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Joined: Jun 22, 2020

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Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 22, 2020

Wow, what a story so far. As a long time Adam Strange fan I realize he is mostly forgotten in DC lore. And then DC does one of three things with him. 1) have him cameo in a shot 2) He makes a good team up appearance 3) DC decides to use the "too good to be true", or "The Awlful Truth" trope in a solo appearance. We saw this in 1992 in the "Adam Strange" mini series with Richard Bruning, Andy Kubert, and Adam Kubert. None of those are on this project it seems, so this is a new group saying "Disposable jetpack hero, let's write a suspense story." Not liking where this current series is going. Strange is on top. He has a book, he's getting the key to the city. Everyone loves him, but there is some doubt. And then a critic comes up dead? When you start at the top in a story, there is only one way to go. Then we bring in Mister Terrific. Wasn't a fan of all the trivia either, however, did show to me how cold and calculating, in the vein of "fair play”, Mister Terrific could be. And yet to paraphrase, "Everyone likes Strange but they didn't put me on a lunch box when I won medals" has me wondering if Mister Terrific is yet another disposable hero in this project that is also heading for disaster in this story? So you have a man who is too good to be true, and a man who is already biased in finding negative in this man. Is the point to find guilt, establish innocence, or find fact? I doubt in his bias and obvious jealousy Mr. Terrific will be able to find fact. Add to this Strange playing the victim to be the hero (again paraphrasing) "If you've read my book you've seen we've been through a lot...". Oh man... this is not going to be good. Hey Strange has been through some scrapes before, many many times. Been through the Hero’s Journey, redemtion, then was allowed to be the jet pack hero for a while in the last two decades. And now this story. In this age of social media facts, morals, and ideas have become twisted. What was right yesterday is not right today... according to those that are more socially popular. DC owns this character, writers naturally influenced by current events, so they are the more “popular” ones in this case. And in current trends we see that tides change, and heroes are disposed of in the pursuit of ratings, likes, and laughs. I see a lot of that in this story already. A product of the current times. Looks like Strange will be a throw away character for a few sales. I hope I’m wrong. However, if I’m right, just like after 1992, writers will rebuild Strange, sweeping a one time sensational story under the rug, and let Strange be who he is: a quick thinking hero with a jet pack and a ray gun. Sometimes we just need a fun escape. I do enjoy a good “heros are not so heroic” story. I love Watchmen, glad they made new characters for that story. Maybe they should have made new characters for this story too rather than throw a beloved character of 60 years under the bus.

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