Proper Reviews's Profile

Joined: Jul 01, 2014

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East of West #13

Jul 1, 2014

What a great read! Fantastic story with incredible art! If you haven't been reading East of West, pick up the trades and then jump on board the singles with this issue and you will not be disappointed.

Saga #31

Nov 29, 2015

Brilliant as always! Three Eisners and counting :)

Sharkey The Bounty Hunter #1

Feb 20, 2019

Lobo rip off much... Millar is an f'ing hack!

Southern Bastards #3

Jul 1, 2014

This series is just a Walking Tall rip off done poorly. If you like overused stories about sh!t red neck towns run by some loser waiting to be beaten up by the unsung hero who hated his dad but comes back even though he despises being there, this one is for you. .5 for completely unoriginal and derivative story. 2 for mediocre art.

Southern Bastards #4

Sep 5, 2014

SPOILER! If you didn't see this ending coming from the beginning... Main character dies at the hands of the picked on kid turned douchey bully high school football coach in a book that has been derivative and completely generic from the start. Nothing new from this genre of story at all. 0/5 story 3.5/5 art

Southern Bastards #5

Oct 31, 2014

Southern Bastards review, Another INCREDIBLE AWESOME generic step in a good 'ole boy story about a hicksville jerk-off and run-down sh!t town that is reminiscent of how ass-backwards the south still is. If you want to read about a racist prick murderer and his loser crew, ridiculous football hazing rituals, and dictatorship levels of oppression, this is the book for you. NINE OUT OF TEN if you like this kind of drivel. Otherwise, 0.5/5 for unimaginative rehashed story that we've read about the south way too much... 3 for some decent art.

Southern Bastards #8

Apr 8, 2015

Southern Bastards #9

Jun 19, 2015

Southern Bastards #10

Jul 29, 2015

Wolf #1

Jul 21, 2015

Ales Kot is a loudmouth chump. After reading his tweets towards other creators, I will never buy any of his creations, and the fact he is a mediocre writer who has obvious professional jealousy. Maybe he was passed over for the Punisher gig and this is his small child lash out. Here's an example.

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