Lampmode's Profile

Joined: Mar 13, 2023

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Overall Rating
Doctor Strange (2023) #1

Mar 23, 2023

SPOILERS: The cover art for this book was amazing! I was a little disappointed that the cells inside were not on par with the cover. The artwork inside felt unfinished and flat. It lacked movement and perspective. The first half was slow and a little boring. The encounter with Aggamon felt contrived and lacked depth. Contrasted with the second half storyline with W.A.N.D. This story line had the pace I expected and had the humor element which was missing in the first half. The unlikely team up of The Freaky Doktor Zeeee with W.A.N.D was the best part of this book for me. It will stay on my pull list for another month or two I order to give it a fair shot.

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