Alexandra Gilici's Profile

Joined: Aug 05, 2016

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Overall Rating
All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #1

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #2

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #3

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #4

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #5

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #6

Aug 5, 2016

All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #7

Aug 5, 2016

Horrible,just why?Batman acts like a homocidal maniac in this comic,he enjoys burning people to death and having sex with the Black Canary in this comic and that's reallly all what happens in this comic.Crazy Steve lights up a bunch of people who didn't actually do anything wrong and Irish ninja prostitute offers herself to him,oh and Robin refuses to kill the guy who killed his parents,so congratulations you wasted 70% of a comic by destrying the character of Batman,25% with a sex scene and 5% with what could have been labeled as character developement if this wasn't such a piece of crap! This isn't a fresh take on Batman,he doesn't act like a superhero that actually kills with purpose and fights corruption as most people think he acts in this comic.He's an immature,egoistical fascist who kidnaps a kid,murders both criminals and innocentes,physically and psychologically abuses Robin is cruel to people who love him and acts judgemental and violent towards both his enemies and other superheros and also tried to steal Green Lantern's ring so he could turn the world into a dictatorship ruled by him pretty much like what Sinestro did to his world,althought I'm assuming he was going to do this since this series has been left on a cliffhanger for 8 years already!

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