Omrikon's Profile

Joined: Nov 06, 2014

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Lobo (2014) #2

Nov 6, 2014

If you liked Lobo before, DO NOT READ THIS SERIES. This is literally not the same Lobo, and DC is that much worse for it. The art is fine, but the substance... well let's just say that it's like buying chocolate ice cream and finding out it's actually sh!t flavored. After giving the first two issues a chance, I have to say that this is probably the worst of the comics to come from DC's "New 52" initiative. I wasn't a fan of the new Superman, but at least in that case it felt more like they were updating his context (blog instead of newspaper while keeping the motivations the same. The same cannot be said for this title. Two issues in and all I can feel is disappointment. Instead of updating him, Bunn (or likely DC as a whole) decided to retcon the entirety of Lobo that preceded it at the start of the first issue by having this new Lobo show up and destroy the old one. As a result, anyone that once enjoyed the brutish Lobo from the 90's will see none of his irreverent, crass, brutal behavior that was his hallmark. Instead we are treated to another chiseled, brooding mercenary (think Grifter) who takes himself too seriously. Really, it's an entirely new character trying to springboard off the foundation of the old... while totally destroying its predecessor in the process. Bunn and DC have taken everything that made Lobo a unique, chaotic, and fun experience and neutered him. Perhaps they wished that all along, as his "high violence" was a far cry from anything DC ever created outside of its Vertigo label. Yet I cannot shake this feeling of fury at seeing one of my favorite DC characters reduced to this.

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