Imnotreallyintocomics's Profile

Joined: Oct 31, 2021

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Aquaman / Green Arrow: Deep Target #1

Oct 31, 2021

Good story so far. a buddy cop doubled with mystery is a heck of a pitch and I think these two characters are perfect choices for such a book, especially with Green Arrow as the king of team-ups. I'm hoping our villain can live up to the might of these two!

Nubia & The Amazons #1

Oct 31, 2021

This comic wasn't great, though I believe that may be due to trying to get through introductions for the coming issues. As a stand alone issue this comic is a bit underwhelming. I especially felt burdened by the large amount of characters introduced without giving us a reason to remember most of them. I found it especially annoying when all the new amazons yelled out their new names with no indication on which ones I should remember. On the other hand, this is a good beginning issue. From the lore of the Well and Doom's Doorway, to the feeling of almost Frat/Sorority-esque life on Themyscira, to looming dangers ahead, there was enough to entice me to pick up issue #2. I also enjoyed Nubia in this issue. She definitely came across as an idealist and yet, a competent ruler. I'm looking forward to see how she handles the Amazonian throne!

Wonder Girl (2021) #1

Oct 31, 2021

This was a good first issue. I think what really gets you excited is the contrast of normalcy that is Yara against all the forces moving around her, best embodied by the splash page with characters in the DC universe and Yara at the center. We didn't get anything huge for Yara herself here. She was still interesting, I especially liked seeing her actions as a child, but she didn't shine quite like she did in the Wonder Woman Future State stories. Instead, the best part was definitely the promise of the future: The Amazons reaction to Yara's presence; the clear forgotten history Yara has; the characters of folklore in the splash page (I'm dying to meet Saçi). Plus, Hera is one of my favorite Wonder Woman villains, so whenever she's involved, I am down for the story.

Wonder Girl (2021) #2

Oct 31, 2021

Another good issue. The hunt for Yara begins as heavy hitters from each faction are sent to bring Yara in. This issue was definitely slower than the last as it takes it time to introduce all are "hunters" and nothing much else happening, until the very end. I think, in general, this Wonder Girl series is a much more grounded version of Yara from future state. As such we don't get much of what made Yara so interesting before: the fantastical scale of things. Still, the issue is solid and I plan to read more. ---Slight nitpick on the characterization of Cassandra: she comes off as bubbly and I've never seen her that way. (Then again I only read her in Geoff Johns' and Scott Lobdell's respective Teen Titans runs)

Wonder Girl (2021) #3

Oct 31, 2021

Another good issue. I can't believe I never mentioned the art till now. It is beyond amazing. That alone could keep me reading. The story is ok, though it seems rushed to get to the desired ending of the issue: [Spoilers--Yara and João seemed rushed to create a love triangle with Eros, and it has become increasingly unclear whether the Cassandra and Artemis side story is happening simultaneously with Yara's as the Themysciran's at the plane crash also meet up with Cass and Artemis. I did enjoy the introduction of some Brazilian folklore, like the giant snake, who I assume attacked Eros to protect Yara--Spoilers] Of course, I am most excited for the end of this issue, Because I love Hera! It has me so amped for the next issue!

Wonder Girl (2021) #4

Oct 31, 2021

This is what I was missing from Yara so far. It's been nice seeing Yara jump face first into all the action in the previous issues, but I think what I've missed most is seeing Yara enjoying it herself, especially in the scenes with Jerry. I don't think we've truly seen that since Future State. As for the story, it is definitely leagues above the last issue and I'm looking forward to seeing what choice Yara makes and, more importantly, how she makes it. However, there was not enough Hera, even though she shined beyond each moment that she had.

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