beadleman's Profile

Joined: Apr 26, 2017

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Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #1

Apr 26, 2017

Nostalgia never dies. Ben Reilly is much different from the Ben Reilly that sacrificed himself to save Peter all those years ago and now he's picking up the pieces of his life (and mind) and trying to be good again. Whereas once he rode into New York City with an evil failed clone named Kaine on his heels, he now has the Scarlet Spider that has assisted with saving multiple worlds and had at one point been one of America's largest cities (Houston, TX) lone costume protector hunting him. The current Ben Reilly reads more like a Deadpool book than a Spider book but that makes sense based on the revelations of what Ben had been through the past several years. Multiple personalities personified as past versions of himself don't so much haunt him as they do annoy him. His new suit is great looking as long as it's temporary. The hoodie will be the standard costume according to the Scarlet Spider team and I for one am very excited to see how Ben makes the switch. This book starts with a simple mugging gone hilarious, with the stealing of the muggers gun, and the book ends with a confrontation between Ben and the loved one of one of his cloning subjects which I doubt will be the last time that Reilly finds his past coming back to kick his ass. I have high hopes for this book and look forward to issue #2 hitting stands!

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

DC's long history is one step closer to being relevant again and that is nothing but good! This issue was low with the action but high with the mystery and intrigue. Johnny Thunder, Cosmic Treadmill, and Flashpoint Batman all make an appearance and this crossover event is turning into a good one! I can't wait for the third chapter to hit stands!

Iron Fist (2017) #73  
Nightwing (2016) #20

May 4, 2017

This arc left a lot to be desired but the heart to heart between Dick and Damion made it all worth it. I really hope to see more of that during the upcoming Lazarus Contract crossover!

Secret Empire #1

May 4, 2017

Fantastic issue. Spencer showing what life looks like was highlighted by the school children learning the new Hydra approved history. Heroes are separated and desperate, villains are planning power moves, and a death of a character seeped in Marvel history but not so much that he needs to be brought back over fear of rioting on the streets. One of the best #1 issues for an event!

X-Men: Gold (2017) #2

Apr 26, 2017

This book had some great moments but I feel like it's a Kitty & Wolverine book with everyone else just filling up space to a degree. I'm really looking forward to seeing some more action by Nightcrawler, storm, Prestige, and the others! The art is fantastic but a bad taste is left in my mouth with all the controversy surrounding it.

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