WemWem's Profile

Joined: Jan 29, 2019

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Overall Rating
Man-Eaters #4

Jan 29, 2019

A genuine disappointment to crack open this issue after last month's conclusion and see not a continuation of story but.... a parody magazine. Making the same jokes we've gotten and already gotten tired of after the first 3 issues. It's a real shame, because I wanted to like this series and I want to support female creators, but this book just isn't working for me. And running with a parody magazine for just the FOURTH issue, before we have a real, working narrative feels a combination of misguided, arrogant, or desperate. WICKED AND DIVINE did a parody magazine about, oh, 27 issues into the series run, and it was illustrated by Kevin Wada of all people. I don't see why a comic that is only 4 issues in needs an entry point for new readers, but here we are. The satire of this series has been hit and miss as well, mostly because period humor feels more than a little juvenile and even retrograde in 2019. We've got alt-righters and MRAs running around talking about enslaving women, people executing 5 women in a Florida bank, and I guess the satire target of this series is men who are squicked out by periods? And "has a period" is a POOR shorthand for "women" at any rate, as not all women are biologically female. Sigh. I canceled my subscription without fully reading this issue. A disappointing series.

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