CaralhoVoador's Profile

Joined: Jul 27, 2017

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Overall Rating
Secret Empire #7

Jul 27, 2017

I'm actually really liking this story, it really feels like one of those classic Elseworlds stories that DC used to publish. Although this is in continuity and I'm really curious about how this will play out in the future and how they'll redeem Steve Rogers. It's rare I feel excited or anxious while reading, but this issue got me. The writing definitely made the issue for me. That being said, most of the art in this issue was rough. There are some interesting page layouts, but Sorrentino's work is frankly ugly and the action is often hard to follow. The flashback and "the other Steve" sections were decent but I miss having A-line talent on an event book. It's the only thing keeping me from giving this a better score.

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