Obi Juan Kenobi's Profile

Joined: May 19, 2021

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Blue & Gold (2021) #3

Jan 5, 2022

Oof, I'm not going to lie, This issue was ROUGH! This felt like an issue straight out of the 80's and not in a good way. The writing was wordy and it looks like we're in for a fight with a generic villain throughout the rest of the mini-series. The art was definitely a step down but I was eventually able to get over it. The truth is that I wanted to like this issue but I just kept stopping halfway through the book and starting over throughout the course of multiple days. If the series doesn't rebound in issue number 4, I may have to drop this from my list because, as much as I love Booster and the Beetle, I don't know that I can justify dropping another 20 dollars on this title. UPDATE: Definitely picked up during the following issue but this title is on the chopping block if my pull list needs culling.

Stargirl Spring Break Special #1

May 25, 2021

Well, Geoff Johns does it again and it really should come at no surprise. As usual, Johns gives us a perfect balance of modern storytelling and nostalgia that left me down right giddy by the time I closed the book. I mean, come on! That last splash page alone made me gasp out loud and yell "what??! It's _____!!" For a comic book reader that is just getting back into the hobby after jumping off of the new 52 crash, this definitely hit the spot!

Suicide Squad Vol. 1: The Black Vault

May 23, 2021

Okay, so this is my very first time buying a suicide squad book and, admittedly, I really didn't know what to expect. But since I've started reading comics again after a nearly 10 year hiatus (I just couldn't get into the new 52), I figured it would be nice to see what leads up to the current storylines. I'd say that this book is a solid read but the art was a little too inconsistent for me. In particular, the proportions were really off in many of the fight scenes and the issue didn't really resolve itself as issues went on. I understand that the book is still finding it's footing at this point but I'm really hoping that it gets better in future trades. One major complaint I have about this book, however, is that a third of it is filled with variant covers and other filler material. If I had paid full price for trade, I would not have been a happy camper.

Superman (2023) #1

Dec 20, 2023

"WOW..." I literally said this out loud as a finished the last page of this issue. If you're a lapsed Superman fan, and I know that there are a bunch of us, then you have got to give this book a try. The characterizations all feel right, down to the fiery depiction of Lois Lane. I will admit that the New 52 era of DC comics lost me as a reader and that, even when I came back to comics two years ago, I never could quite get excited about reading Superman's books. This has changed. Williamson seems to "get" the characters and is bringing Hope back to the big blue boy scout!

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