HankTankerous's Profile

Joined: Apr 21, 2018

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Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Feb 17, 2021

Pretty terrible. Yara Flor has a new personality that is completely different from her solo book. This Yara Flor uses the threat of violence against the government to effect political change. I believe there is a word for that. Also, this book isn't really about Superman and Wonder Woman. It's about two sun based characters. Skip it.

Infidel #1

Apr 21, 2018

This sites synopsis says that this book has "a building haunted by entities that feed off xenophobia." It quickly becomes obvious that what really feeds off of xenophobia is the author. None of the 4 central characters are likable or relateable. Let's take a tour: Mother : slightly racist Trump voter. Obviously she deserves to die (and will). Boyfriend: Moves in with his mother because he's a loser and hates her because, well see above. Who is the real scumbag here? The adult leach who hates his mother? Girlfriend: Effectively a scared rabbit who is the personification of the passive voice. Best Friend: Every new lead in an Image comic. Half-shaved head POC that serves as the author's voice on how awful people are except for the victim class. The Art: Terrible photo tracing. The coloring is...stylized? That's generous. Save your money unless you also need your xenophobia fix.

Skyward (2018) #1

Apr 21, 2018

I want you to think of all the terrible tropes in modern comics that have turned a once mighty industry into a tiny club built around a fringe hobby. This book suffers from all of these trappings. The dialog is straight from a Joss Whedon show. "Like literally." The protagonist is straight out of modern comics central casting and is meant to appeal to a minority of a minority. The only thing unique about the character is how awful she is to men in this book. She actually losses an oppression contest with a white guy... with no legs. Verbal abuse would be the best description of her interaction with her father who she hates because...he makes her pay rent? As you know, this is the real antagonist to millenial heroes. She also carries a loaded firearm, in Chicago, and is then robbed by the most probable of villians in a crime ridden urban area, white hipsters? What? Decent art, great color, interesting concept, and a script that is a mid-2000's ad-libs mashup of teen adventure shows like Buffy and Angel.

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