha #1

By: Donny Cates, Martin Coccolo
Released: May 11, 2022

Hulk and Thor have both undergone massive changes recently, but one thing remains constant - their heated rivalry! When mysterious circumstances bring them into conflict once more, will the God of Thunder be able to triumph against a Bruce Banner who can now control his rage?
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of both characters, this epic five-p...

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ANukem added Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022) to their pull list May 11, 2022

Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022)

Hulk and Thor have both undergone massive changes recently, but one thing remains constant - their heated rivalry! When mysterious circumstances bring them into conflict once more, will the God of Thunder be able to triumph against a Bruce Banner who can now control his rage?
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of both characters, this epic five-p...

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