ctgarry's Profile

Joined: Apr 13, 2015

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Overall Rating
Birthright Vol. 1: Homecoming

Apr 13, 2015

I appreciate the interlacing of the two worlds, giving a little bit of each and having them complement each other. I would wish for better transitions between scenes, as there were at least two times I had to make sure I didn't turn the page with two stuck together -- the narrative guidance is sparse. The treatment of the mother was a bit shallow, but then again she is a device for tension, not necessarily the point of the story. The foreshadowing of the hero's struggle with a force he really has not beaten is a bit hammy -- not quite as convincing as it could be. But it all adds up to fun. The five issue arc must have been maddening to read one month at a time, and even here there are many questions left unanswered by the end of the trade paperback. I guess that is the consequence of this being a compilation rather than fully self-contained. The art is terrific--big where it needs to be, but a bit cute in parts.

Invincible #118

Apr 13, 2015

It's a nice place to jump into the series, it seems, since I have not read previous issues. The price is right. I like the bright expressive art, and clearly the storyteller is comfortable with the characters. I may yet read more this well-developed property.

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