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Joined: Mar 05, 2017

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The Unstoppable Wasp #3

Mar 5, 2017

My favorite super hero is Ant-man because the original comic (Tales To Astonish 27 and beyond) was such an off beat concept and the progression from a scary situation developing into a super hero was just neat. From there I read all the Ant-Man comics and was psyched for The Wasp to get her own comic in The Unstoppable Wasp. Nadia has a great character design by Elsa Charretier and great colors by Megan Wilson. I picked up Issue 1 right when it came out at my local shop and was excited to actually pick up super hero comics as they come out, because I usually don't like super hero comics. Unfortunately I'm planning to cease purchasing of the Wasp. The only thing that brings it down is Jeremy Whitley's writing, I don't mean to offend him personally because this is my first exposure to his writing but I'm merely going to speak my mind solely on the storyline.. There's none. It's only about appealing to what's trending, and thats social equality. Don't get me wrong I am all for that but the fact that this comic tries so hard about trying to be ground breaking that it's cringey. Agents Of G.I.R.L is the most contrived part of it where it makes me have to put down the issue and take a 40 minute nap each time it's mentioned just to muster enough energy to finish the the twenty something page book. Nadia started out as an optimist and fun but now all she does is complain, hardly suits up, and has no personality or likeable traits besides Charretier's design. I have to keep flipping to the front of the cover to remind myself I'm reading about a super hero. Please cut this out. Agents of G.I.R.L. is just an excuse to have something to complain about but not face any other interesting issues like her being locked up for her whole life in the Red Room or the her father. The fact that Nadia is a minority, girl, and most likely is gay is so over played in Marvel's shoehorned politically correct trend. I get it, I'm all for sex equality and same sex marriage too but move on fr

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