BenzoNovatore's Profile

Joined: Sep 02, 2020

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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #1

Sep 2, 2020

there's nothing good about this issue, other than a couple jabs at rich people here and there. the art is terrible, the characterization of John feels (unfortunately) more New 52 than Vertigo, with a flaming hand at one point, and glowing sigils on his walls, Lucifer is bastardized once more, disrespecting the fantastic character masterfully written by Neil Gaiman and Mike Carey, and worst of all, this issue presents cops as decent people, and even has John refer to one of them as "a good'n." gross. DC should cancel this thoroughly disappointing title immediately, and renew the masterpiece Si Spurrier's been writing. that's the Hellblazer we need.

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