Joshua G's Profile

Joined: Dec 11, 2017

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Overall Rating
Babyteeth #11

Jun 19, 2018

It's very solid but honestly skippable. It raises the stakes and tells a cool story about one of the side characters that you've probably been wondering about. The art is wispy and fits well with Donny Cates' love of deserts and Texas imagery. This is nearing the longest run Cates has ever written (I don't think his work with Marvel has gone past ten issues, and Redneck is about as long) so I'm especially interested in seeing whether Cates has the wherewithal to make it to the end of the story. It's not especially good as a jumping on point, and long-time readers will probably want to wait a bit to see where this arc goes (but *spoiler it's probably literally going to hell*).

Betrothed #3

May 12, 2018

Renewed my faith in the series after a middling second issue. I'm excited for side characters to play a greater role!

Blossoms 666 #2

Apr 2, 2019

This was some right good stuff. Wish more happened but it has all thetrappings of a great flick

Deathstroke (2016) #26

Dec 12, 2017

If you didn't like the previous issue it’d probably be best to skip this one too. Slade continues to be a passive agent in his own story; between Slade, the Batmen, and (if you cross the boarder) Deadpool, “The Fall of _______” issues are becoming passé. More so this helplessness does not fit Slade; Dr. Isherwood puts it best when he says, “The best informed and most prepared assassin on the planet … has no clue” about anything going on. But if you were ready to believe that Slade “forgot” that he is wanted by a jury of super-villains, then you’ll have no problem believing this issue. In the absence of Deathstroke Defiance finally peaks out of their burrows and begin to really feel like a team. I don’t want to spoil anything but you really get to see the team come together, and Hosun fits right in. You really get to see the side characters that make Deathstroke such a great title. As a comic, Deathstroke can skip the classic villains because Slade's past mistakes are all the antagonists this series needs. Despite being depictions of Terra as the token antihero of Defiance -- she is a step ahead of the gang, has a hidden agenda, and smokes -- she comes across as a douche and is a bit of a riddle. The unanswered question of whether she hooked up with Slade is just emphasizing the weird continuity gap that we’ve had since Rebirth began, made even more puzzling by Dr. Ikon and Jericho’s relationship. My favourite thing about this issue was how many seeds it planted while remaining action-oriented; you could spot a lie here, a grudge there, even without the weird Hmong homeless princess story-arc. If you’re ready to see Deathstroke’s world crumble, or if you want to see Defiance gain some independence, this is your comic. Otherwise, you may want to check back in a few.

Shadow Roads #2

Aug 10, 2018

Good stuff. Barry keeps it funny, you can tell he's fun to draw and write. Two stories are happening at the same time; one looks like a slow burn mystery while the other looks like a "welcome-chosen-one" that will begin a new plot soon. I'm still waiting for a wow factor but the scenery and lovable characters will keep me coming back until then

Suicide Squad (2016) #47

Oct 13, 2018

Probably my favourite issue yet! Lots of laughs and a great story line. It was a great continuation of the early rebirth suicide squad (issue 2 I believe). Boomerang is the best thing about this series and this was the best story in the series

Super Sons (2017) #16

May 24, 2018

Every joke hit and the action was on point. These kinds of stories make me feel hopeful about the future of comics.

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