CosmicInkwell's Profile

Joined: Jan 16, 2015

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Overall Rating
Ant-Man (2015) #1 Jan 17, 2015

A continually great series from DC.

Great series, solid in every way.

Brilliant issue. Elektra's character continues to be well-written and gorgeously drawn and her supporting characters enjoy similar privilege. The best Marvel book out there.

Gorgeous, well-written book.

Incredible story.

Just brilliant in every way.

Spider-Woman (2014) #7 May 8, 2015

Getting better and better.

Perfect in every way.

Great in every way.

Wonderful art, writing and characterization.

The momentum is finally gaining as this comic marches forward. The character development makes every chapter of this a sweet success.

All-New X-Factor #19 Jan 19, 2015
Ant-Man (2015) #5 May 8, 2015

Vast improvement over #1. The focus on Simmons was nice.

Great issue. Love the writing and artwork, but I feel like the ending was a tad out of character. Oh well. No book is perfect.

Continues to be solid.

I've been enjoying this series, but this unnecessarily swear-y, depressing issue left me cold.

The Wicked + The Divine #10 May 8, 2015

Okay, but not great. Art is wonderful but more development on somebody other than Jean Grey would've been nice,especially with the solicit.

An okay comic. Nothing special though the art is great and the characterization spot on, something doesn't click.

Okay writing and okay art. Hopeless needs a better handle on Jess' dialogue and Land needs to tone down the faces and proportions. Its dependency on ASM does not help.

This book is okay, but it needs to move forward.

Not sure how I feel about this issue. The main story was solid, if a little brief, and the backup confused the heck out of me.

S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1 Jan 17, 2015
Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #7 Jan 17, 2015

Despite its potential, JLU continues to be flat, lifeless, and uneventful despite the inclusion of the Legion.

Good art and jumbled story.

Continues to be confusing and jumbled with great art.

Not a fan of this issue. Basically just Matt being stupid and confrontational and Tony being stupid and evil.

Uhm, this was a really bad story because it was so unnecessary, sad, and strange.

Convergence #5 May 8, 2015
Ultimate End #3 Jul 5, 2015

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