DMan123's Profile

Joined: Jul 04, 2018

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Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

2 years of investment, months of hype and advertisement, tie-ins, multiple covers, midnight releases, even a friggen Spotify wedding playlist and now we’re left with a vague tweet hinting that things MIGHT work out for them in the next 50 issues As another reviewer put it, this is comics snake oil at its prime. DC Comics should be ashamed of themselves for the marketing campaign alone. King is a brilliant writer, but the fan outrage is justifiable. Instead of an amazing issue filled with character growth, happiness and an interesting paradigm shift, we get massive swerve and more of the same old “Batman can’t be Batman if he’s happy” trope. I’ve already read dozens of comics where the Bat and Cat don’t get together. Even if the next 50 issues leads to them actually tieing the knot, you’ve completely killed the magic of the event, caused sudden and asinine changes in characters (especially catwoman), and lost the trust of large chunk of the fandom. What a wasted opportunity.

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