MSMILLER's Profile

Joined: May 15, 2016

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Batman (2011) #52

May 15, 2016

Though I felt Issue 51 was the perfect bookend for Snyder's and Capullo's fantastic 5 Year Run, I felt this was a fantastic way to bring an end to Batman prior to the rebirth as a whole. 51 ended with the City feeling safe and Batman keeping watch, but his job for Gotham was done. However in this issues, it focuses on a personal relationship between Bruce and Alfred, from childhood to Batman. It brings a lovely end to the Batman story on a personal level, from the beginning it was just Alfred trying to guide Bruce and he continued to do so for all of these years, in this final Issue, we see all the hard work Alfred went through to help the brooding, angsty Bruce Wayne, to bring him to earth and to help him 'Move On', pay off. Touching, heart-warming, brilliant.

Daredevil / Punisher #1

May 15, 2016

I have never read a comic I didn't enjoy, thats the beauty of comics for me. So a 6.5 is probably the lowest I would rate a book. I enjoyed this book, I love Daredevil, especially the back sassing Lawyer dialogue when he is Matt Murdock (I know he is always Matt Murdock, but you know what I mean). Though I enjoyed this book and a big heads up to Kudranski for some spectacular Daredevil manoeuvres, I felt like it was very much just a mild set up, we knew exactly what was going to happen from the beginning and it felt like I was just waiting for the end of the book. I hope this book becomes more about their relationship, than it does Punisher's personal War or Murdock's constant battle with Morality and sensibility. This doesnt mean I didnt enjoy what I read and saw, just a few thoughts.

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