7.9 |
Overall Rating |
10 |
Bitch Planet #1 |
Dec 12, 2014 |
With only one issue this book has already shot to the top of the pile for me. Fantastic art and a very interesting world combine to tell a feminist story in the best way possible. If feminism is a dirty word to you then you should definitely be reading this book. While it's busy entertaining you with it's fascinating characters unexpected twists it may just open your eyes a little bit. Must read. |
10 |
Deep State (2014) #1 |
Nov 24, 2014 |
Great first issue. It's kind of like Men in Black, but much much better. Or maybe it's like the X-files if it followed the Syndicate instead of Mulder's FBI shenanigans. Basically it's a very interesting scifi procedural with a lot of potential. Shadow organizations, alien life, crazy moon landing conspiracies (but not at all what you're imagining), it's fantastic. The artwork is dark and moody, which is a perfect compliment to the story. Fun read, I'm expecting a lot from this series. |
10 |
Genesis One-Shot #1 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
10 |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #3 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
10 |
Translucid #1 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
9.5 |
American Vampire: Second Cycle #2 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
8.0 |
The Auteur #2 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
8.0 |
Thor: God of Thunder #21 |
Apr 17, 2014 |
7.5 |
Drifter #1 |
Nov 24, 2014 |
Gorgeous artwork, interesting enough story, I worry that the scifi-western shtick may be getting a bit overdone, but I'm definitely on board for at least another few issues. |
5.5 |
The Wicked + The Divine #12 |
Jul 13, 2015 |
After dropping a bombshell at the end of the last issue this one picks up at a logical, if somewhat unexpected, place. Despite this I can't help but feel that with this issue Gillen is pumping the breaks on the narrative. And let's be frank Brown's art it certainly serviceable, but pales in comparison to Jamie McKelvie's. I don't know what the reasoning is behind this change, but it's both sudden and unwelcome. |
5.0 |
Intersect #1 |
Dec 1, 2014 |
Challenging first issue. I don't care for the art, although is perfect for the "story" here, just not my thing. Feels a bit pretentious in that artsy fartsy just for the sake of it sense. Will continue reading for a few more issues to see if a narrative takes shape or characters emerge in any meaningfully identifiable way. Not at the top of my pull list. |
5.0 |
Trillium #8 |
Apr 3, 2014 |
This series finale fails to deliver. Lemire is a master at mining emotion and this issue is as evocative as any of his other work. Mechanically though his story falls apart. The resolution is brief and out of left field and the last panel is a head scratcher. I don't mind when a series or creator leaves me with more questions than answers, but in this case there are so many questions, old and new, that I can't begin to construct any sort of logical solution myself. There are so many elements that would have benefited from further development, things that would have worked if not constrained to 8 issues. The element that truly failed for me was the sudden romance between our two time displaced protagonists. In the end the greatest sin this book committed was being unsatisfying. I wouldn't mind so much if Trillium were the work of another creator, but from coming from Lemire this is out of character. One has to wonder if his other work obligations were a detriment to his creator-owned work. |
4.0 |
The Wake #10 |
Aug 8, 2014 |
The Wake concludes with a beautifully rendered, if narratively uninspired, issue. Without spoiling the ending Snyder finally reveals the secret of the communique that Leeward has been obsessed with since the first issue. Unfortunately that secret is so outrageous, so ludicrously out of left field, that it comes across as a hackneyed Shyamalan twist. There's a lot going in in terms of subtext about the human race and propensity to forget our past, but blah blah blah as a conclusion, it fails to satisfy. In light of the weak finale is the Wake worth reading? Of course! This series features outstanding artwork and writing. Snyder isn't the first to stumble when it comes to wrapping up a series, and a weak finale shouldn't prevent you from enjoying one of the most original and inventive series around. |