Rom2814's Profile

Joined: Dec 09, 2018

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The Life Of Captain Marvel #1

Dec 9, 2018

I’ve been a fan of Carol Danvers for a few decades, but stopped reading much Marvel after Civi War II, which I felt was generally a misfire and specifically a disaster for Captain Marvel. I picked up this issue hoping to see the character restored. Though the art was good and the writing was better than competent, I did not have the sense that I was reading about Carol Danvers. Her personality - and particularly the reveal of an abusive father - did not ring true for the character. I am unclear whether the abusive behavior of Joseph was a revelation or something that previously existed in the character’s continuity, but was this a necessary or compelling addition to the character’s history? Not for this reader - Carol already has an abundance of baggage in her past - from the kidnapping and rape storyline in Avengers to the stealing of her memories, personality and powers by Rogue. Speaking of the loss of her memories - it feels as if Stohl is either unaware of or ignoring the history of Carol and her family. The lack of Carol’s emotional connection with her family stemmed from that pivotal event, yet it goes unremarked here. Having Carol suffer panic attacks and, worse, remain passive for nearly the entire issue was a frustrating (and, frankly, boring) start to her new series. It’s unfortunate to see the character fare so poorly since DeConnick’s departure.

The Life Of Captain Marvel #2

Dec 9, 2018

The Life Of Captain Marvel #3

Dec 9, 2018

The Life Of Captain Marvel #4

Dec 9, 2018

Mediocre fan fiction. Car-ell - seriously?

Reviews for the Week of...



