All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #5

Writer: Frank Miller Artist: Jim Lee Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 16, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 11
5.6Critic Rating
4.3User Rating

The Batman puts Dick Grayson to the ultimate test, and the orphaned aerialist must make a difficult choice before becoming Robin, the Boy Wonder!

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 18, 2007

    All Star Batman and Robin #5 was a fun read. Again, it is what it is. If you are cool with Miller's over the top writing style then you should enjoy this issue. You definitely get an interesting take on Wonder Woman and the formation of the original Justice League. Plus, there is plenty of great action and nice artwork. I guess we can look forward to the next issue of All Star Batman and Robin some time next year. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 20, 2007

    Bring it on, Mr. Miller! Whatevers coming next, Im ready for it! All expectations have been abandoned! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young May 20, 2007

    Oh, and Jim Lees illustrations are pretty good. In fact, his version of Wonder Woman on page four comes the closest Ive seen in a long time to what I think an Amazon Princess from Greek mythology might actually look like. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman May 20, 2007

    Did I make sense with any of what I just tortured you with? If I were honest with myself I would answer questionable at best. In the end, that has been my point with ASBRTBW #5. Some of it was funny, some angering, and some was ridiculous. All in all, it questionably resembles a well-done comic book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace May 20, 2007

    In addition to the Black Canary, who was introduced a couple of issues ago, there are now so many secondary characters running about in the pages of this book that I can only assume that Miller has got distracted and isnt really sure what to do with the story. This lack of focus, combined with the horrendously late scheduling, has really undermined what could have been a simple, streamlined and compelling story, and even if Jim Lee could conjure up the prettiest artwork on the planet (which he cant), All-Star Batman wouldnt make for enjoyable reading. Whereas the other All-Star book has seen Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely capture an elegant and timeless quality for their new take on Superman, Frank Miller and Jim Lee have stumbled, with a rambling, incoherent and (most heinously) unentertaining take on DCs other iconic superhero which can at best be labelled distinctive. If this book is aiming to be a parody, its forgotten to be funny, clever or insightful. However, if its si Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers May 20, 2007

    Aside from the art, this book is a travesty to Batman and all the other characters included with the exception of the woman Batman saves, who I assume is Selina Kyle. I dont want to see a sadistic version of Batman that gets off from giving some guy a compound fracture and then proceeding to tell that same criminal exactly what he did and how it wont heal. Im all for seeing a darker version of Batman that isnt a complete prick (i.e. the pre-Infinite Crisis/52 version) but I can never see Batman as a sadist who laughs like the Joker when hes out hunting. I like the idea behind the All-Star imprint and I think Grant Morrison got it right in All-Star Superman, but I also think that Miller has re-imagined Batman too closely to characters of Sin City or 300 and a sadist. Batman is not a sadist. Read Full Review

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