dromoman's Profile

Joined: May 17, 2020

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Hawkeye Vol. 1: My Life As A Weapon

May 17, 2020

Marvel steals 'Batman: Year One' from Miller and Marzuchelli at first but this series later spins out of control as Fraction and Aja tries to also steal from Hernandez bro's Love and Rockets and Chris Ware.Good read nevertheless.

Hawkeye Vol. 2: Little Hits

May 17, 2020

Hawkeye Vol. 3: LA Woman

May 17, 2020

With David Aja gone, Matt Fraction seems to be just calling it in. Some thing's gone awry with a series that had much promise with Vol 1 And Vol 2.

Transmetropolitan #8

May 17, 2020

A standalone story in the series as Ellis explores the silliness of cryogenics (a real thing!) with a serious rather than mocking tone. Spider Jerusalem sums it up in last page as he chucks away a smoking joint after some thought into a clearly ridiculous futuristic idea but people are still looking for fountains of youth.

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