cbr reader's Profile

Joined: Aug 18, 2020

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Forever Maps #1

Aug 18, 2020

The story was so bad I had to make an account here so that I can alert other people from reading this. First of all the art is amazing. Whoever wrote this wasted the artist's time into this futile project. The characters are flat.(I mean there's only one). You don't feel any empathy for that person and you don't get interested in the plot after a few pages...you'll just turn the pages to look at the art that's all. There's no character growth..he's just apologizing without changing anything. The plot keeps going without reason. This was just a toilet time thought experiment that gets debunked in 5 minutes. How did scout comics pick this idea up is beyond me. Stay safe from this but if you love the artist you can pay a visit to the art but i'd suggest not to read the script at all. They've explained nothing and the plot is not driving enough to stay there and see what the explanation is. I repeat do not buy this if you wanna have a read. P.S. The 5 rating goes entirely to the artist who colored and sketched it out...plot gets 0 so 5/10

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