ac1999_71's Profile

Joined: Jun 18, 2022

Recent Activity

ac1999_71 added Poison Ivy (2022) to their pull list Jun 18, 2022

Poison Ivy (2022)

Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to ending humanity.
Spinning ou...

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ac1999_71 added Spider-Man 2099: Exodus (2022) to their pull list Jun 18, 2022

Spider-Man 2099: Exodus (2022)

•  After a massive CELESTIAL body crashes into the Wastelands outside of Nueva York, a new Garden of Eden erupts from the crash site, offering unimaginable power.
•  And it's not just THE CABAL who is hungry to control the Garden.
•  Everyone's got something to gain from

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ac1999_71 added Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022) to their pull list Jun 18, 2022

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022)

"The shield isn't what you think. It's not your symbol. It's theirs."
The shield is one of the most iconic images in the world. It stands for hope, justice and the protection of the innocent. It also holds a secret, undiscovered until now, that will change the way Steve Rogers views the 20th century...and how he chooses to fight in the 21st.

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ac1999_71 added Do A Powerbomb to their pull list Jun 18, 2022

Do A Powerbomb

The creator of MURDER FALCON and Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is launching a brand-new limited series!

Lona Steelrose wants to be a pro wrestler, but she's living under the shadow of her mother, the best to ever do it. Everything changes when a wrestling-obsessed necromancer asks her to join the grandest pro wrestling tournament of all time, ...

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ac1999_71 added Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) to their pull list Jun 18, 2022

Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022)

Sam Wilson picks up the shield once more - and enters a world of trouble! Following a lead from Misty Knight, Sam intercepts a mysterious group hijacking what appears to be an empty train. As he digs deeper, he discovers that the plot may be connected to a crucial piece of Captain America history...and, surprisingly, Wakanda. The world is ready for...

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