GoblinSRT's Profile

Joined: Jun 12, 2015

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Overall Rating
Mulan: Revelations #1

Jul 9, 2015

For me, this issue tried to be a lot of things at once. It tried to be a setup issue and give you some good context for the series. In this aspect, it mildly succeeded. I wasn't overly excited to turn the page, but it left me interested enough to finish it. It also tried to be an action packed issue. The action starts on page 1 and just ends abruptly (context is needed for why but that would be spoilers). Then it proceeds to tell another story and contain action. The book itself left me interested enough to buy #2, but I'm not clambering for it.

October Faction #1

Jun 13, 2015

I read this book long before I picked the series back up at #3. This first issue failed to grab me and keep me wanting to read the issue every month. Now, I have picked the series back up and read to #7, and boy was I missing out. While the issue itself wasnt the best, I can say it was essential for setting up the first arc. I am normally not a fan of washed out art; I prefer clear lines and crisp colors. However, the art style is essential to the story telling, and I don't think there is any other way to illustrate this story. Great job from Niles and Worm.

October Faction #2

Jun 13, 2015

This issue really picked the series up and made continue reading it through the arc.

October Faction #3

Jun 13, 2015

October Faction #4

Jun 13, 2015

October Faction #6

Jun 13, 2015

October Faction #7

Jun 13, 2015

Reviews for the Week of...



