sdbor's Profile

Joined: Jun 28, 2017

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Overall Rating
A.D.: After Death #3

Jun 28, 2017

This is an incredibly overrated book ... "Critics" and reviewers are calling it an instant classic, but there is nothing here worthy of such praise. The plot is basically a sci-fi version of Christopher Nolan's "Momento" without any of the tension or intrigue. If fact, Snyder goes so far as borrowing Nolan's ambiguous ending trope from "Inception," as well. The artwork is great, but Synder's prose wanders well beyond the boundaries of the story as a means to fill pages. For example, the character of Claire is completely forced upon us, and seems to have no purpose other than to come to life at the very end for the shocking reveal. Overall, the book is not awful, but there is nothing that will keep me coming back for more. The only real surprise is how many so-called critics heap praise on it and consider this innovative storytelling.

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