Turtlefu 's Profile

Joined: Feb 19, 2019

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Overall Rating
Ultramega by James Harren #3

May 20, 2021

Filled with homages to the Kaiju genre while developing plenty of original ideas of its own. As before, Harren's dynamic art is the star of the show. The plot is now moving along nicely, even if most of the action of this issue is an arena fight. Because of that, it can seem pretty slowly paced. The pieces set up in the first issue are coming together. The juvenile humor and anime-like expression cuts were a bit jarring, but I have to remember that this is an ultra-bloody kaiju battle comic, not something to be taken too seriously. I have a feeling this will read much better in trade. Still, I am left anticipating each new issue, and it's the book I look the most forward to each month.

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