belinda_sanchez's Profile

Joined: May 13, 2021

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Marauders (2019) #22

Jul 23, 2021

I am very disappointed in the editing. A character with one previous appearance, who says she is from Barcelona. In this issue, Emma says she's from Madrid. REALLY? Lourdes is a teleporter. Why is she so afraid of just leaving? She can go anywhere. As a self-contained story, it's ok. As an unnecessary retcon of a character who would be interesting to see in circulation again, it sucks.

New Mutants (2019) #20

Jul 23, 2021

In an overcrowded book, Ayala continues to add more mutants. Ones with lame names like Brutha Nature. Please give her a title with all the mutant students in the sandbox so we can have a title where the author really wants to write Mirage, Magik, Sunspot, Cannonball, Cypher, Magma, Karma and Wolfsbane. Please. Otherwise it's just not "New Mutants" for me.

X-Factor (2020) #9

May 13, 2021

Series is ending at #10. Instead of writing a story that makes sense, everything is thrown against the wall and the results smear down as expected. Unnecessary data page between Northstar and Mirage. They barely know each other, now they're long lost besties? Mirage being thanked especially for doing...what exactly? Shatterstar simply going in and killing the baddie. No conflict, just a sloppy resolution. There is a germ of something good here but execution is lacking. As crazy as comics are, they should make a degree of sense and not feel quite so frantic.

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