Carrot Junkie's Profile

Joined: Jun 11, 2014

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Overall Rating
Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 11, 2014

This book is on track to delivery everything DiDio and Giffen promised: a fun, bombastic, lighthearted adventure story with an undercurrent of sinister weirdness and good old Kirby magic. Overall, a great first issue that sets up a solid foundation for a bold new take on these sadly long-forgotten characters. It's also a great change of pace from the rest of DC's current output, both in terms of art and writing. If you're not pleased with what DC has been doing recently, I implore you to check this out.

Superboy (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

This was great stuff! Love the character dynamics, really enjoyed the story. It reminded me a lot of Peter David's Young Justice. Caldwell's artwork isn't for everyone, but I enjoy how expressive it is. Looking forward to the teased Superboy and Gen 13 ongoing.

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