TomO's Profile

Joined: Dec 30, 2014

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Lady Killer #1  
Lazarus #14

Jan 16, 2015

This conclave art is killing it! I can't wait to see how the ramifications of Forever's actions in this issue play out.

Supergirl (2011) #38

Jan 23, 2015

Who would've predicted that after sampling every single issue of the New 52, that Supergirl would be one of the last five series standing that I'm still reading straight through. It's true, and this arc by Perkins, Johnson, and Lupacchino has been one of the funnest yet. While I would love to one day see Kara's supporting cast settle down and not get up-rooted with each new incoming creative team, this new cast is some of my favorites...Maxima especially! Her pre-52 version was good for a laugh for an issue or two when she originally appeared, but she never developed much into a fully three-dimensional character. She's got more emotional depth here, and I like her costume redesign. Her's hoping she sticks around after this story or the Crucible arc wraps up. Superboy was one of the biggest mis-fires of the new 52, especially after his very good debut issue, so I'm leery about bringing him on here, but we'll see. So far, so good. The art by Lupacchino continues to shine, so much so that I'm sure it's only a matter of issues before she gets promoted to a higher profile title, or poached by Marvel. But if Asrar lasted 20 issues, maybe there's a chance that Lupacchino will too! Hope springs eternal!

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