scootypuffjr's Profile

Joined: Mar 02, 2019

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #2

Mar 2, 2019

I thought the issue was up to par, but definitely not my favorite. I love Donny Cates as a writer and have total faith in him. i believe he is going to make this an amazing book and is building up to something big involving a fight between the two teams and possibly the black order. The art was amazing as always from Geoff Shaw, the two of them together make a really great team. However i expected it to be a little more fast paced for a second issue or maybe a little more background into some of the characters on the teams. I'm hoping sometime in the near future we get to see beta ray bill vs cosmic ghost rider, i personally am 100% down for that fight! other than all that it was entertaining, had a few laughs but very little progression. i'm still looking forward to issue 3 and am excited to see where Donny Cates takes this.

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