Gotham Archives's Profile

Joined: Jun 12, 2017 About Me: Editor in chief of Gotham Archives

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Overall Rating
Batgirl Vol. 2: Knightfall Descends

Jun 12, 2017

I liked volume one and scored it a 3 and I hope they can stop with the plot holes but continue with Barbara’s charming monologue. Gail Simone does a wonderful job of making her seem real in an unrealistic world. I was not disappointed with this book and it was a huge improvement to the first volume. Batgirl Volume 2 (New 52): Knightfall Descends collects Batgirl #7-#14. Read my full Knightfall Descends review here

Batman #609

Aug 26, 2017

The start of something brilliant Read it all here

Batman and Robin Vol. 2: Batman vs. Robin

Jun 13, 2017

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Find out why here in my review

Deathstroke Vol. 3: Suicide Run

Jun 12, 2017

OK, so Gods of War and God Killer weren’t the best but Deathstroke is still a character I want to get into more so decided to keep going as I saw the Suicide Squad or at least some of Suicide Squad appear. There have been a few cameos so far in Deathstroke which have been hit and miss. Superman and Wonder Woman seemed out of place working with such a killer. Suicide Squad on the other hand may make it a much more enjoyable pairing. Let’s find out. Read the rest here

Detective Comics #850

Aug 27, 2017

An excellent issue and a great end to Heart of Hush. Hush Returns 850

Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman

Sep 17, 2017

Nightwing Volume 1: Better than Batman Summary A very good opening collection that is welcoming to new readers and engaging enough for regular ones. Great character development, a decent enough plot line and a few scenes from other characters from Gotham should keep most readers entertained from start to finish. Although the artwork is lacking in this volume it is still serviceable and doesn’t ruin the overall book. I enjoyed Nightwing Volume 1 and look forward to him returning to Bludhaven proper and away from the tired Owls arc. Score: 4.1/5 Read here for full review

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