maloney's Profile

Joined: Jan 26, 2022

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Overall Rating

The main plot is truncated for the anniversary issue, but great art, some nice characterization and the introduction of a possibly cool new character in the second backup. Good issue, good series so far.

Consistently fun read with dynamic art and fast punchy story beats. Might be better if it came out every six months in a fat manga format, but fun book, hope it goes for a long time.

Continues to be funny, solidly paced, great art. Maybe the best "classic marvel" team style book they are publishing right now.

Story has always been decent, feels like the art team got a big level up. Hopefully that means sales are good. Setting up a nice alternate batman tale in NYC, interested to see how high it can fly.

Pretty interesting issue. This series should have been clearly marketed as one shots, but I am enjoying them. Dense, intriguing setup for what I assume is going to b a new ongoing? Hopefully.

Great artist and some occasionally fun moments, brought down by a plot with no real umph. If/when Rossmo leaves this book so will I.

Fun team up book, feels like a classic Marvel book. Good art, good characterizations, funny.

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