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Joined: Sep 18, 2024

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Demon Knights #0

Sep 18, 2024

As a separate story I felt I had to review this independently from the trade. One of the better 0 issues I have read so far. Again Chang's art is good I like his camalot-a-lot and the colours really work with his art here. I think what this issue misses is the other members of the daemon knights it just misses that bit of humour in the conversations that the rest of the series has. Jason Blood proves he has always been a bit of a moody arsehole. We do get some rhyming Etrigan and some verse I can take a little just glad we didn't get 23 issues of it. Like many of the 0 issues I wouldn't recommend this as a starting point read it after the first two arcs noting here is really needed to understand anything that happens later.

Demon Knights Vol. 1: Seven Against The Dark

Sep 18, 2024

One of the surprise books of the early new 52, I am not usually a fan of sword and sorcery type comics. But putting some familiar DC characters into that setting was enjoyable. The art was great throughout, loads of action but it was the little character interactions and their individual voices that made it for me. Maybe the only that felt a little off was Vandal Savage with how chaotic he is here. Etrigan is also always better when there isn't panel after panel of poor forced rhymes. One of the few new 52 ideas that I'd be happy to be expanded on in the future. A fun easy read.

Demon Knights Vol. 2: The Avalon Trap

Sep 18, 2024

Daemon knights continues much how the last arc left off. Art remains great throughout although Chang's issue probably doesn't quite live up to Neves stella work but that is not to say in any wat that it is bad. While I'm still not sure Savage feels like the Vandal Savage I know he does steal the show here and I had more than one laugh out loud moment. Through most this arc its Jason blood, Etrigan and Xanadu that take centre stage with the others pushed back, but still with some nice little character developments. Maybe not quite as fun as the first trade but certainly as crazy.

Demon Knights Vol. 3: The Gathering Storm

Sep 18, 2024

First I don't really like where they split the trades I'd have much seen issue 0 moved to this trade and Cornell's final issues move to the last one. It both story and style wise makes more sense. That is kind of how I have reviewed it. Oh and how I missed Cornell's writing and Neves' art. Chang does do a good job when he takes over its just now good rather than exceptional. That said I was highly disappointed by Paul Winslade's art in the final issue. The second part of this trade takes place 30 years after the end of the last arc again another reason to change where the trade breaks the issues. It is still fun in parts but feels like the energy it had has been turned right down. While there are again some nice character bits a second arc in a row focuses on the same three the last one did I'd like to have seen some more from some of the others. All the main plots are tied up nicely by the end and is somewhat satisfactory it doesn't go out with a whimper but nor does it go out with a bang. Feels like it ended at the right time but I'd still like to see this revisited at some point maybe not with all the characters but possibly adding some of the other immortals of the DC universe in.

Dial H #0

Sep 18, 2024

This was the first issue of dial H I read and while I was aware of the basic premise , this was a very poor jumping on point. The story itself is pointless and even fans of the comic could skip this and miss nothing. The artwork really didn't help so many people and faces shadowed out for no reason, or drawn from behind or at weird angles. The best of the new 52 0 issues either added something to the characters, took a new (but not always good) take on stories that have already been told or provided a place for new readers to get an idea of that the comic is. Dial H 0 did not of that. I enjoy a weird story and a bumper cart riding hero from a theme park world riding around ancient Babylonia is certainly weird. But unfortunately this was not a fun read.

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