Brannahdel's Profile

Joined: Dec 06, 2014

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Overall Rating
Grayson #5

Dec 6, 2014

Loved the issue. I have read some complaints about this advancing the story in no way really but I have also seen some of those reviewers give stellar reviews to series like Hawkeye which has had several issues that are incredible without advancing any big arc. This issue shows us Dick Grayson as his best. He will push through odds that would bring others down because of how much he cares about others. That is the gist of this issue. It is really a done in one story that shows us Mr. Grayson at his best. Kind of a throwback to old school done in one stories that showcase the character without having to deal with an overall big arc which is fine by me. Loved it. Quiet moments, great art, strong character showing and great ending.

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