Rava's Profile

Joined: Sep 13, 2017

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Rava reviewed Mister Miracle #2 Sep 13, 2017

There is a lot of hype about this series and at first I was like "whatever, I guess I'll read the first issue" and the first issue was pretty okay, seemed like an interesting setup, very mysterious and confusing. However I didn't feel like it really lived up to the hype and I didn't know where it was going yet so I didn't subscribe, figured I'd see how the next issue was before deciding if I was more

Mister Miracle #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 13, 2017

What do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. Things are a little off, however, and Mister Miracle starts to do...

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