Rava's Profile

Joined: Sep 13, 2017

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Mister Miracle (2017) #2

Sep 13, 2017

There is a lot of hype about this series and at first I was like "whatever, I guess I'll read the first issue" and the first issue was pretty okay, seemed like an interesting setup, very mysterious and confusing. However I didn't feel like it really lived up to the hype and I didn't know where it was going yet so I didn't subscribe, figured I'd see how the next issue was before deciding if I was going to get on board. Okay so the second issue is significantly better than the first issue and honestly it's one of the best comics I've read all year. When I got to the last page I sat back and said "...Jesus..." and then I gave it 5 stars on comixology. The art is really strange and trippy, it kind of reminds me of some of the art from Sandman. But that's not a bad thing for a story like this. If you're reading this on comixology I'd recommend reading it with the panel-to-panel guided view turned on, some of the panels are ridiculous on their own as stand alone images. As for the story I still don't really know where it's going, but there was such a powerful atmosphere of violence and madness, and it's clear now that we are supposed to feel that something is very wrong with everything that's going on. This might all end in despair but I'm down for it now. Some hardcore fans of the fourth world might find the tone too dark or be unhappy with changes to the way some characters act but can we even be sure that's really them acting this way at this point? And anyway, other characters aside, I feel that the writer really gets Scott and Barda, and they are the main characters of this story. Also, Big Barda is massive and savage. Fucking perfect. In summary: if you were intrigued but a little underwhelmed by the first issue, highly recommend you at least read the second issue as well before deciding weather to keep reading or not.

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