Carolina's Profile

Joined: Oct 17, 2018

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The Life Of Captain Marvel #4

Oct 17, 2018

I am a woman and feminist but I am pissed right now. You cannot destroy the origin of a character in the way that Margaret did. I felt related to her because she was a 100% human. I love her because she as a human has problems, fight to solve them and at the end no matter what, she solved the problems even if they were painful. However, now the big idea was saying Carol's mom is a Kree. What!!!!! are you nuts? you cannot change the real origin of a character in that way to fit a movie. Margaret, you disappointed me, you let that others influenced your job and your story to fit a movie script. No way, I liked the human Carol, not a half Kree, there is no reason to support her anymore because she didn't get her powers in an accident she got her powers because she is an alien. All the past of Carol was erased, great job Margaret. The worst part is that she uses similar origins to OTHER characters is this originality? No Margaret that is called copy and paste. I cannot believe that several reviewers are praising something like this. Please understand, it is like saying that Captain America is from another planet. As a feminist, this issue ripped everything. Carol was great because as a human she was able to be a spy, a pilot, a journalist, she did all that being a fragile woman with conviction and worked hard. Now, all that is irrelevant because she did all that because is an ALIEN nothing more. The feminist is saying, well Carol is great because is an alien and unique not because is a hard working woman, I am done with this.

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