stuffthing13 's Profile

Joined: Jan 14, 2015

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Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

Love the new direction we're getting with this storyline. Aaron Kuder's art is always on point and Greg Pak just knows Superman. I did get confused as to the citations in the book to look at the issues of the normal Superman book, but I think I might have figured out their plan with this whole story across multiple books. Superman will tell the beginning, how it all started. Action Comics is right after when he went up to the Arctic and came back to Metropolis and Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman are sometime after that. This way they can each tell their own arcs and stories without doing a massive crossover clusterf*ck. It's confusing at first cause Action Comics came out first, but I'm sure it'll all become a coherent storyline in the end.

Convergence #1

Apr 8, 2015

Minus the brief, somewhat pointless cameo of the Injustice characters, the story is off to a solid start. The Earth 2 team arrives on Telos and take stock of their situation before being greeted by the planet itself. Telos explains the rules of his planet wide tournament. That's about it. Not much actually happens. I can't exactly fault this issue for that, however, it's the first chapter and serves mostly to get the ball rolling. I wouldn't recommend this series to newbies to the DCU or even just to Earth 2, as that series spawned our main protagonists and everything they say at the beginning may as well be gibberish to those unfamiliar with the series.

Doctor Fate (2015) #3

Aug 20, 2015

There definitely needs to be some work done on some dialogue and scene transitions, but I'm loving this series otherwise. So many characters need the pep talk to do good with their powers after receiving them, but I fell in love when Khalid said to himself, "You're the only one who seems to be able to do anything about this. Man up." He already gets it.

Grayson #8

Mar 5, 2015

Grayson #10

Jul 23, 2015

Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #3

Aug 20, 2015

This is Saturday morning cartoons in comic book form. Damian is actually portrayed as Grant Morrison and Peter Tomas established him and it's fantastic. I can't wait for more.

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