Scartissue2002's Profile

Joined: Apr 24, 2024

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Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4 Apr 24, 2024

I really liked the issue, and seeing Marco Checchetto's art back is always amazing to see. I really did like that this was finally the issue that the rest of the Parker family found out about his secret of being the wallcrawler. Seeing the chemistry between Peter and Harry definitley was fun to see before the action and looking forward to how they grow as a pair in their teamwork and in friendship and in their sole fighting ability. It was cool to see how green they both kind of are especially Peter, but having something to look forward to later and eventually to see how far he's come in that aspect, in later issues. However, I guess the only thing that held back the rating is just how MJ and Richard reacted, it just seemed like they came to terms with the fact that their Husband and father is a superhero fairly quickly. And they found out by seeing him be all beat up with a black eye and cuts on one side of his face. I get that this Peter has a pretty good life and we all like that in general, its definitely a great change of pace but I would think this would be a pretty big point of contention especially with MJ, since it would mean not only her husbands safety, but also her kids and herself. But I will admit seeing the final page and how the name of Spider-Man becomes reality once again was very nice to see, generally speaking I think we all love to see it.

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