natesniddy's Profile

Joined: Aug 29, 2019

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Overall Rating
Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Aug 29, 2019

This story has been exceptionally entertaining already and certainly worth the time (and money) to keep up with what happens next. The artwork itself continues to be beautifully dark, without losing it's traditional characteristic styles, while incorporating new themes and ideas. Can't wait to continue to see what Cates does behind this wheel of this wild ride.

House of X #2

Aug 29, 2019

I'd go into a long-winded review about how this is an important piece of Marvel/X-Men history (in the making) but I can summarize it this way. The last few frames of this comic made me teary eyed. Dynamic and provoking writing, great artwork and CONSISTENCY. Beautiful.

House of X #3

Aug 29, 2019

I've been at odds with the Marvel franchise for a long while (thanks Secret Avengers circa 2011...) This series however is single handedly reviving my love for all things Marvel. From a wonderfully rich storyline, to moments of sadness and hope reverberating through consistent moments of empathetic connection and understanding - I keep coming back for more. The hype was well worth it, and this issue specifically brought back some of the playful X-Men nature you know to love, with a sprinkle of seriousness, but ALSO a dash of sympathy for human-kind.

Spider-Man: Life Story #6

Aug 29, 2019

I really enjoyed this series and think that the concept for it was well worth the investment (and hopefully so was the return). For this specific issue however, I felt like it was a bit choppy and, given the gravity of previous "Life Story" issues. Given it's disjointed nature - it was still entertaining, and the concluding pages seemed to be a nice "tip of the cap" to the long standing MJ storyline. Overall, it's certainly worth the read but among the weaker members of the "Life Story" family.

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