Peter 's Profile

Joined: Jul 17, 2019

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Overall Rating
Birds of Prey (2020) #1

Jun 4, 2020

I thought the artwork was fairly decent. The story was ok, too. The ending kindasucked... but not too many books end on "bang". Overall not nearly as bad as some people are reviewing it. I feel like people are all jazzed up on the racist card right now and they're so quick to jump on any situation they deem as "racist"...what ever happened to good old fashioned sense of acceptance. Not everyone or thing is perfect...get over yourselves.

Darkwing Duck (2023) #1

Jan 27, 2023

I grew up watching DW Duck, and this threw me right back to my childhood. Great art, fun stand alone story, so I'm assuming the next issues will tell one story per issue. Highly recommend for all ages.

Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse (2022) #1

Apr 16, 2022

This book is really bad... I only gave it a 3 because the artwork is actually decent. But the story and dialogue seems designed to entertain an 8-year-old. I just don't like how Marvel, and writers like this are cheapening time travel and the idea of the Multiverse... but this book stomped all over it and made it look like it's some joke. I'm bummed that I paid Cover for this book and that I pre-ordered issues 2-4... wouldn't recommend.

The Orville #1

Jul 18, 2019

I rated it a 9 because I really enjoy the show and feel that they could not have emulated the show in the form of a comic book better than this. The dialogue felt very reminiscent of the show. I enjoyed the story and look forward to the follow up to this first book. The artwork was decent, I would rate the it an 8/10. The story carries the book for me.

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