SLowban's Profile

Joined: Oct 07, 2016

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Overall Rating
Black #1

Oct 7, 2016

It seemed like a cool concept but with the bad writing and mediocre art it just doesn't cut it. It pushes on the racial topic and makes it seem like black people are innocent and the white man is out to kill them. The main bad guy is a rich white man. I have a try but the first issue just didn't do it for me. I may watch it for a few issues and see if it gets better but if the writing stays as bad as it was it won't go anywhere good.

Doomsday Clock #6  
Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1

Jul 25, 2018

I do somewhat wonder why we had to have a Prime issue when this could have just been the first issue. Besides that, it was good and threw out some new questions and a crazy surprise.

Swordquest #0

May 8, 2017

A pretty good lead into a new series. It got me interested and the nostalgia has me wanting to keep reading too. I'll be picking this up for at least a few issues to see how it goes.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #3  

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