zachwithaz's Profile

Joined: Jun 13, 2014

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Big Trouble In Little China #1

Jun 14, 2014

Big Trouble In Little China was one of my favorite movies growing up. So much that when a couple years ago I went to my public library to borrow it. I've been borrowing it for the past 8 years. When I heard that BOOM Studios was turning it into a comic book series I was a little skeptical to pick it up but I'm glad that I ended up doing it because this is a great read. If you're a fan of the movie you're going to love it. It starts you off at the end of the movie. Jack Burton is back for the first time in 28 years. He's driving around in The Pork Chop Express when he meets the stowaway whose on the back of his rig from the end of the movie. From there he reunites with Wang whose about to marry his fiancee when old foes reintroduce themselves in this action pack kick ass story. Eric Powell and Brian Churilla do an amazing job bringing this story back to life. I loved ever second of this. It's like Jack Burton always says buy this comic today!

Deadly Class #5

Jun 14, 2014

Deadly Class #5 is one of the 5 best issues of Deadly Class I've read so far (Get it???). All the issues are amazing. Wes Craig does a great job completing Rick Remender's words with his beautiful illustrations. Remender does a fantastic job taking us on a trip to the past where we find ourselves reliving our childhood and relating with each character in some aspect. Deadly Class is one of the best comics out today. Look for it to win countless Eisner Awards!

Shutter #3

Jun 14, 2014

Shutter is becoming the comic my girlfriend is tired of hearing me talk about. Also it's becoming one of the hottest new comics of 2014. Shutter is full of imagination, surprises, and pure joy. Number 3 is fantastic. We see the aftermath of the assassination attempt, Kate revisiting her past and that adorable adorable ADORABLE cat. Not to mention a nice little cliffhanger that leaves us all saying hurry the hell up July 9th! I almost forgot to mention the fact that the beautiful and talented Leila Del Duca once again transforms JK's words into majestic illustrations. At the end of the day what I'm trying to tell you people is this: BUY THIS COMIC!

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