JP's Profile

Joined: Aug 04, 2016

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Overall Rating

Great use of today's online vocabulary and personality. She is definitely a flawed character. Also, drawings are gorgeous and we can really see O'Malley's style in the story-telling as well.

Awesome introduction issue. I definitely did not see the twist coming. This brings a whole new dimension to the Brubaker/Phillips/Breitweiser crime style. Can't wait for next issue!

For some reason, I thought this was the concluding issue. How happy I was to see that at least one more issue was coming out! The whole series has focused, lived, and breathed on hope, and this issue brings hope to the foreground like never before. I was happy with the decision to do a no-ad issue, that ends on a wonderful two-page panorama of despair. Great cliffhanger, even if TBH we could see it coming a mile away... Still, can't wait for next issue.

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