Lenny Schwartz's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Forces Of Geek Reviews: 1246
8.5Avg. Review Rating

2021: Lost Children #1

Jul 11, 2018

The art is the best part. It's expressive and it's clean. I love the design work too except for the kids, who look too darn creepy for me. All in all, it's a book that doesn't make much in the way of choices story wise. But the art will make you stick with it. It may even make you skip reading the words, especially if bored.

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6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #1

Jun 9, 2021

This is a very different comic book, but I enjoyed it from the very first page!

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6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #2

Jul 16, 2021

All in all, I am loving this book and find it to be an enjoyable read.

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6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #3

Aug 13, 2021

The story by Starks is very strong. It is funny and full of some really great characters. The art by Chris Schweitzer is tops. I love what he is doing with this book and he is only getting better. This is another fine issue of this series.

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6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #4

Sep 10, 2021

I can't wait to see where this series ends up taking us from here.

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Joker #1

Jun 10, 2020

Finally, the classic team of writer Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo finish up the book that shows the aftermath of the Joker on shock treatment. I don't want to say much more except this is an excellent final story that is unlike anything this creative team has ever done! It caps off the book nicely, making this yet another awesome anniversary special!

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1

Mar 18, 2020

The first three stories of this book were completely awful. But it does pick up after those. I am glad I hung in there. For the most part, this is an awesome anniversary issue, and I look forward to the next one DC puts out.

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Catwoman #1

Jun 4, 2020

This is one of the best anniversary books DC has ever put together. I loved, loved, loved this. There are even pinups from classic artists like Jim Balent and Jae Lee and others throughout. This edition is just plain fantastic.

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A Radical Shift Of Gravity #1

Apr 29, 2020

This is a heartfelt story that is personal and thoughtful. It is highly recommended. A great work of art.

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About Betty's Boob #1

Jul 9, 2018

This is one of the better releases of the year. You can read through this very quickly, especially for a book that is close to 200 pages. Yet, the themes and the story may change the reader forever.

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Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 18, 2018

Yet, these stories make him feel as fresh as he did when he first debuted in 1938.

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Action Comics (2016) #1001

Jul 25, 2018

And Gleason makes it all seem fresh. He has just come off a great run on a Superman title. Yet, this seems like its brand new to him. It just is great. I can't believe how excited I am for this book. I need more as soon as possible. This is a good time for sure.

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Action Comics (2016) #1002

Aug 23, 2018

The ending also has a bit of a surprise and I love how it's all set up. I can't wait for the next issue as always. Great stuff.

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Action Comics (2016) #1003

Sep 26, 2018

This all leads into a cliffhanger of an ending that just makes you wonder what's going to happen next! Bendis and Paquette need to work together again and soon. This is an amazing issue and it's truly well done. More please.

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Action Comics (2016) #1004

Oct 25, 2018

At the end, you realize that Bendis wrote a very character based issue. And I love that. It was a nice break and it was good to catch up on Lois and Clark's relationship. He made a choice. And, working with Sook, it was a very smart one indeed.

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Action Comics (2016) #1005

Nov 29, 2018

ArtIst Ryan Sook is making some of the best art of his career here. It'd be great to see him on a long Superman run. His style is fluid and is perfect for this book. This is another great issue in a highly enjoyable run.

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Action Comics (2016) #1006

Jan 7, 2019

This was a great chapter of this continuing comic book. There is a good and solid long term goal on this comic and it shows. It's a great time to be reading Superman and this reminds us all why that is the case. Good stuff!

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Action Comics (2016) #1007

Feb 1, 2019

Bendis and Epting are a formidable team for sure! The story and art are both great and this is a nice story that they are collaborating on. I can't wait to see there they take us next!

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Action Comics (2016) #1008

Feb 27, 2019

The artwork here is something special indeed. Steve Epting drawing Superman is something I never knew I needed. It's wonderful and I hope he sticks around for more then just this story arc. This is some great stuff indeed.

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Action Comics (2016) #1009

Mar 27, 2019

Epting does a fantastic job drawing this book. Its definitely a unique take on the Superman mythos. Let's hope Bendis keeps this story moving rather than dragging things out.

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Action Comics (2016) #1010

Apr 26, 2019

At least the art is good. Steve Epting is a fine artist and he alone is worth the price of admission. Who knows where the heck this whole thing is leading? Maybe it'll surprise us all. But right now? Bendis is just spinning his wheels.

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Action Comics (2016) #1012

Jun 26, 2019

I do likeSzymon Kudranski's art though. He and Bendis aren't the best collaborators, but I find his art appealing. Maybe they will find their footing but this issue felt like a boring highlight reel that looked beautiful but had nothing going for it beyond that.

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Action Comics (2016) #1013

Jul 26, 2019

It's not a bad issue overall just rushed. It feels like we are trying to fit in years worth of storylines immediately, and that often never works. It doesn't really here; although there are some really great moments to string you along to read the next issue. And of course, I will.

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Action Comics (2016) #1014

Aug 29, 2019

Bendis is at his best when he focuses on one thing and doesn't go off track. Here, he is incredibly off track and it makes for a hard read.

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Action Comics (2016) #1015

Sep 25, 2019

And it is completely lame. The art by Szymon Kudranski is pretty damn good, but it can't save the cliches that are just everywhere in this book. It gets tiresome reading something that is, in of itself, tiresome. Moving on.

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Action Comics (2016) #1016

Oct 25, 2019

The bright spot is the artwork by Szymon Kudranski. Kudranski is turning out some of the best artwork that this title has seen in quite some time. If only the story were stronger, this would be the perfect book.

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Action Comics (2016) #1017

Dec 2, 2019

Everything is so compressed that it feels like very little happens. That is really the shame of it. It feels like it should be better than it actually is.

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Action Comics (2016) #1018

Jan 3, 2020

This is a schizophrenic issue at best. The art elevates it but it can only do so much. Once Bendis starts getting "clever" in this issue, it goes downhill fast.

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Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 31, 2020

Hopefully, this picks up. Right now, it is barely a story and has nothing to it to have me keep me reading.

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Action Comics (2016) #1020

Mar 1, 2020

By the end of the issue, there is a big threat to Earth coming from the sky. It is sad because it is so boring and trite. I can care less about this threat to earth.

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Action Comics (2016) #1021

Mar 25, 2020

The only part of this issue that is of any real worth is the art by John Romita, Jr. It is some of his best work. It is just sad that the story isn't there to match it.

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Action Comics (2016) #1022

Jun 4, 2020

The problem is that I had a real hard time keeping focused or even interested in the happenings of this book. John Romita Jr. on the art can't even save this book. It is an unfortunate mess of a comic series at this point.

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Action Comics (2016) #1023

Jul 22, 2020

Overall, this is a missed opportunity and it is apparent on each and every boring page.

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Action Comics (2016) #1024

Aug 26, 2020

The art is again the best part as usual, but it doesn't help the weak story.

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Action Comics (2016) #1025

Sep 23, 2020

The story is pretty standard and dull. The character development is non existent. The art is the best part but it can't pull this story up to being any good. All you can do when reading this is to sit there and hope you can get through it quickly.

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Action Comics (2016) #1026

Oct 29, 2020

The ending basically leads into the last few issues of this run from Bendis on the Superman titles. It cannot come soon enough for me. He has overstayed his welcome.

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Action Comics (2016) #1027

Nov 25, 2020

The sole bright spot of the issue is the artwork by John Romita, Jr. He draws really well. He cannot cover the deficiencies in the script however, of which there are many.

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Action Comics (2016) #1028

Dec 23, 2020

The art is decent enough. I do hope that John Romita Jr. and inker Klaus Janson find something more suited to their talents. Same for Bendis. He is a good writer that needs to not try to do everything in his comics.

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Action Comics (2016) #1030

Apr 28, 2021

Overall, this is a great book, jam packed with good comics, stories and art.

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Action Comics (2016) #1031

May 27, 2021

Johnson writes a very sharp script and Sampere really comes alive on the art.

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Action Comics (2016) #1032

Jun 23, 2021

Overall, this is a great book!

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Action Comics (2016) #1033

Jul 28, 2021

Midnighter has gone gone deep into the Trojan Complex and has found an unexpected guest. What is he to do! It gets truly awesome and it has a heck of an ending too! Well done!

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Action Comics (2016) #1034

Aug 25, 2021

The backup story about the Midnighter is pretty strong too. It is written by W. Michael Conrad and Becky Cloonan and drawn by Michael Avon Oeming. There is a big reveal in the story and it leads to the next forthcoming chapter.

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Action Comics (2016) #1035

Oct 1, 2021

This book also has a nice backup story written by Sean Lewis and illustrated by Sami Basri. This story features the Guardian and it shows how things might be headed for the Future State. All in all, this is a great issue.

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Action Comics (2016) Annual: Midnighter 2021

Sep 1, 2021

The writing on this is very good and it has some great moments. They would be a good pair to write an ongoing Midnighter series. The art by Oeming is good as always.

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Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 14, 2021

I hope Kennedy works in the DC Universe for a long time to come. It's been great.

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Adventureman (2020) #1

Jun 10, 2020

This is an awesome first issue. Consider me an Adventurefan!

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Adventureman (2020) #2

Jul 10, 2020

This is a fine book and it is accessible to anyone looking to read something wholly original.

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Adventureman (2020) #3

Aug 12, 2020

All in all, this is one of the best comic books on the stands right now. It is the perfect read for these unprecedented and trying times, and it is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

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Adventureman (2020) #4

Oct 7, 2020

This is one of the best releases of the year. It is filled with adventure, excitement and good storytelling. Well done.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #1

Aug 1, 2018

The art by Barberi is tops. He is at the top of his game here in this book. The action scenes are awesome and everything just pops off the page. I loved the previous series. It's looks like this one may indeed follow suit.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #2

Sep 5, 2018

The art is very good as Barberi comes into his own with this title. It's well done and well crafted. His art is great and makes the whole book flow and is exciting. Overall, it's a very nice second issue in a 12 issue limited series.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #3

Oct 3, 2018

Tomasi and Barberi make for a good team. The art and story work well and it makes for a book that doesn't take itself too seriously. And that's a good thing. It's just a pure, one hundred percent good time.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #4

Nov 8, 2018

Barberi gamely draws whatever Tomasi puts forth. He does an amazing job and he's what this title needs. This is an excellent issue in a nicely done series.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #5

Dec 7, 2018

Tomasi is a great, solid writer. He keeps the story going and this is one of his better issues. The art by Barberi works well with the words and keeps things visually exciting. This is an enjoyable book from cover to cover.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #6

Jan 9, 2019

This is just a continually fun read. Tomasi does a hell of job writing it and keeping it entertaining and just fun. The art by Scott Godlewski is wonderful and keeps the enjoyment rollicking along. This is a fine issue in an entertaining series.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #7

Feb 8, 2019

And it's a beautiful last page they had me excited and wanting more. The only downside is that there are only five more issues left in this series. Hopefully DC continues it past the limited series, because this is just a great read overall. I'm enjoying myself every time I pick up this comic book and want more stories featuring these characters.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #8

Mar 8, 2019

That's because Barberi is the perfect artist for this book. He gives the book it's own energy yet it's never cartoony. It just moved quickly too. When you combine that with the well thought out scripts by Tomasi, you've got a great book.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #9

Apr 3, 2019

Scott Godlewski is a good choice to draw this particular issue. He's got a great take on the boys as well as Jonah Hex. This is another nice chapter of this limited series. I'm enjoying reading this as it starts heading into the last few issues.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #10

May 1, 2019

The story is highly engaging. The art by Barberi perfectly compliments it. Only two issues are left in this series. I can't wait to savor them both.

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Adventures of the Super Sons #11

Jun 7, 2019

By the end of the issue things are looking bleak. It's a crazy ending where all seems to be lost. Will the Super Sons get out of this? Is there any hope left? Or is everything just going to go to hell in a hand basket? I don't know but I can't wait to read the final issue to find out!

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Adventures of the Super Sons #12

Jul 3, 2019

Let's all hope for more comics with these two teaming up in the future.

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All-America Comix #1

Jul 3, 2020

It is a shame, because it actually feels dated. And that is the hardest thing in this comic to get past.

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American Carnage #1

Nov 21, 2018

It eventually ends in a terrifying cliffhanger. The last line of the book is "Welcome to Real America." Its pretty shocking where we end up at the end of the issue. It's even more shocking that it reads true, with not a false note anywhere.

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American Carnage #2

Dec 21, 2018

This is one hell of a book. I think everyone over the age of 17 should take a peek at this. It's a comic book that doesn't shy away from dark and disturbingly relevant material. And that in itself, is something quite commendable.

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American Carnage #3

Jan 25, 2019

This story is something else. On the surface it is an action and suspense comic. But it goes much, much deeper than that. These two creators have given us a comic book that is smart and relevant to today's world. Bryan Hill and Leandro Fernandez are to be commended for their work on this engrossing title.

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American Carnage #4

Feb 22, 2019

The issue concludes with a mysterious death. It's a bit of a surprise. It got my mind racing though. What's better than that as a reader? This is a wonderfully written book where the suspense never lets up. It's topical without being preachy and that's one mighty feat indeed.

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American Carnage #5

Mar 20, 2019

This is one hell of a book. I can't believe how good it is and how every page gives me anxiety. But it's a good anxiety as the two creators here are at the top of their game. This book is tops.

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American Carnage #6

Apr 19, 2019

The art by Leandro Fernandez is perfectly suited for the book. These two make a great creative team. It's so natural and reads easily. This has a meaningful ending for sure. Now to see where it gets from here. I'm excited at the possibilities of it all.

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American Carnage #7

May 17, 2019

The whole series thrills month in and month out. I'm at the edge of my seat constantly while reading this. The art is damn good too. I can't wait to see where this new issue goes. It's really an amazingly well put together comic book.

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American Carnage #8

Jun 21, 2019

Hill writes another great issue that rings true in every moment and every bit of dialogue. The art perfectly compliments the writing. This is a slow burn of an issue and it's pretty great. I'm looking forward to see what they cook up next.

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American Carnage #9

Aug 1, 2019

The creative team is is to commended. I didn't see this issue's twists coming at all. But man, I can't stop thinking about it. This is a book that is truly unmissable.

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American Ronin #1

Sep 25, 2020

Writer Peter Milligan writes a smart script that never gets too bogged down in technical speak. It is smart but accessible. ACO does a great job with the art here, reminding me of Dave Gibbons for some reason.

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American Vampire: 1976 #1

Oct 7, 2020

The quality of this comic is amazing. I can't wait to see what the creative team has in store for us. Great stuff.

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American Vampire: 1976 #2

Nov 11, 2020

I look forward to seeing what Snyder and Albuquerque have in store for us with this series.

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American Vampire: 1976 #3

Dec 17, 2020

There is a huge twist in this issue. But it is well earned. Snyder puts a hell of lot of work into his scripts and this issue is no different. It is a great story. And Albuquerque does great on the art as well.

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American Vampire: 1976 #4

Jan 13, 2021

Snyder is killing it on the script. The story is dark and brutal, yet every character is well developed. The artwork is definitely Albuquerque's best. It is a really strong book overall and I can't wait to see where all of this is leading.

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American Vampire: 1976 #5

Feb 11, 2021

The leader of this council is a real piece of work who is telling them that he accepts their macabre gift. And that is when things really take off.The crew listens to the history of the Council. The history plays heavily into what is going on with the main plot. The team only has a few days to convince this Council of Firsts that humanity is worth saving. Can they do it?The story is dark, fun, and exciting. Snyder is doing his best work scripting this series. The art is among the best work that Rafael Albuquerque has ever done. This is a fantastic book from cover to cover and I can't wait to see where we are going with this.

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American Vampire: 1976 #7

Apr 15, 2021

It is a nice standalone issue but also plays into the regular series a bunch, giving it a nice backstory that fills in some of the blanks nicely.

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American Vampire: 1976 #8

May 12, 2021

This book is quite excellent and getting even more exciting as we head into these final chapters.

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American Vampire: 1976 #9

Jun 9, 2021

Overall, this is another fine issue of this series and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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American Vampire: 1976 #10

Aug 4, 2021

This is a bittersweet ending, but I am happy with this title from start to finish.

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Amethyst #1

Feb 28, 2020

It is a decent enough book. The writing is pretty basic. It is fine but it isn't the most original. Reeder does a great job on the art, however, and the whole book is really nicely designed. This book won't change the world, but it is pleasant enough to read once. Not bad, overall.

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Aquaman (2016) #36

May 16, 2018

Still, this has been a whole lot better than it's been. If the payoff is great, then this issue will have been worth it. Let's hope it turns out that way.

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Aquaman (2016) #37

Jun 21, 2018

Federici has been a welcome addition on the art front as well. His art is clean and services the story with flair and style. This is a good issue in a decent series. I can't wait to see how Abnett wraps this whole crazy mess up.

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Aquaman (2016) #38

Jul 25, 2018

The art by Federici is wonderful. He gives Aquaman a strong visual identity and paces the book nicely. He is just what this series needs. This book has been on the upswing this last year and this is another issue that fits perfectly in that trend.

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Aquaman (2016) #40

Sep 19, 2018

The ending is a little too pat for my tastes but it isn't bad. It just feels a bit flat after all of that build up. There was a lot of drama that didn't really have a big payoff.

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Aquaman (2016) #41

Oct 17, 2018

The art compliments the story well. I think this storyline is going to be bigger than anyone thinks it's going to be. And that's damn exciting indeed.

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Aquaman (2016) #59

May 29, 2020

The ending perked me up however. Orm makes an appearance and it is an awesome moment. It is also the cliffhanger moment of the issue. The next issue looks promising. I am looking forward to seeing how this continues.

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Aquaman (2016) #60

Jun 24, 2020

I am enjoying this book for the most part. DeConnick is doing a commendable job. I really like Miguel Mendonca's art here as well. It is very accessible and well executed. This series is pretty decent overall and enjoyable.

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Archie Meets Batman '66 #1

Jul 13, 2018

Still, there's a lot to like. The story up to that point was fun and breezy. The art by Dan Parent(with inks by the legendary J. Bone) is good as well. It just left me unsatisfied. I don't mind wanting more after a first issue. This first chapter however just wasn't enough.

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Ascender #1

Apr 1, 2019

I do enjoy the story by Lemire very much. It's the artwork, however, that makes this series sing. The watercolored illustrations by Nguyen are something to behold. They make the series for me. It's some of the best imagery we have in comics presently and he really makes this series a book that is its own thing. Bravo to him and his work here.

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Ash & Thorn #1

Jun 26, 2020

I look forward to see where the creative team takes us from here.

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Ash & Thorn #2

Jul 17, 2020

All in all, this is an enjoyable second issue in a decent series!

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Ash & Thorn #3

Jul 31, 2020

This book steers itself towards a fine ending. It looks as not only Lottie has to prove herself, but Peruvia does as well. McCourt ends her script off on a truly exciting note.

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Ash & Thorn #4

Aug 28, 2020

This is an interesting comic book to say the least. It is entertaining and intelligent enough to keep the reader engaged the entire time. The art by Soo Lee is great as well, and I am looking forward to seeing where these two creators take us from here on.

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Ash & Thorn #5

Sep 9, 2020

All in all, this is a fine, underrated gem of a series which was nicely done.

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Astro City (2013) #52

Jun 28, 2018

We are now leaving Astro City. Please drive carefully and thank you Kurt and Brent for letting us visit.

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Bane: Conquest #11

May 30, 2018

While it won't be a classic, there enough to like throughout.

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Bang! #1

Mar 6, 2020

This is an interesting and intriguing start to this series. I have no idea where they can possibly take this. But I can't wait to find out. It is a little short, but generally, I loved this. I look forward to the next issue!

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Bang! #2

Mar 18, 2020

This ending gives me the feeling like something big is coming for the last two issues. Kindt writes a great story and artist Wilfredo Torres does a really great job collaborating with Kindg and drawing it. Torres can make anything work with the art and he does so effortlessly.

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Bang! #3

Sep 4, 2020

The twists and turns of this book are great! It is a good story we get with this comic issue in and issue out. The art by Wilfredo Torres is great as well. He is one of the most underrated artists in comics.

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Bang! #4

Oct 7, 2020

It has one more issue left and I can't wait to see the whole picture!

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Bang! #5

Nov 4, 2020

This is a great series. I can't wait to read it all again to see how the whole thing reads in one sitting.

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Batgirl (2016) #25

Aug 15, 2018

Overall, this is a mixed bag with more dull stories than interesting ones. It feels like a missed opportunity sadly. Oh well.

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Batgirl (2016) #27

Sep 26, 2018

It's left as a cliffhanger but I hardly care to read the next issue. The art is dull and lifeless. Maybe it's time already to get a new creative team? It's really that tedious of an experience to read this.

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Batgirl (2016) #28

Oct 25, 2018

Pelletier does his best with the script but there's not much he can do. Hopefully this picks up. Otherwise, I can foresee this getting canceled.

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Batgirl (2016) #29

Nov 29, 2018

This could be a better book. The characters are all there in place to make it great. It's just not at the moment. This issue is another disappointment overall.

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Batgirl (2016) #30

Jan 7, 2019

It's not a bad story overall. It's a little more wordy than I would hope but it's not bad. The art is rather dull. I just don't think I'm a Pelletier fan. His art doesn't do it for me. With an artist I liked more, it may have been better.

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Batgirl (2016) #31

Feb 1, 2019

And Pelletier just does some of the most uninspired art I've seen in this issue. It felt like a chore to read. He makes everything feel plastic and flat. I feel like he's just the complete wrong choice of this title. We deserve better.

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Batgirl (2016) #32

Feb 27, 2019

Pelletier does what he can with the art. There is a little bit of excitement in the fight scene but not enough to really make an impact. The story though is just a dull one. Mercifully, it's the last one in this particular storyline. Hopefully it's much better next issue. It certainly can't get much worse than this.

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Batgirl (2016) #33

Mar 27, 2019

So this fell flat for me. The good news is that the art is much, much improved for this book than last issue. Elena Casagrande especially is fantastic and Scott Godlewski has a couple of pages in this issue that he does great on. If we can get a good story to match the artwork, it would be a top book for sure.

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Batgirl (2016) #34

Apr 26, 2019

This is a vast improvement over previous issues. The art is still lacking a bit, but until Pelletier is off the book, it's just going to feel that way for me. But this again, is much stronger than previous issues. Let's see what happens from here.

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Batgirl (2016) #35

May 24, 2019

I really enjoyed where the creative team took us these past two issues. I hope it continues. This story is one that is nutty for sure but it's highly enjoyable. And that's fine by me!

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Batgirl (2016) #36

Jul 3, 2019

The creative team ends the issue fairly well too. I wish they started off the series with these last few issues. While I'm not the biggest Pelletier fan, he does okay here. Both of the creators do. Maybe they will work together again. They finally found their footing in their collaboration, even if it's a little late.

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Batgirl (2016) #37

Jul 26, 2019

And it can only get better from here. I'm very excited to watch where this one might be going.

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Batgirl (2016) #38

Aug 29, 2019

Carmine Di Giandomenico is the perfect artist on this book. I just love his style. He makes every page one that is incredibly exciting. Matched with the story, it's a great and comfortable fit. This book has turned around a lot. Let's hope it stays this way for a long time to come.

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Batgirl (2016) #39

Sep 25, 2019

The art is pretty good, too. It moves the story at a lightning pace yet keeps you grounded as a reader. I think that this book will get even better in time to be a top tier title. I love the Batgirl character and it is nice to see that there is a lot of love and care that the character is receiving from the creative team here.

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Batgirl (2016) #40

Oct 25, 2019

You can't really ask for a better creative team than this. The story is pretty great and the artwork is positively stunning. I love what they are doing here and it is only getting more and more cool. I cannot wait for the next issue and this one had me at the edge of my seat from start to finish.

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Batgirl (2016) #41

Dec 2, 2019

So, the battle for Burnside is about to happen! I could not be more excited. This is a transitional issue for sure but it is well handled. It is all leading to a big battle and I can't wait to see what happens. This is really getting good!

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Batgirl (2016) #42

Jan 3, 2020

I can't wait to see where they take us next which is a really great feeling, especially on this title.

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Batgirl (2016) #43

Jan 24, 2020

The story is a lot of fun. Castellucci keeps things light but it also has a lot of adventure to it. I really like the art by Cian Tormey here. It fits this story very well and it feels fresh. This issue is a good start to this brand new storyline.

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Batgirl (2016) #44

Mar 1, 2020

Castellucci keeps the book moving in a very fun way. The art and the design work by Tormey is nothing short of excellent. He is a rising star for sure. I really enjoyed this issue and the turn that this book has done.

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Batgirl (2016) #45

Mar 25, 2020

I immediately wanted the next issue right away. Castellucci and Carmine Di Giandomenico do an amazing job with this issue yet again and I am loving the direction this has taken.

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Batgirl (2016) #46

Jun 24, 2020

The story has been fantastic. The artwork on this particular issue is by Carmine Di Giandomenico, who I feel is one of the most under appreciated artists in comics. He does a great job here as well. Overall, this was a pretty great issue in a constantly improving series.

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Batgirl (2016) #47

Jul 22, 2020

This is another fine issue in a series that seems to be getting better and better each and every month.

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Batgirl (2016) #48

Aug 26, 2020

This issue is extremely well done. The story is strong. And the artwork by Robbi Rodriguez is really great. The art is surprisingly emotional, yet full of hope.

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Batgirl (2016) #49

Sep 23, 2020

The story here is great. The art by Robbi Rodriguez. however, is out of this world. There are some pages near the end that just blew me put of my seat. This is a fine issue overall but man, the art in this issue is something else entirely.

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Batgirl (2016) #50

Oct 29, 2020

It is sad that this series is ending with this issue. But what a way to go. Well done.

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Batgirl (2016) Annual #2

Aug 29, 2018

To do so, she has to write from the heart and come up with better stories. This could have been great. Instead it's just standard. I want better than that.

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Batman (2016) #47

May 16, 2018

King has taken a three part story that seemed like a throwaway and instead made it count and count big. I'll never forget this storyline. The dialogue in the last scene also chilled me to the bone. It will do the same for you. This is a top notch comic book. Recommended.

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Batman (2016) #48

Jun 6, 2018

All in all, this is a decent enough issue that one can read very quickly. It's nicely done and but moves so rapidly that there's not much in the way of consequences.

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Batman (2016) #49

Jun 21, 2018

This is a perfect issue and I will read this again and discover new things in it. It lives up to the hype and then some.

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Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

I did feel a little cheated at the end but maybe that's a good thing. It ended different than I thought it would for sure. Maybe King has a bigger plan in mind than we might have been expecting this whole time. Let's see where it goes. Recommended.

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Batman (2016) #52

Aug 1, 2018

The way King and Weeks go back and forth in time to show Batman fighting Freeze mixed with the jury's deliberations is amazing. This is a fantastic issue that pushes and challenges the reader and rewards them for their effort. Well done, yet again.

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Batman (2016) #53

Aug 15, 2018

The art backs up the power of the story. Lee Weeks has done his best work here, bar none. I can't believe that King's already amazing run is getting better. This issue and storyline shows the power of what comic books are capable of.

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Batman (2016) #54

Sep 5, 2018

It's a funny, emotional ride that King and Wagner give us. The story is fantastic. The art is some of Wagner's best. The ending is a little abrupt but I'll forgive it. This is another beautiful issue in King's run. I know it was controversial but I hope this team, much like Bruce and Dick in this issue, work together again for some time to come.

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Batman (2016) #55

Sep 19, 2018

It's as good as the first time when the Beast appeared in the 80's. And that's some high praise indeed.

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Batman (2016) #56

Oct 3, 2018

This is another solid issue by King and the art by Daniel is the best he has done in his career, hands down. The scenes are fluid and the figure drawings are all excellent. He's come a long way and he's doing amazing.

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Batman (2016) #57

Oct 17, 2018

Tony Daniel's art is amazing. He's at the top of his game too. The fight scene he draws is fluid and wonderful. He's constantly improving. This is another strong issue in a highly successful run. Thumbs up all around to this creative team.

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Batman (2016) #58

Nov 8, 2018

King is just killing it on this title. It just keeps getting better. He deserves all of the accolades he is getting. The art by Janin is tops too. This could be a definitive Penguin story arc for the character. Let's see what happens!

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Batman (2016) #59

Nov 21, 2018

This issue is a major chapter in terms of King's overall story. It's excellent. I can't wait to see where he takes us next. It's sure to be incredible.

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Batman (2016) #60

Dec 7, 2018

The art by Janin and Fornes is very good. I like Fornes. He has a David Mazzucchelli style to his art. I'm already dying for the next issue. This is the normal pace for me now reading this comic and it's a great thing.

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Batman (2016) #61

Dec 20, 2018

We then get the strangest, most harrowing ending of the entire series. I'm not sure what it means, nor how it will tie into everything. I only know that I'm excited and full of curiosity. And I for one, hope this feeling lasts for the rest of King's run. It's been great.

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Batman (2016) #62

Jan 9, 2019

The art and the writing work perfectly together. You can't get a much better team than these two working together. It's a great little stand alone issue that works and links up to a bigger storyline. And it's very interesting and intriguing indeed.

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Batman (2016) #63

Jan 25, 2019

King and Janin have created a memorable issue in this storyline. It didn't seem like this was going anywhere over the last two issues. But as always I just trusted in King. And that trust is now playing off like it always seems to.

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Batman (2016) #64

Feb 8, 2019

The end of the book reintroduces two characters from the beginning of King's run. It's super cool to see them handled this way. While I hate an interruption of a storyline in progress with fill ins, at least this is of a good quality. I'm happy it isn't just a throwaway and it seems they did something really cool instead.

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Batman (2016) #65

Feb 22, 2019

By the end of the issue we get to a really intense cliffhanger. We finally get to see the extent of Gotham Girl's powers and it's a hell of a note to leave us on. I was glued to this book from start to finish. It's an impressive book and it works at a high level. My only hope is that the last chapter is as good as the three previous ones.

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Batman (2016) #66

Mar 8, 2019

It's good to see King back on the title. It's even better to see he picks right up where he left off and gives us another fine issue of this comic. This book has evolved into its own thing and it's at the top of the reading pile each time it comes out.

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Batman (2016) #67

Mar 20, 2019

This is part five of the "Knightmares" storyline. I love what is going on here. I can't quite figure it out, but I love it. It's got one more chapter to it, so I'm certain we will find out what this entire story means next month. Hopefully, King ends this storyline well. I have faith that he can.

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Batman (2016) #69

Apr 19, 2019

King's resolution to the issue left me floored. I cried a little bit. Then I couldn't shake it. This is the best issue of King's run, hands down. I am still thinking about it. This is comic book excellence right here. The writing and art are perfect. This run has been great. King just pushed it to the next level. I give an A plus rating very rarely. This is one of those times.

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Batman (2016) #70

May 1, 2019

This run on Batman is getting better and better. The story and the drama just builds with each installment and it's just incredibly well done. I can't wait for the next issue. Heck, I can't wait to read the whole run again!

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Batman (2016) #71

May 17, 2019

This book just hits all of the right notes month in and month out!

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Batman (2016) #72

Jun 7, 2019

It has to be said that I'm really hoping King didn't weave an incredible story these last 72 issues just to get us to a watered down version of Knightfall. There are a lot of nods to it and quite honestly, that's when the series is at its weakest. King can tell an original story well. I hope he continues to do that rather than redo an already used up story. Sure, it was great at the time. But his run has turned into its own thing and I hope it stays there.

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Batman (2016) #73

Jun 21, 2019

The issue does feel a little incomplete. But that's okay as there's still another chapter of this story. King and artist Mikel Janin work so well together. The ending is a cliffhanger but it seems to be a newer direction for the series. I'm liking it. It's a great issue and it's full of even more promise. Well done.

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Batman (2016) #74

Jul 12, 2019

We are moving into Tom King's last storyline after this. It's been a worthwhile adventure up until now. I'm dying to see where he takes us from here. I certainly can't wait.

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Batman (2016) #75

Jul 18, 2019

The story is top notch. King takes elements from his entire run and puts them in everywhere. We get Gotham Girl, Pyg, you name it. We also get Catwoman. And it's completely awesome. The art by Daniel and Gerads is top notch. This is more than I could ever have hoped for. And it's just started.

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Batman (2016) #76

Aug 9, 2019

This story is unfolding much differently than I thought it might. But I like that. King and Daniel work great here and it's just thrilling. The end of the issue really raises the stakes too. This is another fine chapter of this excellent comic. It's unlike any Batman story that has come before it. And I love that.

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Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

By the end of the issue, it seems like Bruce is finally ready to fight back. It's about time and it's a pretty intense moment. He looks to have Catwoman on his side. This ended up being another strong chapter in the “City of Bane” storyline. The story is good and the art is tops. Let's see where it goes from here, but I'm loving it thus far.

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Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

This is another issue that just shines in King's run. The art by Clay Mann is absolutely tops. He's really just an amazing artist. Just amazing. You can't ask for better than this.

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Batman (2016) #79

Sep 19, 2019

King has set up a hell of a fight. I just hope from here that he delivers. I think he should now that everything is coming to a head. I'm buckled up and ready to see where this comic book takes us. It should be exciting for sure.

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Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

At this point, I just want to see Batman beat the living hell out of Bane. And that is because the story itself has been so involving with a lot of build up to the main event.

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Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

The last two pages are drawn by Mitch Gerads and they are the best of the issue. It ties into the Year Of The Villain and I enjoyed it. It is a decent enough comic book. I'm interested to see how this all wraps up. I know it will be very cool for sure.

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Batman (2016) #82

Nov 8, 2019

The art by Janin is great, too. I love this story and I can't wait to see how it ends. This has really been a really great storyline. I can't wait for the next issue! Bring it on!

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Batman (2016) #83

Nov 21, 2019

The art is pretty great here. Janin does an amazing job of making this whole thing work. Even though it is short, it does pack an emotional wallop. And that is a really great thing indeed.

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Batman (2016) #84

Dec 5, 2019

So how will this all end? I have no idea. It has been a fun ride up until now. Let us hope that King can stick to the landing and make something great.

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Batman (2016) #85

Dec 23, 2019

It does feel like there should have been more story after this issue ends. Maybe the upcoming Batman/Catwoman series will show us more of that story. Honestly though, this was pretty great. Congratulations to Tom King for an amazing run.

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Batman (2016) #86

Jan 8, 2020

The art is very well done. The action is crisp and I like the way things moved. While the art elevates the book, it can not cover the feeling like something is lacking. And that is a shame.

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Batman (2016) #87

Jan 24, 2020

The rest of the issue is just Batman visiting the captured villains, those villains getting free, and a really crazy last panel. Oh well, at least the art by March is good and reminded me of Norm Breyfogle's art. It helps the reader get through a story that is basically pretty dull.

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Batman (2016) #88

Feb 7, 2020

The story is all over the place and had nothing really special about it. I do like the art but March doesn't get a lot of action to draw except for one extremely abbreviated fight scene. This title needs more life put into it.

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Batman (2016) #89

Feb 24, 2020

The story leads up to a big Joker moment at the end. But it is so trite that I just didn't care. Like I said, the art is pretty decent but this whole thing doesn't add up to much.

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Batman (2016) #90

Mar 6, 2020

Well, the art is nice. Jiminez is an excellent artist. The writing is all over the place, however. Tynion apparently is disregarding Tom King's run on Batman. He has no idea how to write the relationship between Selina and Bruce. This is another dull chapter of this new direction.

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Batman (2016) #91

Mar 18, 2020

It looks like the pair is going up against the Riddler by the end of the issue. It doesn't end strong and I felt left with a feeling of detachment.

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Batman (2016) #92

Jun 10, 2020

Hopefully this book turns around, but I found it to be a difficult and trying book to get into.

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Batman (2016) #93

Jun 24, 2020

The art is all over the place. It really has been over the course of Tynion's run. Hopefully this get fixed soon. This book just ups my anxiety with each passing issue and not in a good way. I hope they get it under control.

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Batman (2016) #94

Jul 8, 2020

As we move towards the next issue, I hope Tynion knows how to pay all this off. Otherwise, we have just moved back five steps.

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Batman (2016) #95

Jul 22, 2020

This is a bit better than this title has been over the past few months. Punchline, however, is still annoying as always.

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Batman (2016) #96

Aug 5, 2020

The art by Jorge Jimenez is top notch, however. He is really taking to this title well and the art is the best part for sure.

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Batman (2016) #97

Aug 21, 2020

Jimenez holds it all together with his fantastic art however, and makes even the rougher moments shine.

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Batman (2016) #98

Sep 2, 2020

Who knows how this story will end? But it also may end up being "who cares?"

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Batman (2016) #99

Sep 16, 2020

Oh, well. This is the penultimate, semi-bland chapter of a semi-bland storyline. It is okay at best. I wish it had more heart in it.

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Batman (2016) #100

Oct 7, 2020

We shall see how if all turns out. I am not confident Tynion will make this any better sadly.

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Batman (2016) #101

Oct 22, 2020

Overall, this is a dull story in a book who's quality is rapidly declining.

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Batman (2016) #102

Nov 4, 2020

Overall, I hope this comic book turns around. This is pretty rough.

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Batman (2016) #103

Nov 19, 2020

The whole thing feels like it isn't defined. Tynion's script sinks under a sea of cliches. The art is decent again, but it can't bring this story up. This feels like this is only going to get worse.

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Batman (2016) #104

Dec 2, 2020

Sadly, they cannot elevate the script and the whole thing feels more than just a little pointless.

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Batman (2016) #105

Dec 21, 2020

I was as bored as can be as I hit the final pages of this book. Let's hope for something better in 2021!

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Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 14, 2018

I'm all for annuals if they give us value with a good story and art. This book gives us just that. It may end up being a classic if enough people read it.

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Batman (2016) Annual #4

Nov 4, 2019

King has written a very simple story that actually is very complex when you stop and think about it. Each story and picture is much deeper than a normal comic. It is a really nice and well done annual. It also has some of the best art that Batman has ever seen.

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Batman (2016) Annual #5

Jan 4, 2021

All in all, this is a fine annual that, while not original, is solid. Worth a look.

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Batman (2016): The Joker War Zone #1

Sep 30, 2020

DC does a great job making books like these. I enjoyed this very much.

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Batman (2016): Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

Feb 14, 2020

Even though DC will(and they will) bring Alfred back, this comic still maintains a lot of emotional weight.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 2, 2020

I had high expectations going into this book. I'm happy to say that this issue exceeded them.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 20, 2021

The two of them are just doing an incredible job on this book. I am looking forward to seeing where this creative team takes us from here.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 31, 2021

We are a third of the way through this series and it only seems to get better and better.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 2, 2021

This series is only getting better and I look forward to where we are headed!

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 19, 2021

Overall, this is a great issue of one of the better limited series out there.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 9, 2021

The drama in this book goes higher here and it's awesome. Tom King writes another fine script, and his passion shows. The artwork is well done. I wish it were Clay Mann for consistency. But hopefully he will be back. I love Sharp too, so it is an easy enough trade off.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #1

Aug 29, 2019

The creative team has a great and original take on this story that demands the reader's attention right from the first page! I am more excited after reading this first issue about where we might be headed. I can't wait to find out.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #2

Sep 27, 2019

It's a great read that only feels too short. But that is okay. I just want the next issue as soon as humanly possible.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #3

Oct 25, 2019

The art by David Marquez is nothing short of spectacular. It is perfect for this book and he is really shining here. Let us hope the quality of this book keeps up but right now it is really a winner.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #4

Nov 21, 2019

The tone of the book is great. I love what Williamson is doing here. It is a lot better than most of the Batman and Superman team-ups. The story is well done and I have no idea where the heck we are going from here.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #5

Dec 24, 2019

The ending has quite a twist that is extremely dark. I loved it. We do get a sort of cliffhanger to the next story. Honestly, I can't wait. This has actually turned out to be a solid book that is highly entertaining!

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Batman / Superman (2019) #6

Jan 24, 2020

This is a nice epilogue to the first storyline and it is really well done.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #7

Mar 1, 2020

Zod wants Kandor to live. And he might just get his wish at the end of the issue. This is a fine story. I look forward to seeing how they resolve it all. This issue has good writing combined with some great art.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #8

Mar 25, 2020

It is drawn by Derington which makes it all extra special. Derington does an astonishing job keeping the fight fresh and exciting.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #9

Jun 4, 2020

This is a very beautiful looking book. It is too short for sure, but I certainly enjoyed this.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #10

Jul 29, 2020

It a decent comic overall and I look forward to what comes next!

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Batman / Superman (2019) #11

Aug 26, 2020

All in all, this is a solid book. It is a team up book that is done right, and that is a good thing for sure.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #12

Sep 23, 2020

The story is great. It is fast paced and crazy and hell of a lot of fun. The art isn't my favorite but it works. This book is always enjoyable. I had a lot of fun reading this and I hope we get more stories just like this one.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #13

Oct 29, 2020

This is a fun story with excellent art by Max Raynor. I am excited to see how this creative team bring this story to it's forthcoming conclusion.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #14

Nov 25, 2020

The story here is just a blast from start to finish. It is just silly fun that is enjoyable. The art is suitable to the story and works quite well. I enjoyed this very much and I had a real good time throughout.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #17

Apr 28, 2021

This is truly a good issue and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #18

May 27, 2021

All in all, this is a solid and entertaining book.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #19

Jun 23, 2021

Overall, this is a book that is daringly different and quite entertaining.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #20

Jul 28, 2021

This is a hell of a lot of fun and he is just letting loose. The art by Ivan Reis is tops as well. I am loving where this is going.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #21

Aug 25, 2021

The story by Yang is very good and focused. It has a nice flavor to it and the dialogue is very good. I loved the art by Ivan Reis. Reis is one of the best artists in the field and proves that again here.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #22

Oct 1, 2021

The writing is a lot of fun. Yang does a great job here keeping it all light but still interesting. The art by Pelletier isn't my favorite but it isn't bad. This is a nice last issue of this series.

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Batman / Superman (2019) Annual: 2021

Sep 1, 2021

Gene Luen Yang is a good creative force. He writes a great story with a lot of invention. He is always at his best with creative ideas like this. The art by Paul Pelletier and Francesco Francavilla especially is great.

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Batman / Superman (2019) Annual #1

Sep 30, 2020

The story is a good time. Williamson clearly is having a blast and it shows. The art is pretty decent as well. This is a good time from the first page until the last.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #20

May 25, 2018

All in all, this is a decent first part of the newest storyline. I'm excited to see where it goes.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #21

Jun 28, 2018

The ending is a cliffhanger that whets your appetite for more. It's quite a book that's been consistently great. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #22

Jul 25, 2018

The story is fast paced and wonderful. The art again by Conrad is pretty damn sweet. I loved the way this is moving along. I hope DC keeps this creative team in place for a while longer. They're great!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #23

Aug 23, 2018

Jurgens is doing a great job. The art by Will Conrad is the best this book has had. Check out the opening sequences of Terry brawling with the people of Gotham and trying to escape. It's awesome. This comic has been great. I'm excited to see how this team finishes this story off.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #25

Oct 25, 2018

This is a great anniversary issue and a great package overall! Very enjoyable!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #26

Nov 29, 2018

The story is fast paced and doesn't let up. Jurgens really turns up the speed and it's truly exhausting and exhilarating. The art matches the story perfectly. This is a great storyline that is only getting better every time you turn the page!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #27

Jan 7, 2019

Jurgens has written a crazy yet completely fun script that just works. The art and the writing mesh together incredibly well. I'm loving the world they have created. It's full of great characters and some really exciting storytelling.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #28

Feb 1, 2019

It's one exciting cliffhanger to end an issue on too! I can't wait to get the next issue in my hands! The story moves so fast I barely could catch a breath. And the art is just perfect for this breakneck paced story. This is some great stuff and this title only gets better from month to month!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #29

Feb 27, 2019

The journey there however is more than worth the price of admission. The creative team did another fine job on this issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #30

Mar 27, 2019

But that's only because the rest of the book isn't. This is some great stuff overall. Besides a lackluster ending, it's a nice coda to the recent story arc. Let's see where we get off to next!

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Batman Beyond (2016) #31

Apr 26, 2019

The story is fun although it did move a little too quickly for me. The art however is awesome. If you put Rick Leonardi on a book as the artist, I'm in no matter what. He's quite excellent. The book is drawn amazingly and I'm happy he's on this comic. A fun book indeed.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #32

May 24, 2019

The whole package is really great. Jurgens works so well with Leonardi, it's fantastic. This is another fine storyline in a well crafted comic. I can't wait to see where the creators take us next.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #33

Jun 26, 2019

Jurgens and Leonardi work super well together. That's the best part of this. They know the character well and it all makes for another nice issue. Since Rebirth started this has been one of the most consistent of all of the books. I'm loving it.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #34

Jul 26, 2019

The story is pretty great and the artwork by Leonardi is just tops. He's my favorite artist that has ever been on this title. This has been great and I can't wait to see where he and Jurgens take us next. I know it'll be someplace great.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #35

Aug 29, 2019

The ending of this is quite exciting and a hell of a cliffhanger to leave off on. I love the way this book has been progressing. The story is sharp and it never gets heavy handed. This is another great chapter in this book. It's been truly an awesome ride thus far.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #36

Sep 27, 2019

I think that it is a great story that the creative team executed perfectly. The writing here is excellent and the art is perfect. This is a fine book that is well done. I hope this creative team works together again for a long time to come.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #37

Oct 25, 2019

There is a great cliffhanger at the end of this issue. And there are so many great plots as well. The art by Chen is perfect. I am loving where this is going. There is a mystery at play and I can't wait to see where this is headed.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #39

Jan 3, 2020

I can't wait to see what those things are. This is another good issue in a decent comic book series.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #40

Jan 24, 2020

Dan Jurgens has taken this title and really advanced it to become a viable property. He has done a great job. The art by Sean Chen is perfect and makes this book even better. This is another solid issue in this series.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #41

Mar 1, 2020

This is a good book that is consistently entertaining with each new issue that comes out.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #42

Mar 25, 2020

Now, what will happen next? I have no idea but I cant wait to see.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #43

May 29, 2020

Jurgens and artist Sean Chen have done a solid job again here, and this is a good start for a new storyline.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #44

Jun 24, 2020

The book is quite exciting. Jurgens really knows what he is doing in writing this. Sean Chen is doing amazing work on the art as well. This is a consistently good book that deserves more attention.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #45

Jul 22, 2020

The story is exciting and just fun. I look forward to seeing what crazy thing happens next time as well.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #46

Aug 26, 2020

I am enjoying this book very much with each issue that comes out.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #47

Sep 23, 2020

The script to this is decent. There are some obvious things in it but Jurgens keeps it pretty lively. The art by Sean Chen is good and he has a real good feel to the book. This series is ending soon and I am interested to see how they wrap it all up.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #48

Oct 29, 2020

A big battle erupts. This is all part of a bigger plot. Booster Gold shows up and he is somewhat responsible for Bruce Wayne's current demeanor. Can anything be done? The rest of the issue is quite exciting as Terry tries to get his bearings and figure out what exactly is going on.The story by Jurgens hooked me right away. He has done a great job making this book entertaining and interesting. Pelletier isn't my favorite artist but he does a capable job here.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #49

Nov 25, 2020

It feels like it is going to be one hell of an ending on this series and I can't wait to see what happens to conclude it.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #50

Dec 23, 2020

Hopefully, Batman Beyond returns in some form again sometime soon.

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Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #1

Sep 5, 2019

Still, it's Neal Adams doing this. And respect must be paid. He changed comics forever. He really did. But if these get any worse, he will change comics forever again. But in the complete opposite direction.

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Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2019) #2

Oct 11, 2019

The art is sloppy and the storytelling is lazy. I think at this point that Adams needs a strong writer and a strong art director. It is hard to get into and very difficult to enjoy. I feel like this is the comic book version of a tornado. Just let it pass through and pray for minimal damage.

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Batman's Grave #4

Jan 17, 2020

This chapter and maybe the whole book will be better once it is collected. Even so, it is an enjoyable and well illustrated chapter. It just goes by a little fast. I barely opened up the comic and it was over. I will still read the next issue, of course.

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Batman's Grave #7

Jun 10, 2020

Plus, the creative team reintroduce Colonel Sulphur to modern audiences. What more can you ask for?

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Batman: Kings of Fear #1

Aug 23, 2018

The script by Peterson is especially good. I'll be reading it to see where it goes. The ending was just nuts enough to make me smile.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #2

Sep 26, 2018

The story is very basic but enjoyable and it works well with the art. This isn't going to blow people's mins but it will give them a lot of entertainment. It'll be interesting to see if this can continue the good time in future issues, but for now? I'll just enjoy it.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #3

Oct 25, 2018

Now that Jones is moving away a little from being a clone of Bernie Wrightson, his art is much more enjoyable to look at. This whole series has been a joy and I can't wait to read it all together. This is one of the more underrated series to come out for Batman in recent years.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #4

Nov 29, 2018

This book has proven itself to me. I was pretty well done with Kelley Jones on Batman as I thought I had my fill. I was wrong. He just needed to be inspired again. And this series certainly has inspiration in spades.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #5

Dec 21, 2018

None of this would work without that art by Kelley Jones. Jones gives his artwork feeling, emotion, and an expressiveness all of it's own. It's beautiful in its creativity and the colors really pop as well. This is a descent into madness and it takes that decent very seriously. And that's something to truly be commended. This is simply a comic book that is fantastic.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #6

Jan 9, 2019

The ending is especially wonderful because Peterson and Jones take Batman out of the toy box and they shake him around. Then, they put him back having been through the wringer and give us that one hero image to end with. Yet, the effects of the story are real and it's represented in that image very well. It's really some powerful stuff. This story needs to be in my collection as a hardcover. It's really that good and I commend the creative team for taking a chance and really just going for it. It paid off in an imaginative and creative way.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

May 31, 2019

There is a revelation later in the issue that shows Batman where he really is. And it's something we have never seen before. Yes, it is the weird future we have seen in the advertisements. It also is much, much more than that.Snyder and Capullo just knock it out of the park, right out of the gate. This is the pair at their best. I'm sad it's only three issues, but I'm going to savor them while we have them. This is excellent.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Aug 1, 2019

The whole book is like that: Completely awesome. Snyder is at the top of this game writing this and Capullo is right along side him. Both of these creators are doing the work of their careers. This is such a well developed story. I am sad it is only three issues, but I am happy that it's coming out. This is tops.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

Dec 24, 2019

Capullo's art is especially amazing here. These two have had an amazing time on Batman. You honestly couldn't ask for a better ending. It really is the perfect end that Snyder and Capullo have created. Kudos, gentlemen.

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Batman: Nightwalker #1

Oct 2, 2019

Stuart Moore does a decent job getting this story to the comic book page. The real star here is Wildgoose. His art is vibrant and the storytelling is excellent on his part. He has taken a very standard story and made it great. His art alone is worth the price of admission. A decent book with a great look to it, Batman: Nightwalker was very enjoyable.

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Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul #1

May 30, 2018

Overall, this isn't bad, just rather slight. Maybe the other upcoming issues will have more depth.

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Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Batgirl vs. The Riddler #1

Jun 13, 2018

The art is decent enough. I feel like Jung would produce nicer artwork with a better script. Seeley is writing all of these one shots. I hope he has better stories up his sleeve than this for future issues.

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Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky #1

Jun 21, 2018

The ending leads into the next issue which is Harley Quinn and the Joker. Maybe Seeley will do better there. The art is decent enough on this and is probably the best thus far on these prelude issues.

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Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush #1

Jun 6, 2018

This is still decent enough entertainment. The character moments are what makes it work best. I hope the rest of these side stories are as good as this one is.

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Batman: Reptilian #1

Jun 23, 2021

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Batman: Reptilian #2

Jul 30, 2021

The writing is wonderfully offbeat as stated before. The art by Liam Sharp is great as usual. Sharp is one of those artists that only seems to get better.

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Batman: Reptilian #3

Aug 25, 2021

The story by Garth Ennis is very well done. I love every bit of dialogue here. The artwork by Liam Sharp is absolutely fantastic. He has never been better and this is quite good.

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Batman: Reptilian #4

Sep 29, 2021

The story again by Ennis is very strong. The dialogue in particular is very good. I like the art by Liam Sharp as well here. It is strong and very well done.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1

Nov 2, 2018

Overall, this is a mixed bag, with a tad more good than bad. They should have cut out the second and third stories and expanded on the others. But this is a enjoyable read overall.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #2

Aug 1, 2019

The comic as a whole is an above average book that does better than most of the "side books" that come out. I enjoyed it very much.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #3

Jun 10, 2020

This was a rough one to end on and brings the book down a bit. It takes a bit away from the good stuff in this comic as well.

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Batman: The Knight (2022) #1

Apr 10, 2023

It's a strong series that is definitely worth reading and revisiting for many years to come.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 26, 2020

This is a great book and a superb release. It may have taken a while for to get here, but it was certainly worth the wait.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 30, 2020

This is the best series DC has put out this year, bar none. I can't get enough of this. Well done.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 29, 2020

I don't want to spoil anything so I am not going to say much more. Geoff Johns has written a script that is worth re-reading after you finish to pick up a lot of the details you may have missed. The same goes for the art by Jason Fabok. He not only does the best work of his career, he has produced exemplary work that will outlive him.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 15, 2021

All in all, this is a great book and really has a lot of value and story packed into it!

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 12, 2021

Overall, the whole book is worthwhile, and it is better than most anthologies out there.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 9, 2021

This anthology series is a cut above the rest. I love the stories in this and I love the quality that the creative teams have put into this.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #5

Jul 14, 2021

It is a good issue overall, and all the stories worked in some capacity.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #6

Aug 11, 2021

This book is well done overall and I enjoyed mostly everything in it.

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Batwoman (2017) #18

Aug 15, 2018

Bennett wraps this all up wonderfully. The art works beautifully with it as well. The last image of the book is one of hope. I know Kate Kane will be back (she's getting her own tv series!) but this issue has a beautiful ending. It's a perfect coda for this 18 issue series.

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Beowulf #1

Apr 19, 2019

This is a book that belongs on everyone's library. The script is strong and the art is powerful. I can't think of a better adaptation that is on the shelves. Highly recommended.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #1

Mar 31, 2021

Overall, this is awesome. I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

He may be the best creator to work on this character since Walter Simonson. And that is really saying something.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #3

May 27, 2021

Johnson is an auteur. There is no question about it. The writing is solid and the artwork is out of this world. I loved every moment of this and it is only getting better.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #4

Jul 2, 2021

Let's have more comic books out there like this. It's great.

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Beta Ray Bill (2021) #5

Jul 30, 2021

This is a pretty complete story. Johnston is the real deal and nails this story perfectly. He is very talented. I can't wait to see what he creates next. I will certainly be there for it.

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Bill and Ted Are Doomed #1

Sep 9, 2020

All in all, this is a perfect first issue for a series we all need at the moment.

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Bill and Ted Are Doomed #2

Oct 14, 2020

Overall, this is an enjoyable comic book that really does deliver the goods.

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Bill and Ted Are Doomed #3

Nov 11, 2020

I love Roger Langridge as an artist. He tells the story simply but effectively and never "shows off." This is the penultimate issue of this series. I can't wait to see how it ends and if it ties into canon perfectly or not.

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Bill and Ted Are Doomed #4

Dec 18, 2020

The story is well done. Dorkin has a great handle on these characters and he just has himself a good time writing then. Langridge does a great job drawing this too. It is sad that this is the last issue but hopefully the creative team will one day return to these characters.

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Billionaire Island #1

Mar 6, 2020

Russell and Pugh give us a great first issue for a book that is destined to be a classic. Worth checking out.

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Billionaire Island #2

Jul 1, 2020

This is a bit of a more mature book from these two creators. I am loving this a lot and I can't wait to see how it ends!

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Billionaire Island #3

Jul 23, 2020

Billionaire Island is a well designed and well constructed comic. They just have to stick the landing now and this will be a memorable tale indeed.

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Billionaire Island #4

Aug 12, 2020

I am loving where this story is headed. It is only getting better with each passing issue.

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Billionaire Island #5

Sep 2, 2020

This is some great stuff overall and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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Billionaire Island #6

Sep 16, 2020

The art by Steve Pugh is great. He does his best work on this title and it shows. Together with Russell, they create a really great comic book here. The story is great and the art is superb.

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Birds of Prey (2020) #1

Jun 4, 2020

The art is expressive and well paced. This book is a great package overall and I personally would like to see more of this iteration of the Birds of Prey.

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Black Canary: Ignite OGN

Nov 8, 2019

So again, I am not the audience for this book. But the audience it is for will love it. It has a decent story and I did enjoy the art by Cara McGee. All in all, it is not a book that will change the world, but it does entertain, even if only for a little bit.

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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1

Jun 28, 2019

The Justice League is now placed at the farm where the Black Hammer gang was trapped. And we get to see the beginning replayed but this time with Clark Kent in the "Abraham" role. It only gets crazier from there.Lemire writes one hell of a first issue. You can't peel your eyes away from it. It's fast paced and fun with a lot of surprises. The art by Michael Walsh is just incredible as well. This is a great first issue of a series I can't wait to continue reading. This is just tops.

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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #2

Aug 14, 2019

The story is smart and fresh. Lemire really knows what he is doing here. So does artist Michael Walsh. He is one of the best in the business. This book is a delight. I'm sad that it's only five issues for this story.

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Black's Myth #1

Jul 7, 2021

The writing of this book is very unique. Palicki does a great job with the script. The art is very unique as well. The pair make an excellent creative team.

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Blackwood #1

Jun 1, 2018

Evan Dorkin is quite a writer. Veronica Fish is a hell of an artist. Together here, they make magic. This is only four issues so it could go anywhere. That's exciting. And that makes for a must read comic.

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Bog Bodies OGN

Jul 3, 2020

This is an excellent graphic novel and a hell of a good reading experience. The creative team did a top notch job here for sure.

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Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams #1

Jan 8, 2020

Still, the passion and research shows in every panel. Allred has done his best work here and it is a beautiful book to look at. The likenesses for every character is perfect. This is a great book for any Bowie fan or for anyone who was always curious about his life. There are certainly a lot of things I never knew about and it is an impressive book overall.

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Breathless #1

Jun 1, 2018

The story is very good and the art by Rodriguez is pretty damn solid. I'm not sold on the creature designs (it looks a little too much like Giger leftovers for my tastes). That minor complaint aside, this is a solid series that I will be reading until the end!

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Cain (2023) OGN

Jan 8, 2024

Both create an interesting and compelling character with Cain, and it shows up on the page. I enjoyed that part of the book. The same can be said about Beni R. Lobel's artwork here as well. It is very well drawn and the storytelling is impeccable. I just wish it felt a little bit more whole for me. It could have been a great book instead of merely a "good one.

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Camp Spirit OGN

Jul 6, 2020

Camp Spirit could have been great. Unfortunately, the characters aren't strong, the story meanders everywhere and it is rather unedited and unfocused.

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Catwoman (2018) #1

Jul 4, 2018

The writing is tight and taut. The artwork is super fluid and is kinetic. The colors by Laura Allred are especially good and a real treat. I loved the setup in this issue. It's a good time and we need a good Catwoman series. This one seems fit to fill the bill.

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Catwoman (2018) #2

Aug 8, 2018

Still, this is an excellent book. I am excited to see where Jones takes us and what she has in store for us next. It's well done and I'm invested in this story completely.

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Catwoman (2018) #3

Sep 12, 2018

My only gripe with it is, where is it all going? I'm assuming Jones has a plan, I just have no inkling yet of what it is. That could be a great thing if it pays off. If it doesn't, well, the whole thing can fall flat. Let's see what happens. I'm along for the ride either way.

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Catwoman (2018) #4

Oct 11, 2018

The whole thing leads again to a cliffhanger of sorts. I'm not sure again where this is all leading. It kind of feels like it's not leading anywhere. Maybe the next issue will answer some of the mysteries of the point of the four issues thus far and why Catwoman is being toyed with by the Creels. Or at least, I hope so.

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Catwoman (2018) #5

Nov 19, 2018

This is a nice first story arc by Jones. This issue is at it's best when Jones amps up the action. Now all that remains is seeing if she can bring it home next issue. All signs point to "yes."

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Catwoman (2018) #6

Dec 21, 2018

The story is the biggest problem again. It just seems a bit light. The rest of the elements here work well except for that. Maybe we can get a stronger writer on this. I feel like the series would vastly improve if we had one, giving us higher stakes than what is displayed here.

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Catwoman (2018) #7

Jan 21, 2019

Jones does a nice job writing for the other artists in this book. It's the first part of a two part story and while it doesn't have a lot of meat, at least it keeps you going. It's a simple trifle it seems, but an effective one. I look forward to finding out what the Penguin wants from Catwoman next issue.

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Catwoman (2018) #8

Feb 22, 2019

Even so, this book is looking up with some solid writing and some great art. Let's hope it keeps up! I'm liking it.

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Catwoman (2018) #9

Mar 15, 2019

My only complaint is where they put this issue. A storyline was already in progress from issue 8 and this interrupted the flow of that story. I understand the need for fill ins but I was invested in that previous story and now I have to wait another month. It's a minor complaint of course as this issue is very good, but it needed to be said.

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Catwoman (2018) #10

Apr 10, 2019

This book is pretty solid. Jones and Blanco work wonderfully together. This comic book won't change the world but there is a lot of like. It did feel a little short, but I enjoyed it. It's a nice breezy book that you forget about quickly, but you enjoy your time while you are there.

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Catwoman (2018) #11

May 8, 2019

The first half to the book has art by Blanco, which is what I preferred. That's not to say the second half by Petrus isn't bad, I just preferred Blanco's art. It's a simple issue that's pretty enjoyable. And sometimes that's all you need.

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Catwoman (2018) #12

Jun 14, 2019

The art by Blanco and Petrus round out the issue well. I must confess I do enjoy Blanco more, but Petrus is a solid artist as well. It's just a personal preference. Together however, they bring home the story by Joelle Jones rather well. And I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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Catwoman (2018) #13

Jul 12, 2019

This book has been picking up steam for months. Now it seems like Jones is really going to cut loose. The art is wonderful and the story is extremely strong. I'm excited to see what comes up next.

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Catwoman (2018) #14

Aug 14, 2019

This issue does have a cool villain in it as well. Honestly, it was a far better issue than I ever expected. That's a good thing. Sure it won't change the world. But it was just enjoyable. And sometimes that's really all you need.

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Catwoman (2018) #15

Sep 11, 2019

All in all, this is a nice change of pace for this title. They really took the character and put her into a nice and entertaining story. It's not overly complicated and it's just enjoyable. What more can you ask from a comic book than that?

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Catwoman (2018) #16

Oct 11, 2019

Joelle Jones is really hitting her stride in this issue and it is amazing. Her art and her writing are both tops and it shows on each and every page. This is great and it only can get better from here.

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Catwoman (2018) #17

Nov 18, 2019

This title keeps getting better and more interesting and I can't wait to see where Jones takes us next.

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Catwoman (2018) #18

Dec 24, 2019

The story was great right up until the end. Maybe that weird cliffhanger will be explained next issue. Either way, the art is great and it is a mostly fun issue that is very entertaining.

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Catwoman (2018) #19

Jan 8, 2020

The art is a little strange. There are three artists working on this title so it is a tad jumbled. It only brings the issue down a little bit though. The story is very good and it shines through.

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Catwoman (2018) #20

Feb 14, 2020

Joelle Jones has written a really excellent storyline over many issues. Reading this particular issue, I can now see she had been planting seeds this whole time during her run. All her work is paying off and I can't wait to see how it ends!!

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Catwoman (2018) #21

Mar 16, 2020

Jones has done a great job on this book and each issue just gets better and better. I can't wait to see what is coming up next!

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Catwoman (2018) #22

Jun 4, 2020

The art by Aneke is the best part by far. If only there was a better story to utilize it. Like I said in the beginning, this is a pretty obvious fill in. I just wish the writer had something better than this.

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Catwoman (2018) #25

Sep 16, 2020

Judging from this, I think he can. This is a well crafted issue overall and I am excited to see where we are this title is headed.

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Catwoman (2018) #29

Mar 17, 2021

But it doesn't go to any place really new or interesting. It just is kind of boring.

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Catwoman (2018) #30

Apr 21, 2021

All in all, this issue isn't too bad, and I do enjoy the direction that we are heading towards.

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Catwoman (2018) #31

May 19, 2021

I am starting to really enjoy the way Ram V is writing this, and his work overall. It is a bit of a different writing style but a lot of it works. Fernando Blanco does a great job too with the art and the book looks great.

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Catwoman (2018) #32

Jun 16, 2021

Overall, this is a solid enough comic that could have been better with some stronger art.

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Catwoman (2018) #33

Jul 21, 2021

I am interested now to see where this is headed. I hope the quality keeps up.

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Catwoman (2018) #34

Aug 19, 2021

The story really is pretty decent. The script is a bit better than normal too. The art by Fernando Blanco is the real treat however and I really did like where this issue went too. This was pretty well done overall.

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Catwoman (2018) #35

Sep 24, 2021

Overall, this is a bit of fun and adds another layer to the overall crossover event.

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Catwoman (2018) Annual: 2021

Jun 30, 2021

Overall, this isn't a bad annual at all, even though the story feels stretched out.

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Catwoman (2018) Annual #1

May 31, 2019

Jones really knows how to write for other artists. She does a great job making the art by the three artists here seamless into the story she is telling. This is a good annual and a good self contained story that has impact. Well done.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #3

May 16, 2018

It's sad the Young Animal line is going away. It's been a great run. All we can do now is enjoy the last few issues of these wonderful titles.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #4

Jun 21, 2018

The art is simple but great from Oeming. It has the style and energy of a Jack Kirby comic. But it's it's own unique thing. And it's a book that will be missed greatly once The Young Animal line packs up house in the next couple of months.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #5

Jul 18, 2018

In just one issue, this title will be going away. That's really sad to me. I have loved this book from the very beginning. I hope this character continues in some form from this creative team. This has been memorable for sure.

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Cave Carson Has An Interstellar Eye #6

Aug 15, 2018

Rivera writes a smart, emotional tale. A lot of tears are shed and a lot of the characters and their various storylines get wrapped up. Through it all, it's smart and funny and very human.

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Chariot #1

Mar 3, 2021

Bryan Edward Hill has always been a solid writer. He proves that again here with this book. It is well thought out and well scripted. The art by Priscilla Petraites is perfect for this as well. I am intrigued to where this is all going. It should be interesting.

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Collapser #1

Jul 18, 2019

This is a well done first issue. Kudos to the creators and everyone over at the Young Animal line of unique comic books.

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Collapser #2

Aug 14, 2019

The story is one of the weirdest I've seen in quite some time. I'm fine with that though. The creative team seems to have it all together though and it shows. This may be a quirky title but it really does involve the reader. I'm looking forward to reading some more of this book when the next chapters come out.

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Collapser #3

Sep 11, 2019

Artist Ilias Kyriazis is amazing and will have a hell of a career from this. Mark my words. We are halfway through the series and I'm still looking forward to more.

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Collapser #4

Oct 11, 2019

The story is unique and strong. The art by Ilias Kyriazis is nothing short of spectacular. This has been a great story overall and I really can't wait to see how they finish it all up!

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Collapser #5

Nov 18, 2019

Mikey Way and Shaun Simon do a hell of a job writing this book and making the story a quality one. The art by Ilias Kyriazis is pretty amazing, too. I am sad that this is ending as it has been a pretty great ride thus far. It is books like this that make me happy that the Young Animal imprint is still happening.

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Collapser #6

Dec 5, 2019

This is a nice little miniseries for sure. I am sad that it is over but I am glad that I got a chance to dig in and read it.

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Compass #1

Jun 4, 2021

The writing is very strong. I love the little twists and turns. The artwork is well done too. It does leave off on a cliffhanger but I expected nothing less. It is a solid first issue and the whole book is bursting with ideas and fun.

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Compass #2

Jul 23, 2021

The story is pretty good. It does get a bit too crazy at times but the characters are very good. The art by Justin Greenwood is the best part. Overall, I liked this book and I am interested to see where it is really headed.

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Compass #3

Aug 20, 2021

Overall, it is a decent book and has some really great moments In It.

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Compass #4

Sep 17, 2021

I look forward to how they decide to end this book. It has been a good adventure thus far.

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Confabulation: An Anecdotal Autobiography OGN

Feb 17, 2023

It explores the many facets of his creativity and shows you his work in a different light. The format for this book is beautiful as well and the whole thing is a nice package for any fans of the man's immense body of comic book work.

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Cover (2018) #1

Sep 5, 2018

These are two creators at the top of their game and it's good to see them working together. This is pretty great.

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Cover (2018) #2

Oct 17, 2018

The art by Mack is simply brilliant. He utilizes his multimedia art style brilliantly. The result are stunning. This is an amazing new path for both creators. And I personally cannot get enough.

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Cover (2018) #3

Nov 21, 2018

It's quite an achievement the two have created here in this comic. This is one of my favorite books of the year.

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Cover (2018) #4

Dec 21, 2018

Bendis and Mack make for an amazing team. They are firing on all cylinders here. I can't say enough about this book. Oh, except that I truly can't wait to read it all together as I'm sure it'll be one hell of a rewarding experience unlike anything I've ever seen.

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Cover (2018) #5

Jan 25, 2019

At the end of the issue, we get to the convention in Brazil. It brings the whole storyline full circle from the beginning. There is also some trouble afoot of course. How will this end? I have no idea but I know that I'm in good hands. We have one more issue to go, and it's been a great ride. This issue is a big part of that.

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Cover (2018) #6

Mar 15, 2019

Still, it's a decent enough book. I'll be reading it when it comes back for sure and it does feature some of the most excellent artwork on the stands. Bendis and Mack are a dream team, and hopefully this book comes back sooner rather than later. It's extremely well done.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

There is a cool Ultraman backup story that features art by Bryan Hitch. This one is very sharp and good and the detail in this short story are amazing. The art by Hitch is very good as well and the whole thing just works. I am interested to see where this title goes from here.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 8, 2021

The issue also has a backup story written again by Schmidt and with artwork by Bryan Hitch. It is a well drawn and interesting story about Owlman. It shows his origin and has a few interesting facts in it as well.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 5, 2021

This seems to only be getting better with each passing issue.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #4

Jun 2, 2021

Overall, this is a solid issue from start to finish. It is an unexpectedly enjoyable read.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #5

Jul 7, 2021

Bryan Hitch illustrates the back up story, which is the origin story of Johnny Quick. It is really a lot of fun and the story is well drawn.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #6

Aug 4, 2021

This is a book that has been flying under the radar a bit. It shouldn't. It was very well done as a whole.

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Crude #1

Jun 4, 2018

Again, the art on this is the highlight for me. Brown has been great for years. I hope this turns around. Orlando can do better than this and I hope the story picks up and feels more focused. Right now, it's just not fully formed.

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Cuddles: A Last Chance Crime Story #1

Sep 17, 2021

The writing is strong. Jed McPherson is obviously a talent and he is very understated in his writing. The artwork is very good as well. This is a good comic book. I would like to see this team tackle something bigger, but this is a satisfying read from start to finish.

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Damage (2018) #5

May 16, 2018

The creators here don't seem to have much passion for this beyond it being an assignment. That's a shame. I feel like this book could be interesting if somebody just cared. Sadly, that does not seem to be the case at all.

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Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Dec 13, 2019

And man, the art. It is one of the best art jobs I have seen in a long time. Gramp is a genius. I hope that it doesn't take as long until we see his next art job. But I'll be salivating over this one until then. This is awesome.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Jun 17, 2020

It is the hand reaching out to every story that came before it in this universe, saying "you matter."

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Aug 12, 2020

Snyder and Capullo have done it again with this issue and this is really spectacular stuff.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Oct 14, 2020

The writing by Scott Snyder is excellent here. He does a great job of throwing a bunch of concepts at the reader and making it easily digestible. Artist Greg Capullo is doing the best work of his career and this is pretty great.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #5

Nov 19, 2020

The writing is pretty great. Snyder is really pushing himself to make something special and it shows on every page. Likewise, Capullo is doing great on the art as well. This is a really wonderful follow up to the first series and I can't wait to see how it ends.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #6

Dec 21, 2020

The story by Snyder is great. It is fun and wacky and just a joy. It is also very impactful and personal. Working with Capullo is when Snyder is at his best (and vice versa). That is certainly the case here as this series looks as though it is going to end on a real high note.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 6, 2021

This book feels like a last chapter of sorts for this creative team in the DC Universe. I hope not, but it will be tough to top this series.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Rise of the New God #1

Oct 29, 2020

So this issue was a bit of a letdown overall. It could have been great. Maybe let Hill and Virella take the lead next time.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Sep 23, 2020

The last page is simply awesome. This is the perfect place for Wally to be. It's great.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Sep 30, 2020

Overall, this book is good. The artwork makes the weaker parts less noticeable and it is a pretty entertaining issue overall.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Guidebook #1

Aug 21, 2020

I wouldn't mind a few more, as long as the quality is kept this high.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 23, 2020

Other artists on the book include the amazing Ryan Benjamin and Paul Pelletier. They all do a great job together. Scott Snyder and Geoff Johns write an incredible script too and it is a perfect Christmas gift from the entire creative team.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1

Jan 4, 2021

All in all, this is a decent book with some good stories in it.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1

Dec 17, 2020

The last story of the book is fantastic as well. It is written by Mark Waid and drawn by Francis Manapul and it features Superman in a really great last story. It is perfect and this whole issue. This is probably the best of the spin off book from Death Metal and it is truly well done.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Sep 9, 2020

This is a truly great chapter of the Death Metal saga and it is worthy to give a repeat read.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1

Nov 25, 2020

I am loving everything that is Death Metal and this really fits in perfectly.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1

Nov 11, 2020

Both add value to an already amazing book. This is pretty great.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Legends of the Dark Knights #1

Aug 5, 2020

This is the best spinoff book I have seen come down the line of any It is essential if one is reading the Death Metal book. I had a lot of fun with this and I am glad I got a chance to sit down and savor this well done comic.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Oct 22, 2020

This is an excellent one shot that spins off an excellent main series. The stories are great and the artwork is great, especially by Rossmo. I could read a hundred of these spin offs, as long as they are as well handled as this one. Well done.

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Dark Nights: Metal #2

Jul 15, 2020

It is a pretty frightening last panel. It is also pretty exciting. Snyder and artist Greg Capullo are really going the distance In this book. It is so imaginative and structured and I cannot get enough.

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Deathstroke/Yogi Bear #1

Nov 2, 2018

This book though is all about the first story. And that story is a good read indeed.

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DC / Looney Tunes: The Joker/Daffy Duck #1

Aug 29, 2018

Daffy goes undercover for the police and it ends badly. That's pretty much it.

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DC / Looney Tunes: Catwoman/Tweety and Sylvester #1

Aug 29, 2018

The second story has Catwoman going into the Looney Tunes universe. It's rather slight but does have a few laughs.

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DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Summer Special #1

Jul 25, 2018

Still, there's a whole ton to like here. It's more than worth the price of admission. I hope DC keeps going with this idea and keeps the quality high. This was mostly a lot of fun.

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DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1

May 12, 2021

Representation in all media is extremely important and it is great to see DC doing something like this book. It has various stories in it and it is good to see the company taking it all seriously. This is a fine collection of comics.

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DC Pride (2021) #1

Jun 9, 2021

This is really well done overall.

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DC's Crimes of Passion #1

Feb 7, 2020

There are some decent enough stories here that make this worth a look.It is slightly better than these things normally are.

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DC's Very Merry Multiverse (2020) #1

Dec 17, 2020

The best story in the book comes from writer Tom King and drawn by Scott Koblish. It is a great story about Lobo and the holiday of Hannukah. It is pretty fun without trying too hard. I wish the rest of the book followed it's example. This wasn't bad but could definitely have been better.

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DC: The Doomed and The Damned (2020) #1

Oct 14, 2020

I enjoyed it very much and I am looking forward to the next one of these treasury editions!

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DCeased #1

May 1, 2019

But I was into it the entire time. Taylor keeps the action moving fast and the excitement high. Sure, we have seen plenty of zombie inspired media out there. But where else can you see Nightwing bite Batman on the neck that turns him into a zombie? This was a pretty fun and exciting read overall.

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DCeased #2

Jun 7, 2019

The ending of the book is especially gruesome. We get to see Batman's last moments. He is infected and he must be dealt with. We get an ending here too that is actually shocking as a result. I'm at the edge of my seat here. I can't wait to see what happens next. This is a great book with a superb creative team. I'm very excited to see where this goes.

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DCeased #3

Jul 3, 2019

The art by Trevor Hairsine is tops. He really is the perfect artist for this book. The writing and the art have a certain glee to it, almost as if the creators are saying "can you believe that we are getting away with this?" I'm glad that they are, and I'll be reading whatever they create here.

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DCeased #4

Aug 9, 2019

The story is tops! It's a fast moving comic book that doesn't let up. The art by Trevor Hairsine really is some of the best and most exciting storytelling I've seen in quite some time. The creative team works so well together and I can't stop reading this comic. I've become pretty obsessed with this. It's been pretty damn great.

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DCeased #5

Oct 2, 2019

The last panel hits the hardest. There is a big change in the story dynamic at the end. The creative team just nails it perfectly. I loved this book and all of the twists and turns it took. It is brilliantly done. There is nothing more to say than that.

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DCeased #6

Nov 4, 2019

This leads into one of the most horrifying endings ever. I can't say much more without ruining it. But man, it is spectacular. The whole series was. Let us hope Tom Taylor writes another one. This is some truly great work.

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DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

Sep 5, 2019

This is just pure fun. It doesn't get any deeper than that. The story is a good time and the art is perfect for it. I'm enjoying this very much and it's a cool world Taylor is making. I hope he keeps going with it for many more stories to come.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #1

Jul 8, 2020

Tom Taylor once again writes this issue with a sick glee that is enjoyable to read. He takes us to some really interesting places in this issue both dramatically and emotionally. The art by Trevor Hairsine is as good as the original series, if not better.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #2

Aug 5, 2020

This is a great issue of an interesting title. The creative team has hooked me again!

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #3

Sep 2, 2020

I am still not sure where it is all going but I cannot wait to find out. Hopefully, it is worth it.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #4

Oct 7, 2020

The art by Hairsine is pretty damn good as well. I am addicted to this book and I cannot get enough.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #5

Nov 4, 2020

But things are certainly awesome if you are reading this book.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #6

Dec 2, 2020

All in all, this is a fine book and a good penultimate issue as this series heads towards it's conclusion.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #7

Jan 20, 2021

I loved what they did with this series and will read more if they make them!

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DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Feb 24, 2020

The art is pretty spiffy as well. All in all, this is a nicely done spinoff from the previous series.

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DCeased: The Unkillables #3

May 20, 2020

Taylor has done a great job reimagining the DC universe, and I can't wait to see what his plans are next.

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Deathbed #5

Jun 21, 2018

This team really has a good book on their hands. I can't wait to see how it ends.

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Deathbed #6

Jul 18, 2018

I'm sorry this book is ending. These six issues are memorable, however. I'll be buying the trade when it comes out. Thumbs up.

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Deathstroke (2016) #32

Jun 6, 2018

The art is very well handled for this title as well. This storyline seems like it will have lasting scars for both Batman and Deathstroke. I can't wait to read the next chapter of this twisty, and compelling story.

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Deathstroke (2016) #33

Jul 4, 2018

It's also great to see Ed Benes drawing this title and in the DC Universe again. He has a look to his art that is perfectly suited for the craziness and action of this book. This is another great chapter in the mini Batman versus Deathstroke saga!

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Deathstroke (2016) #34

Aug 1, 2018

There's one more issue of this madness. I can't wait to see how it wraps up. It's very fun and well done.

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Deathstroke (2016) #35

Sep 5, 2018

The question of "Is Damian Slade Wilson's son?" is answered by the end. Since it was the catalyst for this six parter, the answer had to be satisfactory. Suffice to say, it definitely is. It's done in a simple, yet effective way. This is some great stuff here. Priest doesn't play it safe, and it's great. The art by Pagulayan was perfect here too, and he was firing on all cylinders. I can't wait to read it again.

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Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 3, 2018

The art is wonderful here. The two artists work well to make Priest's script come to life. This seems to be another fine storyline on this awesome book. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Deathstroke (2016) #37

Nov 8, 2018

I love this title. What a great job Priest is doing. And I'm a huge fan of Pasarin's art on this book. We are left with a big cliffhanger at the end. And I cannot wait for more.

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Deathstroke (2016) #38

Dec 7, 2018

Priest does an amazing job with this issue yet again. He keeps the reader going with great stories, fantastic dialogue, and sheer adrenaline. This is another fine story and a great collaboration with Pasarin. This is a rare book that is only getting better with each passing issue.

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Deathstroke (2016) #39

Jan 9, 2019

This is a transitional issue for this storyline. That's not to say it's bad. It just is leading to the finale. You could call it the calm before the storm. I'm interested enough to see where we end up. It could very well be a new status quo for this title. We shall see.

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Deathstroke (2016) #40

Feb 8, 2019

The last page of the issue ends the storyline. And it's so perfectly realized, that I commend the creative team incredibly. This is some good stuff. I don't know where we will end up next, but it's always an adventure. This is some great storytelling indeed going on here.

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Deathstroke (2016) #41

Mar 8, 2019

Eventually Gordon lets Wintergreen go. This leads into a good ending which is a perfect lead in to the next storyline.Priest is at the top of his game. I mean he's really at the prime of his run here at this point in this title. Every issue is fresh and works even better then the last. The art is pretty great too. I'm really excited with what Priest and each artist have been coming up with on this book, month in and month out. It's a damn fine comic.

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Deathstroke (2016) #42

Apr 3, 2019

Still, there's fun to be had. Priest peppers the script with plenty of cool dialogue and the art by Pagulayan is always a treat. Put that all together and you get a decent book that is just a tad overstuffed for my tastes, but still plenty enjoyable as well.

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Deathstroke (2016) #43

May 1, 2019

The art is pretty great on this title as well. When the story gets muddled in the middle, the art does the same, but the last few pages make it all worth it. I don't know where Priest is going to take it from here but I was not expecting that ending at all. And that's a good thing.

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Deathstroke (2016) #44

Jun 7, 2019

Now it's very likely that Slade Wilson will come back. But the next issue promises a new Deathstroke. Who will it be? I have no idea. I just know it'll be extremely intriguing from here on. And I, for one, can't wait. Bring it on.

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Deathstroke (2016) #45

Jul 3, 2019

The whole issue just works. This is a fun time to be reading this book as I have no idea where it's going. It really can go anywhere. And that's the best feeling anyone can have as a reader. Bravo.

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Deathstroke (2016) #46

Aug 9, 2019

Priest has Jericho make decisions that basically turn him into a major league villain. He takes the fight to Rose and the confrontation between the two is the crux of the issue. I loved how it was handled. And the end is perfect and leaves us on a nice cliffhanger. This is a great issue in an awesome book. It's only getting better each month!

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Deathstroke (2016) #47

Sep 5, 2019

Priest is still doing incredible work on this title. The stories are tight and well developed. And the art here is fairly strong too. It's only getting better with deeper stories and plots with every issue. It's been a great run thus far and this is another fantastic issue in that run. Keep them coming!

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Deathstroke (2016) #48

Oct 2, 2019

Like I said at the beginning of this review, I love this run of comics. It is going to be an absolute classic when all is said and done. Kudos to Priest and the artists and creators that have worked on this title. It's been truly great.

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Deathstroke (2016) #49

Nov 8, 2019

The story is a hell of a lot of fun. It really is a thrill ride from start to finish. Pasarin is one hell of an artist too and does a great job again here. I love the way this series turned out. I can't wait to see how this story wraps up.

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Deathstroke (2016) #50

Dec 5, 2019

The ending has a beautifully written and Illustrated coda for the series. It is really nicely done. Priest ends the book much like he began it: On a high note. This is the perfect conclusion to the best comic book run ever on this character.

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Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #1

Sep 29, 2021

Overall, this is a good first issue for this continuing series.

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Decorum #1

Apr 1, 2020

Together, this creative team has given us one of the best new comics of the year. It is quite an astonishing book.

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Delta 13 #1

Jul 11, 2018

The art by Jones is done in the sketchy style that another collaborator of Niles uses so well(that would be Ben Templesmith). It adds to that generic, knockoff feeling. Sadly, the issue doesn't get much better than that. Hopefully the rest of the series picks up and makes for itself a more original identity.

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Detective Comics (2016) #983

Jun 28, 2018

We don't meet the villain until the end it his last line and the last splash page is chilling. The art by Mendonca is a breath of fresh air as well and I hope this new direction of sorts sticks. It's a wonderful and vibrant read.

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Detective Comics (2016) #984

Jul 11, 2018

nnHill has turned this book around. It was getting silly before he came on. Now, the book feels like it has a direction. I'm excited about the possibilities that may be ahead of us.

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Detective Comics (2016) #985

Jul 25, 2018

The art is very good too, here. Someone (I won't say who) is executed at the very end on television and it's a nice way to end on a cliffhanger.

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Detective Comics (2016) #986

Aug 8, 2018

This is a book that is only getting better and better. I would like to beg DC to keep Bryan Hill on as the writer. He's brought back my enthusiasm and excitement for a title that I felt was just coasting. This is some great stuff, kids.

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Detective Comics (2016) #987

Aug 23, 2018

The ending of this storyline has a nice ending for Black Lightning. It leaves the door open for future stories. I hope so. Hill really has a handle on these characters and he strutted his stuff on this story. Mendonca did nice work too. Hopefully, they both get reunited soon.

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Detective Comics (2016) #988

Sep 12, 2018

I'm going to praise Stephen Segovia one more time. His work here is exemplary. I hope he stays on this title or on a Batman related title for some time to come. His work is just excellent. This is a good, solid issue from the creative team.

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Detective Comics (2016) #989

Sep 26, 2018

Stephen Segovia is the perfect artist for this title. His work here is just spectacular and he is the perfect Batman artist. The story isn't groundbreaking but it's incredibly solid. I'm enjoying it though and it ranks high for good entertainment value.

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Detective Comics (2016) #990

Oct 11, 2018

The art is some of the best of Segovia's career. The guy is a marvel. I can't say enough about it. This has turned out to be a solid tale in the continuing story of the Caped Crusader!

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Detective Comics (2016) #991

Oct 25, 2018

The art by Di Giandomenico is good too but he deserved to draw at least one full out action sequence. Still, this issue is a decent enough chapter. It just needed a bit more action.

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Detective Comics (2016) #992

Nov 19, 2018

It's a good ending to this cool chapter of this story. Robinson makes every scene count and he works best in stories that are grounded in reality. That's what makes this wonderful. He does great too working with the art. This is an awesome storyline. I'm enjoying it very much.

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Detective Comics (2016) #993

Nov 29, 2018

So they had me until the last six pages. And then I stopped caring. The rest of the issue is great however.

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Detective Comics (2016) #994

Dec 14, 2018

Tomasi and Mahnke hit all the right notes. And it's just their first issue! Where can it go from here? I don't know but I can't wait to find out.

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Detective Comics (2016) #995

Jan 7, 2019

Tomasi and Mahnke are a dream team. The writing and the art are of the highest caliber. I can't wait for the next issue. It will be on the top of my reading list for certain. It's amazing.

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Detective Comics (2016) #996

Jan 21, 2019

Detective Comics #996 is an amazing chapter in the storyline leading up to issue # 1000. Tomasi and Mahnke are creating a great and interesting story. I have no idea who's behind this plot but I can't wait to see. The only thing that is hard is the wait between issues.

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Detective Comics (2016) #997

Feb 1, 2019

If there is one minor complaint, I would have to say it's that the issue moves so quick. That's because I was focused the entire time I think and I just wanted more. It's a good place to be however. This is some great stuff, overall. I put this at the top of my reading pile whenever it comes in now. It's been truly excellent.

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Detective Comics (2016) #999

Feb 27, 2019

The good part is that the last few pages bring the issue up a bit. And it finishes nicely after that dull twist. So this is the ending of a great arc by Tomasi and Mahnke. It could have been a classic It's still worth reading though, and it made me very excited for what is to come.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1000

Mar 27, 2019

This is an anniversary issue that earns its place in history. DC really did an incredible job here and it shows on every page. This is one to savor.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1001

Apr 10, 2019

It's great. Tomasi really has been firing on all cylinders since he started writing this series and it's quite impressive. And I'm a huge Brad Walker fan. His art and storytelling at both tops. I have a feeling this storyline may end being a classic.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1002

Apr 26, 2019

The only bad thing about this comic book is that I want more right away! The story is great and the art is spectacular. They are really doing a great job. What will happen next? I don't know but I cannot wait to see!

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Detective Comics (2016) #1003

May 8, 2019

This is a book that only gets better and better. I can't believe how good it has gotten and I can't wait to see where this creative team takes us next.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1004

May 24, 2019

This is another fantastic issue. While you are able to catch a breath or two, the story doesn't lag at all. The art by Walker is tops, too. This is another spectacular chapter of this title. It hit me on every level and I want the next issue in my hands as soon as humanly possible.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1005

Jun 14, 2019

Detective Comics is back where it should always have been. What I mean by that is, it's as good if not better than than the main Batman title itself. Tomasi has brought the book back up to that level of quality. Now let's keep it there.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1006

Jun 26, 2019

Tomasi and Hotz handle the whole thing with pizzazz. It's great and feels like a classic comic book story. I love what Tomasi has accomplished on this book thus far. He's doing great and he and his collaborators have been top notch. This is another fine issue indeed.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1007

Jul 12, 2019

The ending is wonderfully handled. The best line is when Batman tells Corrigan that he can't have him in his city and the reason why. This has been a nice two part storyline. I hope these two creators reunite sometime in the future as well. They work extremely well together for sure.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1008

Jul 26, 2019

Tomasi and Mahnke make for a dream team. The art and the story are tops here. I really love the direction this comic book has taken. It's only getting better and better and it's a good thing. I also like that this a a stand alone issue and you don't really have to read anything else. This is great. It's at the top of my reading list whenever it comes out!

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Detective Comics (2016) #1009

Aug 14, 2019

This is a top level book that always seems to put a smile on my face recently. Well done.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1010

Aug 29, 2019

I'm not sure, but I'm know that it's leading to a cool place. Tomasi knows what he is doing and I trust him implicitly. For now, however, this is another fine issue of this involving series.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1011

Sep 11, 2019

The rest of the issue does have some talky scenes. It does however lead to a nice ending that relates itself to the Mr. Freeze story that Tomasi seems to be building to. I'm intrigued to see where he takes us from here. For now, this is another satisfying issue in a run by a solid and a bit underrated comic book writer.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1012

Sep 25, 2019

Doug Mahnke is at the top of his game in this issue. There is an obsessive amount of detail in the artwork. It seems like he and Tomasi have been waiting to tell this story. This feels like it's the beginning of something truly special indeed.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1013

Oct 11, 2019

What is going to happen next? What ramifications will it have? I have no idea. But I trust that this creative team has it under control. This has really been a great run that keeps getting better and better.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1014

Oct 25, 2019

The ending is a little bizarre but I loved it. The Freeze family is remaking Gotham. This part is beautifully illustrated by Doug Mahnke as is the whole issue really). The strong writing alongside the great art, make this another fine chapter in a great story. This creative team is making some of the best Batman stories currently being produced. Worth a look.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1016

Dec 2, 2019

It hits all the right notes and it is truly and utterly unforgettable.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1017

Dec 13, 2019

Taylor is a natural writer for Batman. He handles both aspects of the character perfectly. Blanco is a nice choice for the art as well. This is a well done story that is a nice collaboration between these two individual creators.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1018

Jan 3, 2020

Tomasi knows how to keep the book moving and keep the various characters interesting. The art by Godlewski is a nice surprise and a perfect fit. I am not sure where this is all going but I am definitely very interested.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 24, 2020

The ending is a little too quick and pat. There was a lot of buildup with not a lot of payoff. The art was nice but not as good as what we are used to on this title. It is still a decent comic right up to the end though. And while it feels like a filler story, it is still a nice enough time until the next issue.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1020

Mar 1, 2020

Tomasi and Walker are a dream team is this is a pretty fantastic issue overall.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1021

Mar 25, 2020

This is a well written book and the artwork is excellent. This is indeed the best work of artist Brad Walker's entire career.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1022

Jun 4, 2020

The story here is fantastic. Tomasi is at the top of his game. The art by Brad Walker is nothing short of stunning. This is only getting better and I am so happy that this book is back. And man, I really can't wait for that next issue to hit the stands.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1023

Jul 8, 2020

This is another fine issue of this creative team's run. Well done.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1024

Jul 22, 2020

Walker is one of the best artists working today and really knows how to illustrate a great story.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1025

Aug 12, 2020

Tomasi keeps the story fast and accessible like he always does and the art is pretty damn good. The resolution to the conflict presented here is pretty great. It also leans into the next chapter of this story pretty seamlessly as well.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1026

Aug 26, 2020

By the end of the book, we see the results of that fight. It also gives is a glimpse of what is coming next. It is an awesome ending and a nice point to end the book on.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1027

Sep 16, 2020

Actually, this whole issue is. DC did another spot on job with this anniversary issue and I can't wait for the next one!

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Detective Comics (2016) #1028

Oct 14, 2020

Tomasi and Scott work well together and this ends up being a fine issue indeed.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1029

Oct 29, 2020

Tomasi writes another great script, full of heart and intelligence. The art by Rocafort is great too. His design of the Mirror is great and the whole issue is dynamic. You could not ask for a better story overall. This is pretty great.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1030

Nov 11, 2020

This is pretty damn great overall and this new creative team clicks great on this issue.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1031

Nov 25, 2020

My only hope is that this creative team stays on for a nice, long run.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1032

Dec 17, 2020

The writing by Tomasi is great. The story has a lot of excitement but never at the expense of character. Tomasi always works best with artist Brad Walker, who again, returns here. It is a beautiful looking issue. I loved the whole thing.

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Detective Comics (2016) #1033

Dec 23, 2020

This is a perfect ending for a classic run. I can't wait to reread the entire thing.

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Detective Comics (2016) Annual #3

Jan 31, 2020

We get to see a story of Alfred in the past. It is a wonderfully illustrated story by Eduardo Risso. This is a real treat. It really shows the relationship between Alfred and Bruce perfectly. You don't get much better than this. This is a truly excellent and emotionally perfect annual.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #1

Mar 27, 2019

Humphries has always been a decent writer that was always on the verge on breaking out and being a superstar. This may be the book that allows him that. The art by Joe Quinones is pretty special as well. This is a nice start to a very interesting series. Let's see where it goes!

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #2

Apr 26, 2019

The art by Quinones perfectly compliments the story by Humphries. It's a nice book for sure. If this is kept up, this could be a nice solid comic book series for some time to come.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #3

May 24, 2019

The story moves at a great pace. And the art by Joe Quinones is perfect. You couldn't ask for a better creative team. This is some great stuff for sure and I'm enjoying it very much.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #4

Jun 26, 2019

The ending is another cliffhanger and I'm okay with that. It's really a great issue and the story is told very well. I'm interested to see what happens in the last two issue and then quietly hope for an ongoing series. It's been great.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #5

Jul 26, 2019

Next issue should be a blast too. This is a good solid read overall.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #6

Aug 29, 2019

I love this issue. It moves fast and it has a lot of great storytelling moments as well as some great nods (the nod to Daniel Clowes made me smile the most). All in all, this is another great issue by a fabulous creative team. Where it goes from here is anyone's guess, but I'll be reading it. It's a nice book that truly grabs you.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #7

Sep 25, 2019

The creative team doesn't answer it in this issue and it is a little frustrating. Hopefully we get a little more of an inkling in the next issue. I love not knowing where I am heading. But only if it leads to someplace satisfactory. Let us see what happens!

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #8

Oct 25, 2019

The art is pretty decent throughout. And we do get a one page little bit of Miguel that moves the story forward. It is not a bad issue overall but it does feel a bit like filler. I always like something more than that.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #9

Nov 21, 2019

This is a nice little limited series. It does get a little too "quirky" at times but I am okay with that for the most part. It is written decently and the art is always pretty well done. I am really enjoying it, even if it is a little slight.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #10

Jan 3, 2020

This book is highly fun. It does get a tad boring sometimes as it does meander a bit. But for the most part, it is a decent book with some cool art. I am interested to see how the creators tie it all up.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #11

Jan 31, 2020

Hopefully all of this can be cleared up in the last issue of this series. There are a lot of good elements but they got a little lost buried under so much nonsense. Let us hope that it all comes together in the last issue.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #12

Mar 1, 2020

The end of the book leaves things open. I hope we get to see more adventures by this creative team. They had a lot of fun making this (the cameos in this last issue are amazing) and it all just worked. For now, this was a very satisfying series.

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Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? OGN

Aug 20, 2021

This is an unbelievable book, well worth reading and poring over for years to come.

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Doom Patrol (2016) #12

Nov 2, 2018

Maybe there will be future issues of this series that will give us something more substantial. The first 11 issues are great. This one just feels empty and forgets what the audience has responded to. Hopefully it picks up. This comic book series has been a a great and reliable title. This issue is not.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #1

Jul 3, 2019

This is a nice start to a new series. It seems promising. Only time can tell but if the other issues are as good as this one then we might just be in for a real treat.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #2

Aug 9, 2019

The story itself is the definition of "quirky." It never takes itself too seriously and that's a good thing. The art by Lambert is tops. He's has a great talent for comic art that I just love. I wish that he would do more work. This is a top level book by a top level creative team. I certainly can't wait for however much more that they give us. It's pretty great.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #3

Sep 5, 2019

It's a strange issue for sure but the creative team has a great handle on things. The ending really does explain everything and it's really cool where we end up. The art by Shaner is good too and really completes the package perfectly. This is another fine issue in a good series!

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #4

Oct 2, 2019

Nick Pitarra is a great addition to this team as the artist. His work fits perfectly into this world. He is an underrated artist too who gives this book a lot of energy. I really enjoyed his work here and hope he stays on for some time to come.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #5

Nov 8, 2019

The ending is just plain strange and wonderful. Cloonan just brings it home. She is an excellent artist and a fantastic writer. It is simply a joy to read this issue. It is a little slight, but that's okay. I enjoyed it from start to finish.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #6

Dec 13, 2019

The story is as bizarre as can be, sometimes to it's own detriment. The art is a mix of excellent and extremely bad. Francia gets some points for trying. It just lost me in some parts. I guess I was looking for some clarity in this madness. Which, if you think about it, might be be the wrong way to go on a title like this.

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Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds (2019) #7

Jul 8, 2020

But that last image is so wonderful that it is almost perfect.

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Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #1

Nov 7, 2019

Tom Peyer is doing the best work of his career over at Ahoy Comics. His writing is vital in a way that it never was before this. Peter Krause does a great job on the art as well. This is a great start to the book. I can't wait to see where the creative team takes us from here!

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Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #2

Dec 12, 2019

The artwork by Peter Krause is fantastic as well. He is one of the unsung heroes in comics. His work is consistently great. Hopefully this brings him more attention. His artwork is of the highest quality here on this title.

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Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #5

Apr 1, 2020

Ahoy Comics has done a great job with their books and The Wrong Earth and this series are a flagship.

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Edgar Allan Poe (Ahoy): Snifter of Terror Season Two #1

Oct 14, 2019

Motter does a great job both writing and illustrating this story. There are even a few amusing essays in the back. Ahoy Comics had proven once again that they are one of best new publishers in comics.

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Edgar Allan Poe (Ahoy): Snifter of Terror #4

Jan 22, 2020

We also get another couple of text pieces at the end. They add value to this book, which is just awesome.

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Ether: Copper Golems #1

Jun 4, 2018

The only problem with this book is that it moves too fast. You can read it very quickly. But that's okay. It hooks you like a drug and leaves you wanting more.

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Fantastic Four: Life Story #1

May 19, 2021

Mark Russell writes an amazing script as usual. I never would have thought he would be a writer on the Fantastic Four but here we are and his work here is quite excellent. Sean Isaakse is the perfect artist for this as well. He gives the team a fresh look.

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Fantastic Four: Life Story #2

Jun 23, 2021

It is all handled with humor and great dialogue. Russell is only getting better as a writer and it shows. The art by Izaakse is perfect and shows us new aspects of these age old characters. This is the best Fantastic Four book in twenty five years.

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Fantastic Four: Life Story #3

Aug 13, 2021

The story by Mark Russell is fast and yes, even funny at times, but it carries a lot of weight. The art by Sean Izaake is spectacular as well. The whole book is excellent, and I think this will end up being a classic.

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Fantastic Four: Life Story #4

Sep 17, 2021

The story does go into some really crazy places. Mark Russell writes an amazing script as usual. The artwork by Sean Izaake is pretty great too.

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Female Furies #1

Feb 8, 2019

The art by Adriana Melo is perfect for this book. The two creators just knock it out of the park here. I wasn't sure how this would go, but I enjoyed it very much. If the rest of the series is as strong as this first issue, it will both satisfy and succeed far beyond my original reservations.

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Female Furies #2

Mar 8, 2019

Aurelie does confront her attacker and it's a breathtaking scene. I commend the creative team for handling the sensitive subject matter with respect. They do a fine job and make this book more than just a standard spin-off book. They turn it into something unique.

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Female Furies #3

Apr 3, 2019

It's pretty brutal, but the creative team handles it all very well. There is a great ending here too that hits the reader hard. This is one incredible book. I'm not sure where we might end up next, but I know I have never read anything quite like this comic.

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Female Furies #4

May 1, 2019

The story is strong and pointed. The artwork is pretty spiffy as well. I'm enjoying this book like you wouldn't believe. It's a great take on characters that never really got the spotlight before this. I'm glad to see that this is changing.

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Female Furies #5

Jun 7, 2019

Castellucci and Melo are a dream team. They make every moment count. They also create a feminist view of the world that is smart and creative and just plain excellent. It's been a solid run. They just need one more great final issue next month to make this a classic.

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Female Furies #6

Jul 3, 2019

Melo was the perfect artist for this book and does a spot on job on this last issue. The pair of creators have taken these background characters and really have given them a new lease on life. I doubt anyone will ever be able to show the characters any other way except like this from now on. That's quite an accomplishment, indeed.

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Flash (2016) #53

Aug 23, 2018

The art by Duce isn't my favorite but I like it enough. I loved when Howard Porter was on this title. This feels like the younger brother of his style. It's decent but it makes me want Porter back as it's a little too similar. Still, this is decent stuff and a fine issue overall.

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Flash (2016) #54

Sep 12, 2018

It started off awful but quickly got better. And sometimes, that's all that matters.

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Flash (2016) #55

Sep 26, 2018

It's a great story and Williamson and Kolins are a fine team. The writing and art work well together. This is an intriguing start to the new storyline. I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

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Flash (2016) #56

Oct 12, 2018

The writing is fun and it's all enjoyable. I am, however, ready for this "Sage Force" story to be over. It's run it's course and it's time to move on. Williamson does a capable job writing this issue and it's decent for sure. But I can't wait until the next storyline starts and we are running off to a new destination on this book.

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Flash (2016) #57

Oct 25, 2018

The story is all over the place but there's more good than bad so I'm in for the long haul. I am glad this particular storyline had ended.

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Flash (2016) #59

Nov 29, 2018

I love the art by Sandoval. He has such a great design sense and may be the best artist this title has seen in quite awhile. This is a fine book. It's also another great chapter in the overall story.

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Flash (2016) #60

Dec 14, 2018

The only thing that doesn't really work for me is Powerhouse's costume design, which looks like a Green Lantern gone to hell. It's a small complaint but I think more time could have been used to develop it. That minor complaint aside, this is a good issue in a solid book.

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Flash (2016) #61

Jan 7, 2019

I'm interested to see where it goes but hopefully the next story has a little more time to breathe and let us experience what is happening rather than have us rush off everywhere.

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Flash (2016) #62

Jan 21, 2019

I have been waiting for something more to happen in this book. Williamson is a capable writer but he isn't really showing it as much as he used to. At the moment, I feel like we are running over the same ground repeatedly. And I I know it can certainly be better than that.

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Flash (2016) #63

Feb 1, 2019

This was a nice turn of events for this title. I'm enjoying where this is headed and the story possibilities ahead. Hopefully Williamson can keep this train going. This was pretty good.

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Flash (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

Rafa Sandoval is the perfect artist for this book. I hope he comes back. He works great with Williamson. This was a nice crossover between both of the books. The creative team really rocked it. I would like a lot more of the crossovers between books done just like this. It was a good time for sure.

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Flash (2016) #66

Mar 15, 2019

Williamson and Kolins actually make a great creative team. I hope we get more issues from the two of them. It's a solid comic book about a villain that you forgot about but who is absolutely viable. The creative team more than does him justice here.

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Flash (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

This is a great issue. Williamson really got this book back on track and it's funny as well as being genuinely scary and fun. The art by Scott Kolins is perfect, too. He can handle anything Williamson throws at him with aplomb. I really enjoyed this comic book thoroughly.

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Flash (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

I was never a huge fan of Scott Kolins until now. He makes a great collaborator for Williamson though. The two creators bring the best out of it other and it shows. This a great book that is seemingly getting better with each issue.

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Flash (2016) #69

Apr 26, 2019

It then leads us into what's going to happen next issue. It appears the next storyline is called "The Flash: Year One." At this point, I was as excited as could be. This is a great issue with the promise of more great things to come. You really can't ask for more than that.

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Flash (2016) #70

May 8, 2019

The story is strong. And Porter really does the best work of his career on this issue. This is the start of something truly awesome indeed. I can't wait to see how this creative team handles it from here on out.

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Flash (2016) #71

May 24, 2019

What more can I say about Williamson's writing? It's perfect and he hits the tone of this story flawlessly. And Howard Porter does his best work here. This storyline is something really great. I'll be racing to pick up the next issue for sure.

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Flash (2016) #72

Jun 14, 2019

I love this. The writing and the art are of the highest level. I don't know how they will be wrapping this up but I can't wait to find out. This may be the best storyline of Williamson's entire run. Recommended.

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Flash (2016) #73

Jun 26, 2019

Williamson is a hell of a writer. This is the best and most exciting work he's ever done on this title. And the artwork by Porter is great. He's at the top of his career too. I love where this is going. It's a must read month in and month out.

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Flash (2016) #74

Jul 12, 2019

This book is only getting better. I'm loving every part of it. This is the way I like the Flash. Williamson has consistently written some amazing stories here and this issue continues that trend. This storyline is becoming a classic quick.

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Flash (2016) #75

Jul 26, 2019

It's another great bridge to upcoming issues and I'm excited to see where it goes. This is just getting more and more thrilling with each and every issue.

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Flash (2016) #76

Aug 14, 2019

But with some excellent writing and some spot on artwork, this book really delivers. I'm excited about the possibilities ahead and the fun yet to come.

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Flash (2016) #77

Aug 29, 2019

The storyline is called "The Death of the Speed Force," so it's anyone's guess. We will find out soon though I'm sure. Right now, I'm just enjoying the ride.

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Flash (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Williamson is a great writer. He knows how to make an exciting comic book that also goes a bit deeper. My favorite kind of writer. I'm excited to see what's next. It's been great.

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Flash (2016) #79

Sep 25, 2019

I hope Sandoval sticks with this for the long haul. He is an incredible artist who amplifies the story like you wouldn't believe. This is a strong and reliable comic book every time it comes out.

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Flash (2016) #80

Oct 11, 2019

The story here is tops. The art is fantastic as well. I love reading this month in and month out. I am excited beyond belief as to where this is going. I can't wait to see where the creative team takes us from this point on.

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Flash (2016) #81

Oct 26, 2019

This book is completely awesome. The story is tops. The art is great and it it so damn emotional overall that I just loved it. I can't say enough about it. It really is that good. Even better, it seems like we have a lot more fun in store for us.

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Flash (2016) #82

Nov 18, 2019

Williamson has done a great job again for writing this issue. It is nothing but high excitement from start to finish. The art by Sandoval is something else, too. This is one hell of a start to a new storyline and I cannot believe how good this is.

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Flash (2016) #83

Dec 2, 2019

The comic is inventive and it is incredibly well drawn. Williamson goes out on a limb and takes risks consistently. They pay off for the most part. This is a well done comic indeed.

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Flash (2016) #85

Jan 3, 2020

Actually, all of the artwork here is beautiful. Christian Duce does a first rate job yet again. The artwork is excellent on each and every page. This is another strong book in an excellent run. I cant wait to see where we go next.

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Flash (2016) #86

Jan 15, 2020

At the end of the issue, he is begging to be locked up. What will happen next? Where is this all going? I have no idea but I am excited to find out!

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Flash (2016) #87

Jan 31, 2020

This is the cliffhanger that this excellent issue leaves us off on. I can't wait to see what happens.

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Flash (2016) #88

Feb 14, 2020

Which makes it a tad disappointing. This issue is such a quick read. I wanted more. Williamson just uses this issue to set things up. The art, however, is spectacular. I am looking forward to seeing what this all leads to!

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Flash (2016) #750

Mar 6, 2020

This is a great issue and it is solid all around. Happy anniversary to The Flash. This book is a tremendous way to celebrate it.

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Flash (2016) #751

Mar 16, 2020

For now, this is a well written issue with some excellent art from Christian Duce. You can't ask for more than that. Great job.

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Flash (2016) #752

Mar 25, 2020

Williamson writes another tremendous issue here, and it is a stunner. The art by Howard Porter is simply awesome. This is a fantastic issue and it is leading to some really amazing things that are ahead.

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Flash (2016) #753

May 6, 2020

By the end, Barry has a fight with Thawne. It is fantastic. The last page is one hell of a cliffhanger. It leaves you wanting more immediately. This issue is well written and the art is spectacular. I love this series. It is a top book for sure, and one of the best continuing series on the market.

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Flash (2016) #754

May 27, 2020

All in all, this is another good issue in a series I don't ever want to end. This is a great job done by everyone involved.

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Flash (2016) #755

Jun 10, 2020

This is a great issue. It also promises a big conclusion coming up. I can't wait. It looks like its going to be great.

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Flash (2016) #756

Jun 24, 2020

This is some really enjoyable stuff and I can't wait to see how Williamson wraps up his run.

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Flash (2016) #757

Jul 8, 2020

It is a bunch of setup for sure but it is interesting and doesn't bore.

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Flash (2016) #758

Jul 22, 2020

The last two pages are pretty shocking as Barry comes up against some familiar faces from the past. These characters are supposed to be dead. What is going on here? I loved the cliffhanger.

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Flash (2016) #759

Aug 12, 2020

By the end of the issue, we get to see that the Jay Garrick Flash will have a role in this story. It is a great set up issue and I am excited for the the end. Both the story and the artwork are tops here.

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Flash (2016) #760

Aug 26, 2020

Williamson does a great job on this issue by taking the various story threads and keeping them accessible. The art change from Duce to Kolins is a bit jarring, but both do a great job here and I enjoyed this issue very much.

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Flash (2016) #761

Sep 9, 2020

Williamson seems determined to finish his run on a high note. I think he's going to do it too. He is tossing in everything and the kitchen sink into his run and it shows. It's great too that Howard Porter is the artist on this issue as well. He is awesome and is the perfect artist to help bring this run to the finish line.

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Flash (2016) #762

Sep 23, 2020

Congratulations, Joshua Williamson. You turned this cynical person into a kid again.

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Flash (2016) Annual #2

Feb 1, 2019

Next, to end the issue, Godspeed meets up with his mysterious and unknown master. We have no idea who it is. But the last shot of the book has me intrigued. It was truly an excellent moment. This whole book is fantastic. This is the Flash I love. Williamson hits all the right notes here and it's great. Hopefully this new direction sticks. It's a great starting point and it's one that I've been waiting for.

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Flash (2016) Annual #3

Jun 17, 2020

This is a standalone annual that is handled very well. The story is great and all of the artists have done a superb job here. Williamson plays it smart here keeping the story self contained and it it just the right amount of fun.

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Flash Forward (2019) #1

Sep 19, 2019

It gets a C plus. It had such potential but maybe it'll improve. Wally West is one is my favorite characters. I was hoping this series would set his story straight.

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Flash Forward (2019) #2

Oct 16, 2019

Like I said before, Lobdell doesn't have a handle on the Wally West character. I wanted to know where he is emotionally. But unfortunately, any hopes of that is run over immediately.

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Flash Forward (2019) #3

Nov 21, 2019

This is a pretty good issue. I hope the rest of the series is like this. If they can keep it up, this could turn out to actually be a worthwhile series. The creative team turned it up this issue and it is very good.

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Flash Forward (2019) #4

Dec 24, 2019

This book really picked up. The writing is fantastic and the artwork fits this book perfectly. Lobdell and Booth have found their footing and this is really quite excellent. They have turned this book around into something great.

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Frankenstein (2015): Undone #1

Jan 30, 2020

By the end of the issue, Frankenstein has found a little bit of purpose. It also has a nice last page that is open ended. The story is a bit slight as a whole and doesn't have as much depth as one would like. The art by Stenbeck is very good though. Overall, this is a decent enough entry into the Hellboy universe.

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Frankenstein (2015): Undone #2

May 27, 2020

While it may not be a book for everyone, there is a lot to like. It is a well written and well illustrated comic book that may be currently flying under the radar.

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Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #1

Jan 20, 2021

All in all though, this was a solid book and very entertaining.

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Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1

Jan 6, 2021

All in all, this is a strong issue and one of the better Future State titles so far.

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Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Jan 27, 2021

Overall though, this just feels like another missed opportunity in a sea of missed opportunities.

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Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

Jan 6, 2021

The whole book is really an enjoyable read and I look forward to where the second issue takes us.

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Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 13, 2021

Overall, this is a worthwhile read and I enjoyed it very much. I can't wait for the next issue!

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

Jan 27, 2021

Nobody writes like Mark Russell. This book is both compelling and hilarious. There are some lines of dialogue that made me laugh out loud. The art by Steve Pugh is suitably perfect and awesome as well. This is a great start to this miniseries!

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Future State (2021): Superman: House of El #1

Feb 24, 2021

Phillip Kennedy Johnson is a genius. Not only has he written a great issue here, but he developed an entirely new approach to Superman. The art is great too, and really shines throughout. I hope this is a part of the new direction Superman is taking.

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Future State (2021): Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #1

Jan 13, 2021

That page, as well as all of the art, is by Marguerite Sauvage and she does an outstanding job here. The art really propels this story. The script is a little basic to be honest, but the art certainly brings it up. All in all, this is a decent first issue with some genuine excitement.

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Future State (2021): Catwoman #1

Jan 20, 2021

Ram V. is not my favorite writer but I have to say that this is a good script. The art by Otto Schmidt is the best part of the book, however. It is much stronger than I thought it would be and I enjoyed it very much.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 27, 2021

Both stories could have been better and it stinks that they weren't.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 6, 2021

John Ridley is a fantastic writer and he proves it again here. The story is thrilling and just plain awesome. The artwork is by one of my favorite artists, Nick Derington. He does a phenomenal job on this issue.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 13, 2021

The main story is worth reading. The story by Mariko Tamaki is very good. And artist Dan Mora does a hell of a job on the art. I am intrigued where they are going with this. I have a feeling that it is going to be pretty great.

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Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Jan 27, 2021

I enjoyed this title a lot and it is definitely one of the better Future State titles.

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Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Jan 13, 2021

Superman and Wonder Woman do their best to bring order to the world. But things do get a bit out of hand. The last page in particular exemplifies that best and makes for an intriguing hook for the next issue. I was interested to find out how this story is going to resolve itself.I said before that this comic is very basic and you definitely feel it reading this. It is not a bad thing, but I do wish that the creators had more space to give it more depth. There was a lot more to be explored with this and I feel like we may only be scratching the surface.

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Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 20, 2021

Artist Nicola Scott does an awesome job on the art as well. Maybe they can take this character over permanently?

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Future State (2021): Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #2

Feb 11, 2021

Marguerite Sauvage really is an amazing talent. She takes the script and does amazing things with it. Bennett writes a brave script too and honestly this turns out great by the end.

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Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Feb 17, 2021

Added in to the value of this issue are some decent backup stories. It is all very well done and this comic is, again, definitely the best of the Future State storyline.

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #2

Feb 24, 2021

I love this book and I am only sad that it will only be three issues.

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Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #2

Feb 11, 2021

Overall, this is another decent entry in the Future State line of books.

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Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2

Feb 11, 2021

The story for this book is pretty damn spectacular. I have to say that this is pretty well written and has great characterizations. The art is Eddy Barrow's best work. He has never been better and really pulls out all of the stops in this comic.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 20, 2021

The story by John Ridley is great. It feels completely new and a complete breath of fresh air to be honest. I love what he is doing here. Laura Braga turns out to be the perfect artist for this book as well. She does a great job of making the look feel new and interesting.

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Future State (2021): Nightwing #2

Feb 17, 2021

Writer Andrew Constant writes a great script here. It is full of verve and intelligence and works quite well. Artist Nicola Scott does a great job here on the art as well. The images are cool and the action is clear. I would love to see more from this creative team in the future.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 24, 2021

I wish this whole issue was better but sadly, it just completely missed the mark.

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Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #2

Feb 3, 2021

So, this issue is pretty great too. Phillips writes a nice script and the art is pretty good as well. It wraps up a bit too quickly for me, as I feel like there is so much that could have been explored.

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Future State (2021): Catwoman #2

Feb 17, 2021

All in all, this is an entertaining book. I enjoyed it very much.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Jan 27, 2021

I love what the creative team is doing here. Tamaki is doing a great job again writing this but I also have to praise artist Dan Mora. He does one of the best jobs in recent memory making Batman and the world he is in unique. His art is simply gorgeous.

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Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #2

Feb 24, 2021

The story is extremely dull. I found it super hard to get into. The art by Riley Rossmo is a bright spot however. His art is wonderful to look at. He makes the whole issue hurt less.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3

Feb 3, 2021

This is a worthwhile issue yet again, if only for the first story.

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #3

Mar 31, 2021

Russell writes characters that are multidimensional. He does a great job of making Lex not feel like a caricature. Pugh does an excellent job with the art as well and creates a unique looking Superman book. This is pretty great and I enjoyed this whole series very much.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3

Feb 11, 2021

Overall, this is another solid entry into the Future State line of books.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4

Feb 17, 2021

Sadly, the two of them aren't very good. The "Batgirls" story is pretty forgettable. Then there is the "Gotham City Sirens" story that just did not work for me at all. The lead story is great though and the book is worth it because of that.

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Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4

Feb 24, 2021

There is an interesting Red Hood backup story as well here that I don't want to say too much about as it leads to future events.

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Geiger (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2021

The story and art are both fantastic and I can't wait to see where this goes.

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Geiger (2021) #2

May 14, 2021

This is another solid issue from a top notch team!

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Geiger (2021) #3

Jun 9, 2021

Overall, this is another fine chapter of this extremely entertaining book.

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Geiger (2021) #4

Jul 7, 2021

This is a good issue. The script by Johns is very well done. The art by Gary Frank is top notch as always. I am loving this comic book. I think it has a lot going for it and it never fails to entertain.

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Geiger (2021) #5

Aug 6, 2021

The story by Geoff Johns gets very intense. Everything about it works. The art by Gary Frank is some of the best of his career. Frank only seems to be getting better and this is pretty excellent.

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Geiger (2021) #6

Sep 3, 2021

Geoff Johns writes a fairly strong script here. The story is fast paced and interesting and the dialogue is well done. The art by Gary Frank is excellent as well. He is only getting better with each new work and this is no exception.

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Generations (2021): Shattered #1

Jan 6, 2021

Sadly, it will remain a curiosity rather than a fully fleshed out event. That is the biggest shame of all this.

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Generations (2021): Forged #1

Feb 24, 2021

Sadly, I had a feeling this book will be lost in time itself as there is nothing grounding it to anything.

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George's Run: A Writer's Journey Through The Twilight Zone OGN

Jul 24, 2023

For a few of the faults the book has, I am glad that I read it. George Clayton Johnson is a marvel and it is a good book to learn about his work and who he was a a person.

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Gotham City Monsters #1

Sep 11, 2019

The end result is that the story is just okay and that the art is pretty okay. And that's about it. It seems like the creators are afraid to throw much caution to the wind so it ended up being kind of boring. And I'd rather crazy nuts than this.

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Gotham City Monsters #2

Oct 11, 2019

The art is the only good thing in this book. I don't really care about anything else that happened here. Maybe this will pick up but right now this book is a chore to get through.

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Gotham City Monsters #3

Nov 18, 2019

By the end of the book, I was half asleep. There is a tease at the end for Batwoman being in the next issue. Hopefully she can save this book. Right now, help is sorely needed.

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Green Arrow (2016) #44

Sep 5, 2018

The story is very good and the art is spectacular. This is a nice turn of events on this title and in the Benson's career. Hopefully they can keep up the incredible momentum.

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Green Arrow (2016) #45

Oct 3, 2018

Of course this is just the opening salvo of the Heroes in Crisis storyline and related crossovers. It can only get better. For now though, this is an incredible issue of Green Arrow.

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Green Arrow (2016): 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1

Jun 30, 2021

Highly recommended for sure and packed with entertainment value throughout!

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Green Hornet (2020) #1

Jul 23, 2020

The art is the best part and, even if the story blows it, it will worth reading just to see the magnificent art by Anthony Marques.

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Green Hornet (2020) #2

Sep 9, 2020

Sadly, though, the whole thing just feels like a missed opportunity.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #3

May 6, 2020

Artist Liam Sharp does one hell of a draw drawing this. He draws stuff that I have never seen in a comic book before. This is one hell of a collaboration between the two creators and I, for one, think it might be the best Green Lantern title has been in a long, long time.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #4

Jun 17, 2020

This is great. The story is completely wild. This art again by Sharp is fantastic. I loved every second of this. The two creators are working together wonderfully and the results are tremendous. I can only imagine where they might take us next. I can't wait to see.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #5

Jul 8, 2020

This series is constantly reinventing itself and I am liking it very much. It is a breath of fresh air for this character as well.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #6

Aug 12, 2020

I immediately wanted the next issue in my hands. It is so interesting and compelling and I have no no clue as to where we are headed. I do know that it is going to be great, especially with such a talented creative team at the helm.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #7

Sep 9, 2020

I can wait to see how they end this book but I will be sad to see it go.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #8

Oct 14, 2020

Overall, this is a pretty damn fine comic book. I am sad that it is ending soon but I can't wait to see where we end up.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #9

Nov 11, 2020

This is the best Green Lantern book to come down the pike in quite some time. I will be sad when it all ends for sure.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #10

Dec 21, 2020

Grant Morrison is having one hell of a time finishing off writing this series. They are never one that is short on ideas and this book is truly full of them. Artist Liam Sharp does a great job on the artwork as well.

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Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #11

Feb 11, 2021

I am loving where we are going and can't wait to see how this all concludes.

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Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2021

Thorne writes a script that I wish had more to it. It doesn't set up an interesting premise nor did it grab me at any point. The artwork by Dexter Soy is the best part of the book. He does a great job bringing it all to life. Too bad it just isn't enough to make the story more exciting.

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Green Lantern (2021) #2

May 5, 2021

The story here bored me. It feels unfocused and shoddy. I was trying to find an entry point so I could enjoy this, but it wasn't there. The art is pretty good but unfortunately, that is all this comic book has going for it.

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Green Lantern (2021) #3

Jun 2, 2021

This feels like a weak moment in the Green Lantern characters history. I wish it had more going on to it than this.

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Green Lantern (2021) #4

Jul 7, 2021

Overall, this is a plodding chapter in the Green Lantern saga. It is such a shame as the previous series was so good.

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Green Lantern (2021) #5

Aug 4, 2021

The story and artwork are okay at best. I wish there was more to it.

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Green Lantern (2021) #6

Sep 9, 2021

Geoffrey Thorne writess a very basic script. I wished there was more to it but there just isn't. The artwork is just okay as well, but nothing special.

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Green Lantern (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 9, 2021

Ryan Cady does an okay job on the script. It is serviceable with a few nice scenes. The art by Sami Basri is actually very good. Basri should be on a regular series as the art is very accomplished.

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Green Lanterns Annual #1

May 30, 2018

Diggle does his best to string it all together but it falls a bit flat. The art again is decent but the story doesn't allow for much excitement. The ending is a bit of a dull bummer. I hoped it would turn around the entire time but it never did.

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Gunland #1

Jan 3, 2022

This book is brimming with creativity. I have certainly never seen anything like it. The story is well paced and the artwork is perfect. Captain Artiglio does a great job on every aspect of this book. Definitely worth your time.

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Happy Hour #1

Nov 4, 2020

The story is sharp and politically charged like most of the Ahoy line of books. The art is pretty darn spectacular too on this, very well done and stated. This is a fine comic indeed and I can't wait to see what is explored for the rest of this series.

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Happy Hour #2

Dec 2, 2020

This is a great new title and I can't wait to see where this excellent creative tram takes us next.

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Happy Hour #3

Jan 6, 2021

The story never stops twisting and turning, yet it is all very focused. It is a great script for sure. The art is perfect and perfectly tempered as well.

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Happy Hour #4

Feb 12, 2021

This is a damn fine book that is relevant to today's times. Recommended.

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Happy Hour #5

Mar 17, 2021

This comic has one more issue to go and I can't wait to see where the two of these creators take us!

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Happy Hour #6

Apr 28, 2021

I absolutely loved this series as a whole and this is a pretty fantastic last issue.

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Harleen (2019) #1

Sep 27, 2019

By the end of the issue, we are left with a promise of what is to come. I am excited to see what happens next. This is a beautiful first issue, and I hope the next issues are as good as this one was.

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Harleen (2019) #2

Nov 4, 2019

Sejic has really come into his own as an auteur here. He not only illustrates an incredible story, he writes one as well. This is a masterful work and I love this comic. It is super well done.

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Harleen (2019) #3

Dec 27, 2019

The rest of the book is really just Harley and the Joker becoming closer and closer. I won't spoil the ending but it is very well done. Sejic has created one hell of a book that will really pass the test of time. The writing and the art are tops. You can't ask for more than that.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #2

Oct 11, 2019

Harley Quinn is getting a lot of play in comics these days. The work is getting to be of a higher quality with each new tale. This ranks as one of the better ones.

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #3

Nov 18, 2019

That's pretty much it for the issue. Not a lot happens but it is entertaining. The art is the best part as is the characterization's Houser gives the two leads in this slight, but enjoyable series.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #50

Sep 19, 2018

Hell if I know. I already checked out a long time before that.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

The story is very enjoyable. The writer Stephanie Phillips knows her audience and does a good job of giving them what they want and just a little bit more as well. The art by Riley Rossmo is tops. His work only gets better and better and this is quite good.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #3

May 27, 2021

This is a surprisingly fun book that I am enjoying very much.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #4

Jun 23, 2021

The story by Phillips is a lot of fun. She writes an entertaining script yet again and it is a good time for sure. I love Riley Rossmo's art and that is the selling point for me. It is another good issue in a series that is really working for me.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #6

Aug 25, 2021

The artwork by Laura Braga is well done. I like Braga. I hope she gets a regular series soon, but it is always a treat when her artwork shows up.

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Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass OGN

Sep 6, 2019

Tamaki has always been great. Here, she triumphs with a strong and insightful script. Likewise, Steve Pugh is doing the best work of his career. This is an amazing book, and it's one that anybody can enjoy and digest easily.

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Hawkman (2018) #1

Jun 13, 2018

Though I hate the voiceover Venditti has written, maybe it's the way to go. And maybe he's just better off if he keeps things as simple as possible for now.

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Hawkman (2018) #2

Jul 11, 2018

Venditti plays it a little too safe overall writing this book. I wish he had more guts and just went crazy with the ideas. Still, it's an easily read book that passed the time enjoyably enough.

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Hellblazer (2016) #22

May 25, 2018

I have very strong feelings on how a Hellblazer comic should work. That's just my genetic make up and others may like this book as it is now. I just don't see how they could.

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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #1

Sep 2, 2020

All in all, this is an awesome start to what looks to be a great limited series.

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Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #3

Feb 3, 2021

This has been a bit of a treat overall, and reminds you how Constantine should be treated in comics.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club #1

Nov 11, 2020

It doesn't feel rushed, but I do wish this was longer. It feels more like an appetizer rather than a full meal in a lot of ways. It is still very good, however, and makes for a good comic book.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Return of Effie Kolb #1

May 18, 2020

Mignola knows this character like the back of his hand. This is an exciting story that doesn't let up. He works so incredibly well with Howard, it is uncanny. Howard is an excellent storyteller and the whole thing just works. This is great!

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Hellboy: Winter Special: 2019 #1

Jan 15, 2020

All in all, the first story is the best. The second story was decent and the last wasn't my favorite. It is still a decent enough entry into this universe and I liked this comic. The first story, again, is the best reason for reading this.

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Hex Wives #1

Nov 2, 2018

The art by Andolfo is quite good. The book is full of life and the storyline and storytelling are both very spirited. This may be a sleeper hit for the new Vertigo line. Worth a look.

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Hex Wives #2

Nov 29, 2018

The art is great as well. Andolfo does some top notch work here and brings the script home. It's wonderfully drawn and there is so much quiet emotion that is brought to the page. It's really great. This book could be a sleeper.

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Hex Wives #3

Jan 7, 2019

And let me just say, that's one of the best feelings in the world.

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Hex Wives #4

Feb 1, 2019

I, for one, can't wait to see where this exciting creative team takes us from here.

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Hex Wives #5

Feb 27, 2019

Ben Blacker is writing one of the best books on the market with this comic. It's funny, tense and absolutely weird. It's great. The art by Andolfo is perfectly strange and wonderful as well. I'm not sure where we will end up, but I do know that wherever it is, that it'll be a truly unique place indeed.

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Hex Wives #6

Mar 27, 2019

Ben Blacker is quite the writing talent. He has created some real characters here that truly resonate. He has found the perfect partner in his scripts with Andolfo who Illustrates them perfectly. They have both done a great job on this one.

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Hey Kids! Comics!: Prophets & Loss #1

May 5, 2021

Even though it's fiction, the heart of the piece is real and it cut right to my comics reading core.

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Hey Kids! Comics! #1

Aug 13, 2018

And that's exactly what I think we have gotten from him here.

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Hey Kids! Comics!: Prophets & Loss #3

Jul 7, 2021

It currently is my favorite book coming out at the moment. Well done.

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Hey Kids! Comics!: Prophets & Loss #4

Aug 6, 2021

This is a perfect issue to show what happened to the comic book industry we all used to love.

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Hit-Girl (2018) #5

Jul 30, 2018

This is the first chapter of their short run. It's excellent and a good read overall.

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House of El (2021): The Shadow Threat #1

Jan 6, 2021

The art is perfect too for this. It is another strong book in the DC Ink line. I enjoyed this very much, just like the others!

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House of Whispers (2018) #1

Sep 12, 2018

Hopefully it picks up. Right now it just didn't involve me.

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I Am Not Okay With This OGN

Jun 5, 2020

The ending is very different from the Netflix show. It is much, much darker. But it is a powerful statement and testament to what many people are experiencing daily. Worth a read.

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Ignited #1

Jun 7, 2019

This is a book with a hard topic. I applaud the creators for trying something different. It's a tough book to build your entire shared universe on. If they can get the tone of the comics a little more balanced, they might be on to something here. Let's see what happens.

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Inferior Five #1

Sep 19, 2019

The backup story is written and illustrated by Lemire. It's a story about Peacemaker and his battle against these aliens. His quest at the end takes him in the direction of Dangerfield, Arizona! It's a nicely done little story at the end that makes you want more immediately! This issue is a nice package overall and is very enjoyable. Well done.

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Inferior Five #2

Oct 16, 2019

This is a strange little book that I am quite enjoying. The story is quirky and the art by Giffen and Lemire is great! I look forward to seeing where they take us next month!

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Inferior Five #3

Nov 8, 2019

I am enjoying this comic book very much. It is unlike anything else out there and that is a good thing. I am only sad that it is a limited series (but it doesn't have to be DC). I love both of these creators and I feel like this is a gift every time it comes out. Well done gentlemen.

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Inferior Five #4

Dec 5, 2019

The backup story for this is written and illustrated by Jeff Lemire. It features the Peacemaker and it is absolutely wonderful. It is basically a short story that has Peacemaker headed towards Dangerfield, Arizona. He encounters a little bit of trouble on his way. It completes the nice package of that this book is. This is another enjoyable issue of this title.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 3, 2021

This gives me hope that this could be a nice turn for DC. Overall, this is pretty good. Let's see where we go from here.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #1

Jun 23, 2021

The story is well told. Williamson writes a great script. The art is fairly good as well. It does all feel a bit half baked. I just hope that there are enough ideas put forth and good storytelling to make this a worthwhile journey.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #2

Jul 14, 2021

Like I said at the beginning, I don't know how much of this is really necessary. The story by Williamson is pretty good and the artwork by Xermanico is pretty decent, but where is this all leading?

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #3

Jul 28, 2021

Overall, I enjoyed it enough but not hopeful this will change much.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #4

Aug 11, 2021

The story by Joshua Williamson is fairly good. There seems to be more weight in this issue than previous ones. The artwork is very good as well and it really keeps things moving. Overall, this is very well done and I am enjoying the book as a whole.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #5

Sep 1, 2021

Joshua Williamson did the best job he could I feel but there isn't a lot that makes this a classic story. I feel that this will just end up having very little impact on the DC Comics line as a whole.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #6

Sep 9, 2021

The story by Joshua Williamson was pretty good here. I liked this issue and a good ending always makes up for a lot. We certainly get that here. The art is pretty decent as well.

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Infinite Frontier: Secret Files (2021) #1

Jun 30, 2021

Boomerang Lastly, we have a story about the Psycho Pirate by writer Dan Watters and artist Christopher Mittten. This is an awesome last story and I love the ending.

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #1

Jul 18, 2018

I have pretty much written off Tim Seeley at this point. This book is fun yet incredibly goofy. The best part again is Williams on the art duties. His work makes me smile right along with the story making me cringe.I took it in good fun. If you look at it like that, you may enjoy it a bit. I'll read the rest of the series of course. But my brain will be shut off for the remainder of my time here for sure.

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Jinny Hex Special (2020) #1

Jan 4, 2021

Still, Visaggio writes an enjoyable script that is entertaining throughout. The art is decent on this as well. I enjoyed this book and wouldn't mind further adventures for this character at all.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

Dec 2, 2019

The ending does have a nice twist. However, as much as I enjoyed this, I still had the nagging feeling that this still wasn't the John Constantine that I remember. But that is okay. It is the closest that they have had to classic Constantine in quite awhile. And that is a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #3

Jan 22, 2020

This is a nice book that is both a callback to when Constantine was good and it also breaks into new territory. It is exactly how I love this character. Let's keep him this way this time.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #4

Feb 29, 2020

I enjoyed the art most of all in this book. I have never seen the artwork of Matias Bergara before. He is excellent and one hell of a talent. He brings the quality of this book up a lot. This is a fairly decent first chapter of a new storyline.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #5

Mar 25, 2020

The artwork, however, left a little to be. desired. It is not that the artwork is bad. It's actually pretty good. It just doesn't fit this character at all. Maybe the art will be more suited for another book.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #6

Jun 4, 2020

It felt like Jamie Delano was writing the book again, it was that good. The art by Aaron Campbell is equally impressive. They really hit all the right notes with this story.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #7

Jun 24, 2020

It has been a completely awesome book and the whole thing just feels right.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #8

Jul 29, 2020

Spurrier writes a great script that is worth reading twice just to get all the details. The art by Aaron Campbell is some of the best I have ever seen on this character. It is fantastic and deserves all the praise I can give it. Well done indeed.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #9

Aug 26, 2020

I love this too because it is a self contained story that works on many different levels.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #10

Sep 30, 2020

Overall, this is a great issue on a superb series. I am sorry to see it go.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #11

Oct 29, 2020

This is a great issue for a series that deserves to not be cancelled.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #12

Nov 25, 2020

I look forward to reading this run from start to finish again one day.

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John Tiffany (2023) OGN

Aug 4, 2023

I may be an easy audience for this but I enjoyed every part of this fantastic book.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1

Oct 10, 2019

The art here is tops. Suayan and Mayhew are each at the top of their game. It has a feel to it much like the television show True Detective with the way time is shown. But it is an intriguing concept and the first issue is well handled. I am in it for the long haul now, no matter what.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #2

Jan 3, 2020

The story is pretty standard although it does have some nice twists and turns. The artwork by Mayhew and Suayan is the best part. These two artists have created one hell of a look for this piece. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next in this story.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #3

Feb 7, 2020

Overall, it is a decent issue. I just wish it would hurry up.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #4

May 6, 2020

There is not much else. Hopefully Garcia has something big planned. Right now this book is lacking.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #5

Sep 9, 2020

Hopefully it picks up but right now the whole thing is coming across as bland.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #6

Nov 19, 2020

The result is a boring book that trudges along. I think I figured out how this is going to end as well.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #7

Jan 27, 2021

So yes, the story doesn't work for me. The art is pretty spectacular though, and much better than the script deserves. Suayan particularly is doing the art of his career. He really only gets better. Besides that though, this book sinks under it's own weight.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #8

Apr 8, 2021

The story by Kami Garcia fails to thrill. I wish it had a little more pep to it rather than just seemingly going through the motions. The artwork by Mico Suayan and Jason Badower is still the best part of the book. Both artists are very accomplished and do a great job. I hope this has a really strong or just crazy ending. I fear that it will just be a standard one, however.

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Joker: Killer Smile #1

Nov 4, 2019

Lemire and Sorrentino work wonderfully together as usual. The story is sharp and the art is fantastic. They really know each other's strengths and this book is both exhilarating and smart.

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Joker: Killer Smile #2

Dec 27, 2019

Jeff Lemire writes another fine script here. It keeps you guessing and intrigued the entire time. The art again is tops. I am glad that this team is working on this book. It is truly a spectacular comic book story they have going here.

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Joker: Killer Smile #3

Feb 24, 2020

The story by Lemire is strong. He puts so much into each book he writes and this is no exception. He never lets me down. The art is some of Sorrentino's best. This creative team does a great job and this series really is a standout.

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Joker: Killer Smile: The Smile Killer #1

Jun 24, 2020

It's a good epilogue but it is short. I would have liked a bit more breathing room. But overall, it is an excellent coda to an excellent series. I love this creative team and it is essential reading.

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Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #1

Jun 9, 2021

Millar writes an excellent script that shows us why he is one of the best in the business. The art by Tommy Lee Edwards is pretty great as well. The whole thing is really well done and I can't wait to see where they take us from here.

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Legend of the Swamp Thing: Halloween Spectacular (2020) #1

Oct 7, 2020

Overall, it looks like nobody had any idea what to do with this character anymore. It definitely shows here as this is a lackluster special that could have been great.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #1

Sep 5, 2019

I get what Bendis is trying to do and that's having everything lead up to us meeting the Legion. And it's not terrible, just very obvious. And honestly, I like the simplicity but maybe it's a little TOO simple. The artwork by all is very decent but it feels very familiar. Let see where it goes from here but this series start off with some amazing art and a very obvious story.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #1

Nov 8, 2019

Bendis writes a very compressed comic. Not a lot happens for my money. It feels like you just about open the book and then you find yourself at the end. Now, it is pretty decent overall. But it feels more like a snack and not a full meal. The best part is Ryan Sook's artwork. He makes the snack feel much more filling than it really is.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #2

Dec 27, 2019

They examine the Trident. The Legion then regroups and try to figure out the next step. Then Superman makes a decision. He decides that he needs some help. So he decides to go see the Damian Wayne Robin. And that is where the issue ends. I loved the ending to be honest. It is the best part of this.The art again is the really just awesome. The writing gets a little too cute and jokey for my tastes. It is a little boring to be honest, but again it does have a cute ending. Maybe it'll pick up but this could have been stronger than it is.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #2

Oct 2, 2019

Again, this gave me hope. Bendis and Sook work well together and they are the creative team on the new ongoing series. Hopefully they tell good stories and keep it focused. Otherwise, the book could be in real trouble and it wouldn't have much of a future.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #3

Jan 15, 2020

The fights in this have nothing special going on and having Damian there is rather pointless. I can't blame the artists as they are both very good. It is the script that is the issue and it makes the whole comic book not add up to much at all.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #4

Feb 24, 2020

Bendis doesn't have a feel for these characters and it shows. Ryan Sook and Janin are great artists but their artwork can't save this book.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #5

Mar 25, 2020

Bendis seems lost as to what story he is telling. The artwork is good especially by Sook. But there just isn't a lot to grab onto here.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #6

Jun 10, 2020

Oh well. At least the art by Ryan Sook is nice to look at. It is the only redeeming factor of this series thus far as a whole. This is pretty rough.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #8

Aug 26, 2020

This could have been so cool! Sadly, it is barely memorable ten minutes after reading it.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #9

Sep 30, 2020

Oh, well. At least the various artwork is nice to look at, even if reading the book is as tough as can be.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #10

Oct 29, 2020

Sadly, he doesn't have a good script and it really sinks his efforts as the artist on this. Too bad.

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Leviathan Dawn #1

Feb 28, 2020

We also barely get any action in this issue. At least the art by Maleev is nice to look at. Still, it cannot conceal that there isn't much happening that is very involving, nor is it very exciting.

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Little Girls #1

Mar 20, 2019

Writer Nicolas Aflleje and artist Sarah Delaine make for one hell of a team. They are comfortable with their collaboration right from the get go. The colors in this book by Ashley Lanni deserve a mention too as they are quite excellent. You can't get much better than this.

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Lois Lane (2019) #11

Jun 10, 2020

Greg Rucka writes a pretty wild script. This comic was a bit all over the place until this issue, but Rucka brings it all together here. The art is pretty spiffy as well. Mike Perkins is one of the best artists in the field. All in all, it is a good penultimate issue to a decent series.

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Lost City Explorers #1

Jun 4, 2018

The ending gets the plot completely set up. So who knows? This could really pick up. But as far for right now, this story of finding Atlantis feels like it's sinking.

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Ludocrats #1

Apr 1, 2020

Actually, the whole book feels like they are trying too hard to make something memorable.

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Lugosi: The Rise And Fall Of Hollywoods Dracula OGN

Oct 8, 2021

Shadmi does a great job as usual. His research is great and his writing is spot on. His artwork is always spectacular too and this is one of the better releases of the year. Well done.

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Mae (2018) #1

Jul 30, 2018

Ha is as good a writer as he is an artist and blends the two crafts seamlessly. The art is beautiful to look at and it's definitely his best work. The character and creature design is strong as are the panel layouts. This book is quite excellent. There really is something for everyone here.

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Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 3, 2021

Neither really works for this. But they go for it, and don't look back. I couldn't stand this book but somehow, this feels like such a wrong take I can't wait to come back and read how much crazier it is going to get.

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Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 3, 2021

I wish this comic had something more going for it. Sadly, it does not.

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Man-Bat (2021) #3

Apr 8, 2021

This could be much better. I do so wish it was better! There is so many ways this book could have gone yet the creative team has taken the most basic one. Oh, well. Maybe it will pick up although at this point, but I highly doubt it.

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Man-Bat (2021) #4

May 5, 2021

All in all, this series is just a disappointment. It just feels recycled and not in a good way.

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Man-Bat (2021) #5

Jun 2, 2021

The book ends on a resounding thud. It is pretty much just an uninspired conclusion. The art is okay but doesn't match the writing.

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Marvels Snapshot (2020): Sub-Mariner #1

Mar 16, 2020

This book is a rare treat. I can't wait to read it again. It's fantastic.

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Mera: Queen of Atlantis #4

May 25, 2018

I just wish it had more behind it story-wise because right now it's pretty empty.

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Metal Men (2019) #1

Oct 16, 2019

There is absolutely no action in the book. Literally, there is not a single action scene. I wish that it had at least one. Instead, it was a lot of talking. And a whole lot of waiting for something to happen.

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Metal Men (2019) #2

Nov 21, 2019

Right now, it is just a boring waste of potential all around.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #1

May 27, 2021

I liked this first issue very much and I am interested as to where we are headed from here.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #3

Jul 28, 2021

I am liking where this is headed and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #5

Oct 1, 2021

Overall, this issue is very good and it has some really great moments.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #9

Jun 13, 2018

The issue ends with a great set up for the rest of the series. Gerads did a great job again here too. The expressions are amazing and the panel layouts are strong. There's nothing like this on the stands. And that's a great thing.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #10

Aug 1, 2018

The art by Gerads is great. He rightfully got the Eisner Award this year. This is an amazing series. I guarantee that it'll be viewed as a classic in the years to come. It's that good.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #11

Sep 19, 2018

And Gerads is just excellent. His art is perfect for this. We are one issue away and he's just killed on the entire series thus far. If it ends as good as it's been, this could be one of the all time great comic book series. I think that it's going to actually happen.

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Mister Miracle (2017) #12

Nov 19, 2018

King and Gerads have done something amazing. They have created a series that is amazing to read and that will hold up if you re-read it again, looking for new things you might have missed the first time around.

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #2

Jun 23, 2021

The story by Easton is well written. I love what he is doing here and it is a really good script. The art by Ossio is well done too. It is a decent take on a forgotten hero and it has a lot of ideas in it as well as invention. Well done.

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #4

Aug 25, 2021

Overall, this is another fine issue of this continuing series. It is entertaining and even a bit thought provoking.

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Monica (2023) #1

Oct 24, 2023

Overall, this is a stunning book from a creator who never disappoints and certainly doesn't here.

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Monica (2023) #1

Oct 24, 2023

Overall, this is a stunning book from a creator who never disappoints and certainly doesn't here.

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Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #3

May 25, 2018

This is an excellent book that will be going away. I hope it gets revived on some form or another.

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Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #4

Jun 28, 2018

The art is just what this title needed all along: A strong visual identity that is consistent. It's a shame we are getting it right at the end. But at least we are getting it. And it's awesome indeed.

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Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #6

Aug 23, 2018

The art by Ibrahim Moustafa really was excellent for these last six issues. Moustafa and Houser really took it to another level. It's been a strange, wacky ride in the world of Young Animal.

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Nancy Drew (2018) #1

Jul 9, 2018

This book is well done and has some genuine emotion. That's because Thompson writes some great characters and situations. The art is decent enough as well. It's a good first issue that intrigues me. I've never read a Nancy Drew story. I'm just glad my first experience was one as good as this one.

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Naomi #1

Jan 24, 2019

This is a nice start to a new title and character. It's an easily accessible book that just works on all front. The story and art are great but it goes beyond even that. The whole thing just feels fresh.

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Naomi #2

Feb 22, 2019

The art is very good too and is perfect for this title. Where is the whole thing going? I think we are about to find out! I'm intrigued enough to see just what is going on and what happens from here.

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Naomi #3

Mar 20, 2019

Jamal Campbell is a the star here, and the art is worth more than the price of admission. He's going to have a hell of a future in comics. It's amazing. Hopefully they can get the story on track. It just feels like they may have gone off the rails a bit here, more than was necessary.

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Naomi #4

Apr 19, 2019

The art by Campbell is the best part. He's got a future in the business and will most likely be a star in the years to come. He's the reason to really come out to read this book. The other stuff isn't bad, but he is the standout for sure.

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Naomi #5

May 17, 2019

Still, this is better than the previous issue. There are revelations that I wasn't terribly moved by, but at least they happened more gradually. But even when I wasn't moved, the art made my eyes light up. It's incredible.

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Naomi #6

Jul 12, 2019

Like I said, it felt like the creative team was just getting started. Now let's see where they can possibly take us.

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New Year's Evil #1

Dec 5, 2019

So, at the end of the day, there are some decent stories in this book. You do have to wade through some of the weaker stories to get to them. But there have been better specials in the past. Still, the good stories are really good and make it worthwhile.

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Night Fever (2023) OGN

Jun 16, 2023

The story by Brubaker is very strong. The dialogue is crisp and the characters are all too real. The artwork by Sean Phillips is stunning as well. This book feels like a film that Stanley Kubrick never got around to making. It's another feather in the cap for each of these creators. Everything about this book works and at the highest level.

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Night of the Ghoul #1

Jun 23, 2023

Overall, it is another strong book by top notch creators that doesn't end as strong as I wanted it to. It is still very good, though.

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Nightwing (2016) #45

Jun 6, 2018

The art for this book by Mooneyham is pretty good as well. He is accompanied by the legendary Klaus Janson on inks in the first 15 pages. It's wonderful. He and Percy make a great team. They've even kickstarted my interest in the book completely.

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Nightwing (2016) #46

Jul 4, 2018

The writing is strong. The artwork is very good. Like I said, it's a nice new direction on this book from where we have been. I have been enjoying it thoroughly and can't wait to read the next issue! It's a great feeling.

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Nightwing (2016) #47

Aug 1, 2018

Whoever put this creative team together deserves a raise. They are working at a high level and this book is only getting better. I look forward to seeing what happens next. It's a great feeling.

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Nightwing (2016) #48

Sep 5, 2018

I wasn't sure I would like the art by Amancay Nahuelpan in the beginning. Man, did it grow on me. By the end I was completely digging it. This is a great issue and another fine story by Percy. I can't wait for the next issue!

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Nightwing (2016) #49

Sep 19, 2018

This is another great Nightwing book in Percy's run on the title thus far.

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Nightwing (2016) #50

Oct 3, 2018

The art by Chris Mooneyham and Travis Moore is wonderful. This is a worthy anniversary issue for this title. I loved the last few issues and the direction they took with it. This issue is simply excellent as well.

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Nightwing (2016) #51

Oct 17, 2018

The art is a little inconsistent on this as well. Hopefully it turns around in the upcoming issues. It's not bad but it's uneven. And it could be better.

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Nightwing (2016) #52

Nov 8, 2018

If they had stronger writing this could be an “A+” book. Right now it is just a solid “C”, unfortunately. Hopefully it picks up.

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Nightwing (2016) #53

Nov 21, 2018

The art is the best part. Moore and Zircher do a solid job overall. This book does feel oft kilter these past few issues however. Hopefully somebody comes on and picks a better direction. It does feel like this book is lost at sea at the moment.

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Nightwing (2016) #54

Dec 7, 2018

But this is a bit better of a comic than it has been. They can certainly bring it home and clear up the flaws a bit in upcoming issues. It can be a great book. Hopefully it becomes that again. The potential is certainly there.

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Nightwing (2016) #55

Dec 21, 2018

This issue is more action packed and that's when this comic book works best. The scenes where there is no action happening go by at a crawl. But that's a minor complaint. This is a pretty decent issue with a knockout ending. It's a book definitely on the upswing.

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Nightwing (2016) #56

Jan 9, 2019

The art is the best part of the book. The fight scenes are vivid and the quiet moments are well handled. I wish Gianfelice had a slightly better script. But the ending holds some promise. Let's see there this story thread takes us.

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Nightwing (2016) #57

Feb 22, 2019

This all leads to one hell of an ending and one hell of a cliffhanger. The writers whet your appetite here and seem poised to really cut loose in the next issue. They make the build up worthwhile and interesting. Let's see what happens but it seems like it could be great!

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Nightwing (2016) #58

Mar 20, 2019

The issue does have a bit of a jolting ending but I liked it enough. It feels like it was rushed but hey, everything else works. And the art by Travis Moore makes everything better. He gives us some great visuals here. All in all it's a decent book and I hope they keep up the energy and creativity on this title.

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Nightwing (2016) #59

Apr 19, 2019

This book has been schizophrenic. There is no two ways about it. If they can settle on a creative team and make the book consistent, it'll return to where we were just a few months ago. But this isn't bad at all. I very much enjoyed it.

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Nightwing (2016) #60

May 17, 2019

Chris Mooneyham is doing some amazing work on this title. He's one of the best artists that DC has in their arsenal. His storytelling is top notch and his figure drawing is exemplary. I look forward to more work for him. He takes the interesting script from Jurgens and really brings it home.

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Nightwing (2016) #61

Jun 21, 2019

The art by Ronan Cliquet is pretty good. I enjoyed what he did with the art here. His storytelling is really great! Overall, it's a pretty good story that falls a bit off the rails at the end.

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Nightwing (2016) #62

Jul 18, 2019

This is a nicely paced issue. The art is especially good by Ronan Cliquet. I hope he stays on awhile. While I wish that we can give Dick back to being himself, Jurgens and Cliquet make the most of what they were given. It makes for a really compelling story indeed.

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Nightwing (2016) #63

Aug 21, 2019

And if they bring back "Dick" Grayson, well, all the better.

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Nightwing (2016) #64

Sep 19, 2019

The individual issues on this title always seem a little short. But that may be because I am so invested in what is happening. The writing on this is excellent and it works very well with the art. I'm interested to see how this storyline will resolve itself. Let's see what happens!

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Nightwing (2016) #65

Oct 16, 2019

The ending of the issue then takes a wild twist that I did not see coming. It is a great cliffhanger, and I can't wait to see what is next. Jurgens and Cliquet have created another fine issue. Next month can't come soon enough!

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Nightwing (2016) #66

Nov 22, 2019

really like artist Ronan Cliquet. His work is perfect for this book. He has a nice quality and makes the whole book grounded. I hope he sticks around for a long time to come.

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Nightwing (2016) #67

Dec 27, 2019

It does end on a high note. But I have to say it: This issue is too quick. I read it in like five minutes. It is pretty good but it is so short, you do feel a little gypped. What's there is good, but it feels almost too short for my liking.

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Nightwing (2016) #69

Feb 24, 2020

Dan Jurgens does a great job writing this and Cliquet is a good artist. They do a great job in this issue again. The story here is a bit short but hey, you can't have everything. It is another solid issue in a good comic book run.

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Nightwing (2016) #70

Mar 18, 2020

This is another fine issue of the book that promises some exciting things coming up next!

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Nightwing (2016) #71

Jun 10, 2020

The Joker War crossover is starting to come together nicely and this issue is a big part of that!

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Nightwing (2016) #72

Jul 15, 2020

This is some great stuff overall and it is a very entertaining issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #73

Aug 21, 2020

Hopefully this comic book continues to be exciting like this particularly wild issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #74

Sep 9, 2020

Artist Ryan Benjamin does a commendable job on the art too and the book just looks nice. He also draws the action as cleanly as possible, making it easy to see who is hitting who.

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Nightwing (2016) #75

Oct 22, 2020

Now, we might actually get his take on classic Nightwing. I think he can do a great job. If he sticks with good artists (Cliquet and Moore do great on this issue) this could be the start of a new era for the character.

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Nightwing (2016) #76

Nov 19, 2020

The story is pretty damn good. Jurgens does a solid job here, and it all feels pretty right. The art by Cliquet is pretty good as well. Overall, this is a solid issue of a series that is on the upswing.

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Nightwing (2016) #77

Dec 21, 2020

This is a solid issue for this comic and makes for a nice holiday read.

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Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 17, 2021

Things might even get more interesting from here. This book certainly has a lot of promise.

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Nightwing (2016) #79

Apr 21, 2021

Overall, it is a nice little comic book, and I am loving that the creative team has an actual thought out direction they are working towards with this book.

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Nightwing (2016) #80

May 19, 2021

Overall, this is a very strong book that finally seems to be going places.

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Nightwing (2016) #81

Jun 16, 2021

The story is very good. It is nice to have a story with a bit of meat on it with some good action. The artwork by Redondo is good too. Overall, this is another solid issue of a series that is on the upswing of being something great.

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Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 21, 2021

That's a good feeling to have when reading this book. Tom Taylor writes a great script. Bruce Redondo does some great art here. They are a perfect creative team.

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Nightwing (2016) #83

Aug 19, 2021

The writing by Tom Taylor is pretty excellent. The story is smart and moves quickly. The art by Bruce Redondo is pretty damn well done as well. I love this book and it only seems to be getting stronger with each passing issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #84

Sep 24, 2021

Tom Taylor writes an excellent script full of verve and excitement. It is pretty much a good time. The artwork by Robbi Rodriguez is pretty awesome too.

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Nightwing (2016) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2018

It's a very compelling issue. I am happy with the new direction this book has taken. Percy is doing something new and interesting. The art by Schmidt is great as well. It's like animation it's so sleek. This is a perfect annual for Nightwing. You can't ask for more.

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Nightwing (2016) Annual #2

Nov 4, 2019

The story is fairly strong. Travis Moore is an often overlooked artist and he does great here. Overall, this is a strong comic and a pretty good annual.

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Nightwing (2016) Annual #3

Jun 17, 2020

Overall, it is a good time, however, and there is a lot to like!

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On the Stump #1

Apr 1, 2020

Overall, this is a nice first issue. There is something for everyone here. It is definitely something I'll be checking out month to month.

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Orphan and the Five Beasts #1

Mar 17, 2021

Stokoe has as much fun writing this comic as he has drawing it. It is over the top for sure but who cares? It's so much fun that I could not put it down. This issue is a great start to the series and I love the direction we are headed. This comic has a cool story with some amazing artwork and I loved it.

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Orphan and the Five Beasts #2

Apr 21, 2021

This comic is unlike anything out there and I am happy for that. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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Pearl #1

Aug 15, 2018

This feels fresh and new. I love it. Hopefully, this is the start of something great. I will say, that it certainly feels like it.

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Pearl #2

Sep 19, 2018

I'm in love with what is happening here. It's a fine book with a great team that are both really stretching their skills to fine effect.

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Pearl #3

Oct 17, 2018

And that's just it. Bendis and Gaydos have made a realistic crime comic that rings true. It's excellent. The only question is, where will they take us next? I have no idea but I know it will be exhilarating.

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Pearl #4

Nov 21, 2018

The art by Gaydos is perfect. He's got this character down and the culture of the San Francisco scene. He and Bendis are making a classic book. It's also a book that's unlike anything that either have ever worked on before.

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Pearl #5

Dec 21, 2018

The art by Gaydos is tops. He is a great storyteller in his own right. He takes the characters and gives them all personalities and its beautifully expressive. This is some great stuff. I can't wait to read this book as a whole.

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Pearl #6

Jan 25, 2019

We are left with a nice ending for this issue that can literally bring us anywhere. I have no idea what this team has in store. I do know that if Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos stay on this title that I will go wherever they decide to take me. I'm looking forward to more!

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Pearl #7

Mar 20, 2019

The art is something special though. Gaydos makes every panel a work of art. His work here is the selling point of the series. Seriously, he only gets better and better. Hopefully, the story gives him more to do. But even if it doesn't, his Illustrated work is something to behold.

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Pearl #8

Apr 19, 2019

The art is the best part. Gaydos is fantastic and really makes the most of what he is given by Bendis. I just wish something more interesting would happen. I also wish Bendis would tell the story in a linear fashion here as it would help. This issue felt like a collection of deleted scenes that didn't amount to much at all.

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Pearl #9

May 17, 2019

Even though it flies by, this issue worked for me better than most of the series. Bendis really knows how to write the character of Araki and makes it fun. The rest of the characters aren't as entertaining but that's okay. This issue is definitely one of the high points of the series, so I'll take it.

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Pearl #10

Jun 19, 2019

By time we get back to the present, the issue is just about over. And it's a shame. There is so much more that this book can explore besides this. It just doesn't. Maybe by focusing on the here and now, this book would be stronger. Last month certainly proved that. Let's have a bit more of that. I think it would benefit the book greatly in the end.

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Pearl #11

Jul 18, 2019

The best part of course, is the artwork by Michael Gaydos. He makes the whole thing almost passable. And it is. As long as you aren't looking for much meaning beyond that.

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Pearl #12

Aug 21, 2019

The only thing that is bad is all the lost potential and promise to this series that it showed at the beginning.

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Penny Nichols #1

Jun 27, 2019

So, this story is simply amazing. I read this book twice, quite honestly. It drew me in and I couldn't put it down each time. The horror film setting is nicely researched and feels real. The characters are too. When you put that together with a strong story, you get one of the best books of the year. The creators make everything in this book the best it can be. It's a lovely and intelligent experience from start to end that entertains in a way that feels new. Bravo.

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Penultiman #1

Oct 7, 2020

The art by Alan Robinson is good as well and does a great job of visually realizing this world. This is a nice start to a good series!

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Penultiman #2

Nov 11, 2020

It is funny and entertaining but it also touches on many mental health aspects as well. The art is perfectly suited for this story as well, and this is entirely a good comic book.

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Penultiman #3

Dec 21, 2020

Overall, this is a strong comic that has a lot more going for it than the average comic book. Worth a look.

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Penultiman #4

Jan 13, 2021

All in all, this is a fine series and I have found this to be extremely entertaining.

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Penultiman #5

Feb 17, 2021

They are incisive, sharp, and witty. The art by Alan Robinson is pretty damn great too, and together they have made one hell of a good comic.

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Project Patron #1

Apr 8, 2021

Orlando writes a great script. It takes a lot of things that we have seen before in modern culture and sort of slams them together. The artwork here by Peter Piazzalunga is absolutely fantastic. This guy is great and the artwork is out of this world. I expect great things from his career, judging by this first issue.

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Project Patron #2

May 12, 2021

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Project Patron #3

Jun 4, 2021

I love this entire book. I can't wait to see how they bring it to a conclusion.

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Protector #1

Feb 7, 2020

All in all, it's a pretty decent book that is very different from your run of the mill post apocalyptic story.

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Pulp (2020) OGN

Jul 31, 2020

I will say this has one hell of an ending. Brubaker and Phillips are at the top of their game here and this is awesome. It is well written and Phillips knocks it out of the park with the artwork. /This exceeded my expectations and that is really saying something.

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Punchline (2020) #1

Nov 11, 2020

Point is, you can't copy a proven success. Punchline has no magic. I wish it did.

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Quentin By Tarantino (2024) OGN

Feb 9, 2024

I do feel like someone will eventually create the perfect graphic novel about Tarantino's life.

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Raven: Daughter of Darkness #4

May 30, 2018

Overall, it's a good book. I look forward to reading the rest.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #23

Jun 13, 2018

This is my favorite issue of the series. It ends on a somber note and it's just perfect. After two years on this title, Lobdell has written his best issue yet. Recommended.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #24

Jul 11, 2018

Dexter Soy remains one of my favorite artists in comics. His work is so underrated, it's criminal. He perfectly illustrates Lobdell's story. They are only getting better as a creative team. And this book is only getting better. This is one of the more exciting books on stands each month. Well done.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25

Aug 8, 2018

This is some great stuff. Kudos go to Lobdell and Soy for keeping things so interesting these past 25 issues. It's been great. It looks to get even better. And that's what comic books are all about.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26

Sep 12, 2018

This is a solid new direction for this series. I'm liking it a lot, even though it was always good. Now it's time to see what else Lobdell has up his sleeve. I'm looking forward to it.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27

Oct 11, 2018

It's an emotional scene that Lobdell handles beautifully. Everything feels honest and real. It hit me right in the heart strings and I admired how well this was handled. Bruce then leaves and the power of the scene resonates as he does.Lobdell then sets up the next story and it's interesting as well. I'm excited to see where he takes us next. The art by Woods is especially nice and excellent. This is another solid issue in an amazing run.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #28

Nov 19, 2018

The issue ends on a cliffhanger. Lobdell doesn't continue the Wingman storyline but I'm assuming he will next issue. The art by Woods is fitting and fun. This is a great book. It's a nice, off the cuff gem by a strong creative team!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #29

Dec 7, 2018

The writing is fast and fun. None of it would work as well without the dynamic art of Pete Woods. He keeps the storytelling clean and clear and it's just plain awesome. He's a great addition to an already good book. This is another damn fine issue.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #30

Jan 21, 2019

This is a great story by Lobdell. He works so well with the artist Pete Woods. Woods is great. He makes everything very matter of fact in the artwork and it just is marvelous. He really has come into his own. This is a very good issue in a great series. It may fly under the radar but it shouldn't. It's one excellent series indeed.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #31

Feb 13, 2019

Where will this book goes next? I don't know but I'm sure it's going to be great.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #32

Mar 15, 2019

This is some great stuff. The script takes all sorts of turns in these twenty two pages and it's awesome. I have no idea where we might be going next! The art is fantastic as well. Segovia is a perfect fit for this book. I'm excited at where this is going. This is some great stuff indeed.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #33

Apr 10, 2019

Eventually, the Red Hood launches into action and there are some incredible moments at the end of the book. Nothing is resolved at the end but that's okay. It's still a fantastic read and, as usual, I can't wait to read the next issue and it can't get here fast enough.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #34

May 8, 2019

The story is literally breathtaking. It's building to something truly incredible and I'm watching this title and reading with glee. And Pete Woods always draws a good comic book. This is really fantastic and I can't wait for the next issue!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #35

Jun 14, 2019

The creative team is really treading new ground here. Every month they push it even further. There is no status quo and that's perfectly fine by me. It's truly exciting to read and take in. When you combine it all with a ton of funny and emotional moments , it's easy to see that this is one of the most consistently great books on the stands month after month.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #36

Jul 12, 2019

With a strong creative team like this, I'm know that I am in for a great story to come.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #37

Aug 29, 2019

It's great to see Rocafort drawing this book. Anytime that he is an artist on a book, it's immediately worth reading. This is no different. His art really carries this story very well. This is a nice first issue in a new direction. I can't wait to see where they take us next.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #38

Sep 25, 2019

If anyone can make it work though, it will definitely be this creative team. They work excellently together. This is another fine issue in a strong comic. I have no idea where we will end up but i do know that it will be smart and that always very fearless.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #39

Oct 25, 2019

The art is amazing here. Kenneth Rocafort is in a class of his own. Coupled together with Lobdell's deft writing, this is pretty excellent. It is another fine issue in a great series.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #40

Dec 2, 2019

The creative team do a great job here. It does feel like not a lot happens here though. It is entertaining for sure but there weren't a lot of story beats. What is there is great though and this is a pretty fine issue overall.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #41

Jan 3, 2020

The issue feels a little bit short, even though it is very good. Lobdell really has a love for these characters and it shows on every page. The art is pretty cool in this issue as well.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #42

Jan 24, 2020

The best storyline in this issue is the story between Jason and Artemis. They had kissed in a previous issue and now the two of them follow up on it. This is especially well done as Lobdell and artist Paolo Pantalena really do a lot with just these characters walking and talking. It is impressive for sure.By the end of the issue, Jason and Artemis deal with their feelings. The last few pages are beautiful and maybe the best sequence this series has ever had. This is a wonderful issue. It is definitely back on track for sure.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #43

Feb 29, 2020

By the end of the book, a couple of familiar faces answer Ma Gunn's ad for help. And a villain appears ready to cause some trouble. For the most part, this is an exciting issue. Lobdell has done it again here. Williams is an excellent artist as well and I look forward to seeing more work from him. Well done.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #44

Mar 25, 2020

This is another fine issue in a really great and consistent series.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #45

May 20, 2020

Overall though, it is a decent comic with good action and emotions throughout.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #46

Jun 24, 2020

I love this title. It is the definition of an underdog comic featuring some underdog characters. Lobdell makes the whole thing work wonderfully and I just love the direction he has taken with this book. I look forward to more!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #47

Jul 29, 2020

I really loved this issue. This is all headed towards a fine conclusion for Lobdell's lengthy run.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #48

Aug 26, 2020

Lobdell seems to be wrapping up his run in a classy way, and I hope the next two issues are as good as this one.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #49

Sep 30, 2020

I have loved what Lobdell has done here. I can't wait to see how he wraps the whole thing up.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50

Oct 29, 2020

After many years reading this title, I really am sad to see it go. They ended this the right way though. It was worth reading this book to get to this finale.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #51

Nov 25, 2020

Likewise, Tony Adkins does a perfect job on the art. This is a nice new beginning for the title and I hope the quality stays high like this.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #52

Dec 23, 2020

Overall, I am excited to see where this goes and cannot wait for the next issue.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #2

Aug 29, 2018

Having Clayton Henry draw this issue is a real treat. The art is expressive and wonderful and he draws a hell of an action scene. I liked this very much. Lobdell has been doing great. Let's hope there is more coming!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #3

Aug 1, 2019

The only thing that I didn't quite understand is why we needed the prologue here. It feels rather tacked on and awkward. That being said, besides that, this is a strong annual and a very enjoyable and exciting story here.

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Red Room #1

May 19, 2021

The story is good, but not for the faint of heart. Piskor knew exactly what he wanted this comic to be. He has a great time executing his vision and his writing and artwork has never been better.

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Red Room #2

Jul 2, 2021

Piskor does a great job with his research and keeps things grounded. It is a strong book. The art is raw and dark. This is not a book that you can digest and forget about. It will stick with you for sure.

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Red Room #3

Aug 4, 2021

I have no idea where he is going with this series but I am in for the long haul. It's pretty fantastic.

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Rorschach (2020) #1

Oct 14, 2020

The story by Tom King is awesome. It is smart and well conceived. The art by Jorge Fornes is the best of his career. It evokes the classic Watchmen style by Dave Gibbons but it completely stands on it's own. This is one of the best new comic books of the year. Well done.

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Rorschach (2020) #2

Nov 19, 2020

The script is tight and well paced and just brilliant. Artist Jorge Fornes is equally doing the work of his career and this is just great. Overall, this is a pretty fantastic book.

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Rorschach (2020) #2

Nov 19, 2020

The script is tight and well paced and just brilliant. Artist Jorge Fornes is equally doing the work of his career and this is just great. Overall, this is a pretty fantastic book.

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Rorschach (2020) #3

Dec 21, 2020

King writes a fascinating script that just seems to get deeper and more intricate with each new issue. Jorge Fornes has really come into his own as an artist on this series as well. The images he conjures are truly something else.

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Rorschach (2020) #4

Jan 20, 2021

This book is quite excellent and I cannot wait to see where they take us.

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Rorschach (2020) #5

Feb 11, 2021

All in all, this is another great issue of an amazing limited series.

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Rorschach (2020) #7

Apr 15, 2021

Tom King writes another amazing script here. It's his best work in a career that keeps just getting better. The artwork by Jorge Fornes is just consistently incredible. I love his work and it keeps developing as well.

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Rorschach (2020) #8

May 12, 2021

This is a great book from cover to cover.

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Rorschach (2020) #9

Jun 9, 2021

Tom King writes a truly excellent script. From start to finish, this is a well made, and well written issue. Jorge Fornes shows us again why he is one of the best artists in the field.

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Rorschach (2020) #10

Jul 14, 2021

Overall, this is a great issue of this continuing series once again.

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Rorschach (2020) #11

Aug 11, 2021

Again, the story is definitely King's best writing work to date. The artwork by Jorge Fornes is undeniably great too. Each image in this book is powerful and Fornes is one of the best artists in the field. This is a well made book and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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Rorschach (2020) #12

Sep 16, 2021

Tom King has written the comic book series of his career with this one. This is a strong and smart book with an excellent script. The artwork by Jorge Forns is out of this world. Forns is one of the best artists currently working.

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Santos Sisters (2022) #1

Jul 7, 2023

All in, this is a fun and light read for the summer months and it is definitely a book that will leave a smile on your face.

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Scarlet (2018) #1

Aug 29, 2018

Maleev is just at the top of his game. The art is great. The whole series has a new and inspired feel to it that I am just loving. I can't wait to read the next issue and I hope they keep it going with a modicum of frequency. We've waited a long time for this issue, but at least it was good.

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Scarlet (2018) #2

Sep 26, 2018

This is a gutsy book. Bendis doesn't hold back. The art is very good too and well composed. Everyone should be reading this. It's a book that's being crafted at the highest level of quality.

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Scarlet (2018) #3

Oct 25, 2018

What's going to happen? Who knows! And that is the best part. You have no idea. And that is a great place for a reader to be.

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Scarlet (2018) #4

Nov 29, 2018

The issue is a slow burn because it's going to erupt in the next issue. The ending here is so damn interesting that I can't wait to see where it goes. This is another fine issue in a great comic book series.

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Scarlet (2018) #5

Jan 7, 2019

Still, the art is amazing and there are enough good moments to make this issue shine. Bendis and Maleev are a top notch team. I am interested to see more however, as this issue isn't entirely fulfilling.

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Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #1

Dec 21, 2020

This comic is a great gift to come out on Hannukah this year.

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Second Coming #1

Jul 8, 2019

The art by Richard Pace(with finishes by Leonard Kirk) is top notch too. This may end up being one of the most talked about books of the year. It deserves to be. It's absolutely brilliant.

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Second Coming #2

Aug 14, 2019

I actually read this twice and enjoyed it both time. Kudos to the creative team. It continues to be the best new comic book release of 2019! More please.

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Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #2

Feb 17, 2021

The script by Mark Russell is great. He also has a unique stamp on everything he writes. The art by Richard Pace is fantastic as always. This is a book that only gets even deeper, funnier, and more poignant with each issue.

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Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #3

Jul 22, 2021

This is another fine issue of this series and the storyline is only getting better!

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Second Coming #3

Sep 19, 2019

This all leads to a stunner of a cliffhanger which is so good, that I can't get it out of my head. I'm was floored. I have nothing more to say except to thank Russell and Pace for making this book. It's just stunning.

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Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #5

Sep 17, 2021

The story by Mark Russell is pretty great. The script really moves and it has some of the best dialogue around. The artwork and storytelling by Richard Pace is pretty great. Overall, I am enjoying this second series and it is as well done as the first!

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Second Coming #5

Dec 4, 2019

What can I say about this creative team that I haven't said yet? Well, they are both geniuses. The story that they have created is great. And Pace is fast becoming one of my favorite artists. This is a great book that is good for those who love comics and for those who have never read one, but would like to see the best that the form has to offer.

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Second Coming #6

Jan 15, 2020

As an added bonus, this book has a preview of Billionaire Island by Russell and artist Steve Pugh. That looks amazing as well. For now, this is an excellent issue and maintained the quality on this book that I have come to expect.

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Secrets of Sinister House #1

Oct 11, 2019

Overall, this is a fine anthology for the holiday season. I enjoyed it very much. There are two stories that aren't up to snuff but the other ones are really terrific. Well done DC on this issue!

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Shade, the Changing Woman #4

Jun 6, 2018

I don't know where this comic is going. I don't know how it will end. I don't know if I'll even be able to explain it to someone when it's wrapped up. But I do know I'll be thoroughly enthralled when it happens.

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Shade, the Changing Woman #5

Jul 4, 2018

This is the second to last issue of this book. I'm sorry to see it go away. I hope this creative team shows up on another book or graphic novel soon. This has been one of the best reads of the past two years.

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Shade, the Changing Woman #6

Aug 1, 2018

The last page is something special. A change does happen. And it's deeply moving yet remains fun and full of possibilities. The art by Zarcone pulls the whole thing together. I just loved this series. I will read this whole thing again. It's really a beautiful series. I will remember it for sure.

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Shadow of the Batgirl #1

Feb 7, 2020

I look forward to seeing more work from both of these creators as well as seeing both of their stars rise in the comic book field.

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Shang-Chi (2020) #1

Sep 30, 2020

Overall, this is a good book with some great artwork. I look forward to seeing where this is headed.

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Shanghai Red #1

Jul 9, 2018

The art by Hixson is very strong and tells the story perfectly. He reminds me of a young David Mazzucchelli. This is an interesting debut for what could be a great series. I'm definitely intrigued to see what happens next!

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Shazam! (2018) #2

Jan 24, 2019

All and all though, I'm intrigued enough to see where it goes. Johns is always worth following so I'm going to stick with it a bit. Hopefully, this series takes off. It certainly has the potential to.

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Shazam! (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

Maybe there is a bigger plan in place. Right now, it just feels sort of directionless.

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Shazam! (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

The art is decent but it doesn't help because it's all so confusing and just silly. Hopefully, it turns around after this story. Right now, I can't wait for it to be over.

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Shazam! (2018) #5

May 8, 2019

But nope. Instead, we are lost in complete and utter confusion.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man #1

May 14, 2018

Sherlock Holmes is a kind of comfort food for many people. If you want that comfort, then this is perfect. Sometimes, that's all you need.

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Sideways #12

Jan 25, 2019

The artwork is the icing on the cake. Kenneth Rocafort and Shane Davis are two of my favorite artists out there. Their work here is wonderful. Sideways is a great little book with a lot of strong talent. I love what happens in this month to month.

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Snelson #1

Aug 4, 2021

There are some really great moments throughout this first issue. The artwork is good and fits this perfectly. I loved every part of this and it was a pleasure to read.

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Snelson #2

Sep 10, 2021

Overall, I am loving this and I appreciate the direction that this whole thing is taking.

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Snow Angels #1

Feb 26, 2021

The book is beautifully designed throughout and the action and drama are both perfect. This is what happens when you get two creators who are totally in sync with each other. The results are astounding.

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Snow Angels: Season Two #1

Jun 23, 2021

The story by Lemire is tops. The art by Jock is out of this world. They work incredibly well together. I love this book very much and cannot wait to read the whole thing collected. It is a very good read indeed.

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Snow Angels: Season Two #2

Jul 30, 2021

The story by Lemire is good. It is a strong script, well done and focused. The art is very good as well. The two of these creators work extremely well together.

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Snow Angels: Season Two #3

Sep 10, 2021

Overall, this is another nicely done issue of this limited series.

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Snow Angels #3

May 19, 2021

The story by Lemire is strong. I really like his writing here. It's subtle yet has a lot of foreword momentum. The art by Jock is some of his best.

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Snow Angels #4

May 27, 2021

Overall, this is another excellent issue that gives us a nice ending for the first part of this story.

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Soggy Landing (2023) OGN

Sep 10, 2023

Overall, I think this is a great book that really keeps the fun going throughout.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 15, 2021

Zdarksy writes an unbelievable tale and this take on the classic story is absolutely brilliant. The art by Pasqual Ferry is wonderful. I love where this is going. It is a dark story for sure but it is endlessly entertaining.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

May 14, 2021

Zdarsky keeps both the drama and the excitement level high. It is honestly such a quick read because it flows so well. The art by Ferry is perfect as well. I love this book and I cannot get enough of it. I am almost sad that it is a five part series as I want more for sure.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #3

Jun 9, 2021

Chip Zdarksy writes a really great script here again. It is well done, and it pretty much fast and furious with a lot of character development. The art by Pasqual Ferry is great too. It may be the best work of his career.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4

Jul 16, 2021

Overall, this is a very fine penultimate chapter in this comic book story.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 13, 2021

Overall, this is pretty great and I really enjoyed where this book went overall.

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Spy Island #1

Apr 1, 2020

The art by Elise McCall is wonderful and incredibly unique. Her design work is flawless and every page is a visual treat. This is a strong debut. Although this story is only four issues, there is enough in here to make for a solid series.

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Spy Island #2

Oct 7, 2020

The story here is pretty damn intriguing. The art is well done on this. It is expressive and cool. I love that the island itself has been well thought out geographically as well. This is a cool book that has a lot going for it and I am enjoying it very much.

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Spy Island #3

Nov 4, 2020

This is truly a well done comic book that deserves to be read.

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Spy Island #4

Dec 2, 2020

Overall, this wasn't bad, but could have been slightly better. It is an enjoyable read that makes you feels empty at the end.

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Starship Down #1

Apr 1, 2020

This whole comic is well done. The art is some of the best work of Andrea Mutti's career. This is a nice start to the series and it is very exciting. I am certainly interested with where they will take it from here.

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Stealth #1

Apr 1, 2020

Costa writes an amazingly smart and sensitive script. It just hits all the right beats. The art by Bellegarde is perfectly wonderful. The two creators strike a balance and it is awesome to witness. This is a stunning debut issue that has plenty on it's mind and plenty of brains and emotions to back it all up.

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Stillwater (2020) #1

Sep 16, 2020

Zdarsky fills his script with a certain dread. He really is one of the most imaginative creators out there. Ramon K. Perez is one my favorite artists out there. This might be my favorite work of his. It is beautifully illustrated and has great storytelling.

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Stillwater (2020) #2

Oct 22, 2020

This all leads into a crazy ending. I am enjoying the mystery and I love all the clues that are being left. Chip Zdarsky writes one hell of an intriguing script. Ramon K. Perez does a great job on this art. This is a nice second issue. It expands on the story and gives us new mysteries as well. I enjoyed it very much.

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Stillwater (2020) #5

Jan 20, 2021

The story is great but I must draw attention to the artwork of Ramon K. Perez. He does a great job on the book with the story and the characters. His look for the book is what makes this a winner and he must be praised. A good issue overall.

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Stillwater (2020) #6

Feb 18, 2021

The story by Zdarksy is truly fantastic. This is some of his best writing work so far. The characters are great and the plot really moves. The art by Ramon K. Perez is pretty stunning as well. This is a good book and I can't wait to see where this creative team takes us from here.

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Stillwater (2020) #7

May 19, 2021

I just loved this and can't wait to see what's next!

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Stillwater (2020) #8

Jun 16, 2021

Overall, this is a pretty great issue, and I love where the story is headed.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 17, 2020

The two art styles shouldn't work together in any storyline but, alas, it does. I look forward to seeing what this creative team has in store for this comic coming up.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #3

Jul 15, 2020

The story is tops. King does a bang up job on the script and it works on many levels. The art by Shaner and especially Gerads is a sight to behold. I am enjoying how this series is shaping up. It seems like it will end up being a definitive Adam Strange story indeed.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #4

Aug 5, 2020

This is a great book overall, and I am loving it. I hope they can keep the quality up because this is awesome.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #5

Sep 2, 2020

King keeps the story interesting throughout. If I had any complaint, it is that I wanted more immediately once the issue is over. Not a bad thing. The artwork by Gerads and Shaner is tops as well. They are both doing some of the best works of their respective careers.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #6

Oct 14, 2020

This is a solid series that keeps getting better with each new issue!

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Strange Adventures (2020) #7

Dec 2, 2020

I am loving where this is headed and this is another good chapter of this comic book.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #8

Jan 27, 2021

The artwork by both Gerads and Shaner is tops here. They can handle the big epic battles extremely well but also the quieter character moments. Their artwork is something special indeed.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #9

Mar 31, 2021

This has been a great journey thus far. It has been one of the better mini-series DC has put out in recent years as well.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #10

May 27, 2021

The writing by Tom King is quite excellent. He writes a great script here and knows how to work well with his artists. Mitch Gerards and Evan Shaner do a spot on job with the artwork. This is a great issue of an excellent series. I look forward to seeing how they end it all.

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Strange Adventures (2020) #11

Jul 28, 2021

The writing by Tom King is quite excellent. He is doing some amazing writing here and it shows. The art by Gerads and Shaner is great as well and I commend them all for amazing work.

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Stranger Things: Halloween Special #1

Oct 22, 2020

This is a mediocre tie-in that could have been so much better.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #42

May 25, 2018

All in all, it's a pretty decent issue. Not as good as it can be, but it's certainly better than where we have been.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #43

Jun 13, 2018

The artwork flows from that two artists on this issue. Everyone is nuts but at least it's readable and clean. I look forward to this title now. I never know what to expect issue to issue. But I always know that it will be completely bananas.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #44

Jul 11, 2018

I have to say I have been loving the art on this title lately. Williams may be going crazy on that story but the art by Joe Bennett is good and creative. It grounds the story a bit which is a great thing.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #45

Aug 8, 2018

It's a lot of fun. The art by Luis is pretty good as well. He's developing into a hell of a talent. It has a lot of funny moments, a ton of crazy adventure, and cool hero shots. What more could you ask for?

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Suicide Squad (2016) #46

Sep 12, 2018

Things are getting even worse on the surface world. Mera has had it and tells the representatives for the world that if Atlantis falls, so shall the surface world! She even has the tides ready to do a big tidal wave. Things aren't looking good!The story is typically bananas. The art is pretty spiffy. All in all it's entertaining and you don't have to turn your brain on for it. And sometimes, that's a good thing.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #47

Oct 12, 2018

The story is as by the numbers as they get. The art isn't half bad but it's very basic. It mostly just feels like a fill in issue. The writing is strained and forced for a lot of it. But whatever. It's silly and predictable and does offer some fun moments. It just could be a ton better but what can you do.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #48

Nov 19, 2018

Williams writes a great first chapter that is is solid. His work is always at its best when he's not going crazy writing a shared storyline. The art is decent as well. I'm interested to see how this resolves itself. This is pretty good thus far.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #49

Dec 14, 2018

The story is crazy. The art isn't as good as what I would hope but it works. I really have nothing more to say except it's enjoyable and you need to turn your brain off as always to read this. I enjoyed it for the silly goofy time that it is.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #50

Jan 21, 2019

So that is it for this title! It was a crazy, bizarre run that was fun for the most part, but never reached the heights of previous Suicide Squad series. Maybe the next iteration will be better.

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Suicide Squad (2016) Annual #1

Aug 23, 2018

At the end, it all feels kind of pointless. I hope DC can get this book together once Williams leaves. Right now I'm not so sure.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #1

Dec 27, 2019

It is a pretty fun read. The book is much better than the previous incarnation. But it still has a long way to go to match the manic tone of the original. I think that it can get there, though. Time will tell.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #2

Jan 31, 2020

I really like artist Bruce Redondo on this. He is not a flashy artist but he can tell one hell of a story. This is a pretty decent issue overall. I hope the quality of this comic continues as this is a pretty decent book thus far.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #3

Feb 29, 2020

It is a feat these days and they do great in this issue. Not a bad series thus far.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #4

Mar 25, 2020

I don't think that he has hit his stride yet writing this book. But he will. This is another good issue. The characters are great and it is an adrenaline rush. I have a lot of fun reading it and it is the best that the Suicide Squad has been in quite awhile.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #5

May 29, 2020

Redondo is an excellent choice for artist of the book. The action is clean and exciting. The book leaves us on a cliffhanger and I loved it. I can't wait to see how the creative team wraps this up. I do wonder what the long term plan is here but for right now, I am loving this take.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #6

Jun 24, 2020

This is a solid issue and I love where the creative team is taking us.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #7

Jul 29, 2020

This story is well done. It is a new direction that I haven't seen before in a Suicide Squad comic. The story is a blast and the art is well done.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #8

Aug 26, 2020

Taylor does a great job of giving us all a fresh spin on these characters. He really nails the characters and their emotions, and he even gives them some new qualities. The art is good in this issue and has been solid throughout.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #9

Sep 23, 2020

Overall, this is a great comic book and the creative team tells a very good story here.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #10

Oct 28, 2020

Tom Taylor is a really great writer. He makes some of the most exciting comic books out there. This one is no different. The art by Bruce Redondo is great too. They work so well together. I am sad that this is the penultimate issue of their run. This has been pretty great so far.

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Suicide Squad (2019) #11

Nov 25, 2020

I am sorry to see this series go as I have had a really wonderful time reading it.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

The script by Robbie Thompson is pretty okay. It seems like he really wants to get away from previous versions, and the results don't always land. The art isn't bad. Pansica is a capable artist. I will definitely be reading it, but I am not crazy with excitement for it just yet.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Apr 8, 2021

Writer Robbie Thompson seems to have an idea of where he wants to take this, and I am hoping his plans are good ones. The art by Pansica is decent as well. All in all, this isn't bad and may get more interesting as the series progresses.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 5, 2021

The writing is bad but I don't know how much I can blame writer Robbie Thompson. This feels more like an editorial decision for a crossover. The art is good at least and Pansica does a truly great job making the book look good.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jun 2, 2021

The writing here is just sub par. I feel like this title wants to be cancelled or just is filler. The artwork isn't too bad, but it feels like not much has happened.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Jul 7, 2021

Overall, this isn't too bad at all and it is at the very least entertaining.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Sep 9, 2021

Overall, this issue is a throwaway, and it could have been better. Ah, well.

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Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 9, 2021

Overall, this is a fine annual and it has some real standout moments.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #1

Nov 8, 2018

Sadly, the story is generic. The characters feel pretty generic as well. Follow that up with some dull art by Eaton and it's barely worth mentioning. I enjoyed the main feature so much that I forgot there was even a second story twenty minutes after putting it down from reading.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #2

Dec 7, 2018

The second story features the Suicide Squad Black going on a mission. It's boring and the art is incredibly uninspiring. Scot Eaton gives us some of his dullest art ever and the story by Nitz is just flat. Luckily the first story shines brightly and makes the second seem like you don't have to pay much attention.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #3

Jan 9, 2019

Phillipe Briones also draws a great book! His version of Katana may even be definitive. I wish the whole issue featured this story. It certainly does well to merit that.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #4

Feb 8, 2019

I'll just stick with the first story and rate the book as a whole on that.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #5

Mar 8, 2019

The art by Eaton is just plain bad too. It might actually make the story more difficult to stomach too and that's saying something. And he can be a good artist! He's just not at all here. Stick with the first story for a good time. The second one is like a short story that just never seems to end.

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Suicide Squad: Black Files #6

Apr 3, 2019

Mercifully, it does end. And though it's left open, I think we have seen all we ever needed to at this point. The first story worked, the second said not. That's all there is to it on this one.

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Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Aug 4, 2021

This is a pretty strong comic book, and one that I enjoyed very much. I can't wait to see where we end up with this.

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Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2

Sep 9, 2021

Overall, this is another excellent issue of a really great limited series event!

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Super Sons (2017) #16

May 25, 2018

This has been a nice little run for Superboy and the Damian Wayne Robin. They seemed an unlikely pairing to star in a title. Yet, good writing and fine characterizations prevailed. I'll be reading the new series come August.

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Super Sons (DC Zoom): The Foxglove Mission #2

Nov 8, 2019

The art was serviceable, but also very bland. There is a little bit of hope at the end of the book with a semi cliffhanger. Hopefully the next book is better than this one. The potential is there and let us hope that it is realized next time.

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Super Sons (DC Zoom): Escape to Landis #3

Oct 7, 2020

Overall, this has been a great series and I have been entertained pretty much throughout.

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Supergirl (2016) #21

Aug 10, 2018

This is a great start to a new story. It's great rather than good and I'm excited to see what lies ahead. Let's see what happens.

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Supergirl (2016) #22

Sep 12, 2018

The writing is quite solid. The art by Maguire is great as usual. It's a good issue overall and I just enjoyed it. I hope it continues along these lines.

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Supergirl (2016) #23

Oct 12, 2018

The art by Kevin Maguire is quite excellent. He is an odd fit for this book and that's what makes it work. The expressions and body language for the characters are all excellent here. Hopefully, he and Andreyko have a have a long run on this title. It's been an excellent ride these past few issues.

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Supergirl (2016) #24

Nov 19, 2018

It's all leading to the big 25th issue next month. I'm as excited as can be for it.

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Supergirl (2016) #25

Dec 14, 2018

All in all, however this is a decent book and the first two stories shine brightest.

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Supergirl (2016) #26

Jan 21, 2019

The end is as crazy as the beginning! This leads us to a mighty cliffhanger that is very strong. Andreyko and Maguire have done another wonderful issue here. Having Maguire back on the art duties is a dream come true. I'm just enjoying every second of this.

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Supergirl (2016) #27

Feb 13, 2019

There's a lot of good happening here. It just got derailed during the latter half of the book. Maybe the next issue will remedy that.

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Supergirl (2016) #28

Mar 15, 2019

And it's just fine. It's not terribly great nor terribly bad. Again, the art of Pansica helps. But beyond the rescue, storywise, we are at the same place Andreyko began the issue at. Hopefully that changes next issue, but it was a glaring problem for me as a reader.

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Supergirl (2016) #30

May 8, 2019

The ending has a pair of guest stars that I'll be interested to see in this book. It could get very interesting. Hopefully the next issue keeps up the quality of this issue. I'm sure it's possible. You know, as long as it's Kevin Maguire doing the art on it.

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Supergirl (2016) #31

Jun 12, 2019

Andreyko does a very good job writing this issue. I love having Maguire do any art on this title so that always is a treat to me. I wish he could do more issues, but if not, Pansica would be my choice to draw this title on a consistent basis. All that being said, this is a solid issue and we need more just like this in future issues.

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Supergirl (2016) #32

Jul 12, 2019

Brainiac is given an offer. Where's it going to lead to? I don't know. But I am excited to see. This is a real solid issue of this title.

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Supergirl (2016) #34

Sep 19, 2019

It's not terrible. There's some good writing and some excellent art. I just feel like this book can do something else than pick up the scraps Bendis sends over. It needs its own identity and once it has that, it'll be a much stronger book overall.

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Supergirl (2016) #35

Oct 10, 2019

The story is pretty okay this go round and it almost feels like editorial dictated the Leviathan crossover. Hey, it happens. The art by Pansica is only getting better. He elevates the title a bit with his art and it makes the book better as a whole.

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Supergirl (2016) #36

Nov 22, 2019

The creative team is very good. And I understand that crossovers are a part of this business. But Kara always seems like second fiddle whenever a crossover happens. It has just gotten a bit tiresome and felt abrupt this time around. Especially when the first few pages were really decent and their own cool story.

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Supergirl (2016) #37

Dec 13, 2019

By the end of the issue, Supergirl has her own madness to contend with. It is a pretty sharp ending. Houser does a great job writing this issue and Stott is the perfect collaborator handling the artwork. All in all, it is a solid issue and I hope to see more from this creative team with this character.

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Supergirl (2016) #38

Jan 8, 2020

There is a fight between Supergirl and Wonder Woman that is fairly cool. It all leads to a nice cliffhanger. It does feel a little short however. The story is decent and the art is good but there isn't enough of it. It goes by a bit fast and that is a shame.

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Supergirl (2016) #39

Feb 14, 2020

It is incredibly chilling what happens. It is starting to look like Kara has lost all of her humanity. I am looking forward to seeing what happens from here. This is pretty damn exciting.

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Supergirl (2016) #40

Mar 25, 2020

The ending of the book is a strangely emotional moment. I give writer Jody Houser a lot of credit. The writing is golden. The art is pretty perfect for this story and these two ladies work well together.

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Supergirl (2016) Annual #2

Dec 2, 2019

The art by Laura Braga is pretty fantastic and works perfectly with the script. There is a dark twist at the end that I wasn't expecting and that I was lukewarm on. It feels a little forced. That being said it is mostly a very good issue. It was wonderful right up until the ending.

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Superman (2018) #1

Jul 11, 2018

Overall, I think this is another feather in the cap of Brian Michael Bendis. He's giving us a fresh take on a classic comic book character.

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Superman (2018) #2

Aug 8, 2018

I'm loving what Bendis has brought to the table. The last shot of Superman wondering if he will ever see his family again is just perfect. I'm 100 percent on board with this direction. It's thrilling.

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Superman (2018) #3

Sep 12, 2018

The writing is fast and funny. Bendis is killing it here again and is firing on all cylinders. The art by Reis is tops. This is a great comic that has another fantastic chapter here. Keep it up, guys.

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Superman (2018) #4

Oct 11, 2018

The writing is wonderful as usual. Again, I love when Ivan Reis draws this character. This is another fantastic issue in the Bendis era on Superman. I'm glad he's here doing what he does. It's been a golden time indeed.

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Superman (2018) #5

Nov 19, 2018

The art by Reis is good as usual and he really know how to draw impactful scenes and make them work well. This is some great stuff. I'm happy in the direction it all seems to be going.

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Superman (2018) #6

Dec 14, 2018

The ending has quite a surprise that leads into the next issue. I don't want to spoil it but it's a very thought out moment and boy does it work. Bendis has a plan in place and it's wonderful. Let's see where it goes from here. I just know that it'll be someplace great.

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Superman (2018) #7

Jan 21, 2019

Honestly, just when I think it can't get any better, it does. This is just some fantastic top tier comic book storytelling.

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Superman (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

The art by Ivan Reis is wonderful. He does an amazing job and never phones it in. He is grouped quite well with Peterson here and it makes for a quite an issue. Let's hope the twists and turns keep coming. I'm enjoying the ride thus far!

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Superman (2018) #9

Mar 15, 2019

Hopefully he picks up the pace a bit. He works with some really amazing artists but it can be better. Right now I'm losing a bit of interest.

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Superman (2018) #11

May 17, 2019

There is a twist at the end that feels rather obvious. Ah well. At least the art by Ivan Reis is very good. He's still amazing. This book as a whole? It needs a major overhaul to make even a lick of sense.

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Superman (2018) #12

Jun 14, 2019

It's been a year at this point and I feel like we are still stuck at the same place we began at.

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Superman (2018) #13

Jul 12, 2019

This has gone on for way too long and I've been ready for awhile to move on from this already.

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Superman (2018) #14

Aug 29, 2019

Ivan Reis did a great job here and on the other issues. It's too bad too. This could have been amazing. Instead, it never felt as if it got off the ground.

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Superman (2018) #15

Sep 19, 2019

The last page is the only redeeming part. But even that was hard. Hopefully the next issue picks up with a new storyline and we can leave the Unity Saga behind us. It's been over a year of this story and it just was a drag. It's time for a change.

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Superman (2018) #16

Oct 11, 2019

The issue ends with Jon's decision. It's sweet and heartbreaking and wonderful. This is the best work Bendis has done for DC. I do hope he writes more issues like this. It is pretty perfect.

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Superman (2018) #17

Nov 18, 2019

So, the issue is decent until it craps out on you. The art is some of the best of Maguire's career. I am sure that the story picks up next issue right from where we left off. I hope so. This was just awkward.

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Superman (2018) #18

Dec 13, 2019

We also get to see Luthor's reaction to it all. The question is then asked "What's next?" It is a good question that I can't wait to find out the answer. Bendis and Reis have opened up a can of worms. Now it is time to see what comes of it.

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Superman (2018) #19

Jan 24, 2020

Superman then shows up. Mongul then proceed to beat the hell out of him. And that is honestly where we end up. The art is beautiful on this book. But the writing? Bendis doesn't even stick to the rules he creates for this story. This is a mess that hopefully we can all forget one day.

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Superman (2018) #20

Feb 14, 2020

Not a lot happens in this issue. It feels padded. The artwork by Ivan Reis is the only good thing happening here. I feel like all I do at this point is pray that the inevitable reboot for Superman happens sooner rather than later.

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Superman (2018) #21

Mar 16, 2020

Ah well. The fights are great again here, but once those are over, the reader is left with very little.

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Superman (2018) #22

Jun 17, 2020

Bendis proved again with this issue that he has no direction planned ahead. I wish he did. I also wish Maguire had better material to work with. If he did, he might be on a classic run here rather than an extremely tepid one.

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Superman (2018) #23

Jul 8, 2020

Doctor Fate is such a rich character that maybe Maguire can team up with another writer and get a better take on the character. The book ended and I could hardly care at all.

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Superman (2018) #24

Aug 12, 2020

I hope they get it together as this feels like a complete waste of time.

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Superman (2018) #25

Sep 9, 2020

Sadly, this issue doesn't do much to impress and Bendis just seems to be continually treading water over and over again.

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Superman (2018) #26

Oct 14, 2020

Truly, I am looking forward to a new writer on this book. That day cannot come soon enough.

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Superman (2018) #27

Nov 11, 2020

Overall, this comic is pretty thin. Most of Bendis's run has been thin.

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Superman (2018) #28

Dec 21, 2020

All of these characters have been wasted for so long that it would be nice.

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Superman (2018) #30

Apr 15, 2021

There is also a backup story by Sean Lewis and Sami Basri. This story features the return of Ambush Bug. The artwork by Basri is nice but Ambush Bug is one of those characters that you wish stayed lost.

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Superman (2018) #31

May 12, 2021

All in all, this is another fine issue of this title.

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Superman (2018) #32

Jun 23, 2021

All of this, and they still have to go and find the source of the distress signal that they were both sent out to investigate. This is a strong story with some really great artwork.

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Superman (2018): Heroes #1

Feb 14, 2020

The ending is a little weak truthfully. And the whole thing does feel a bit redundant. But that is okay. This is an above average Superman book. It is highly readable and the main titles should take a cue from this and emulate it as best they could.

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Superman (2018): Villains #1

Mar 6, 2020

The problem is that it doesn't gel. And it feels like a donut: A lot of nice things on the outside, but there is nothing in the center.

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Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Jul 21, 2021

Morrison writes a fun script that is a nice take on the mythos. He shows us some weird things but mostly it is just crazy fun. Mikel Janin does an amazing job drawing this story. The two work well together.

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Superman and the Authority (2021) #2

Aug 19, 2021

Grant Morrison always writes a unique script and this comic book is no different. The art by Mikel Janin is definitely his best. Overall, this is another good issue in this limited series.

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Superman and the Authority (2021) #3

Sep 16, 2021

Overall, this is a great book and I am enjoying it very much indeed.

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Superman Smashes The Klan #1

Oct 16, 2019

The story is breezy and cute. The art is okay, nothing spectacular. It does the trick. This is a fun read for young adults. It is a long first issue but never drags. It is a fun enough debut issue with some interesting potential for sure.

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Superman Smashes The Klan #2

Dec 27, 2019

This is turning out to be a pretty decent book. It is smart, funny, and topical. More comics should be like this. I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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Superman Smashes The Klan #3

Feb 24, 2020

Either way, this series is well done and completely worth taking the time to read it from start to finish.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #1

Jul 18, 2019

It's a fun issue overall! Fraction has a great handle on the character and it shows. Likewise, Lieber is an artist who doesn't get enough attention. Together, the two of them do an amazing job of bringing this book to life. I look forward to see what adventures they have in store for us.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #2

Aug 21, 2019

I don't know because that's where the issue ends. But I'll be reading this next month for sure. The writing and art are great and this is an unexpectedly highly entertaining comic book!

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #3

Sep 19, 2019

This book is a lot of fun. Fraction does a great job of keeping it light as well as keeping the story itself moving. The art is well handled too and it is simple yet effective. This is a decent issue in a swell series.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #4

Oct 16, 2019

The issue ends on a funny note. Fraction and Lieber really have done a great job here. Lieber in particular is an underused artist who shines in this series. It is very funny and very goofy at times but it is also highly enjoyable. I look forward to where they take us next!

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #5

Nov 22, 2019

The story or stories here are very good. I have to say that my favorite part of the book is the art. Steve Lieber has long been one of my favorite artists and I am glad he is getting some notice on this book. This is a very solid issue indeed.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #6

Dec 23, 2019

This is a very different book. Fraction really has a knack for offbeat stories and it works wonderfully here. The art is quirky and very fun. It may be a book that is a little off the radar. But it is worth finding. It is a very entertaining comic book.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #7

Jan 15, 2020

By the issue's end, we end up in Opal City. Fraction has set up a nice little cliffhanger. He does a great job writing this. Steve Lieber also does a great job on the art. It is great to see him on this title. All and all, this is another fine issue in an enjoyable series.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #8

Feb 24, 2020

I love how Fraction writes this book. He keeps everything moving and in a fun way. The art by Lieber is simple yet extremely effective. This is another solid issue of this series.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #9

Mar 18, 2020

We also get to see Jimmy attend a Casino Night and he immediately comes up against Lex Luthor. It is a great last story to end on. This book is a bevy of fun. I am only sad that it is a mini-series. There is a lot of good stuff happening here.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #10

May 20, 2020

This is an underrated title. It's good month in and month out. The stories are sharp and well thought out. Lieber does a great job on the art, too and the whole thing just works. It is nicely done book that deserves all of the kudos that it could possibly get.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #11

Jun 24, 2020

The package is completed by artist Steve Lieber's wonderful work here. He is truly one of the most amazing artists that we have in this field. The art is expressive and the storytelling is great. This is another fine issue and I am sad that there is only one more left!

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #12

Jul 15, 2020

It is a funny and smart book and it is unlike any series that I've read. I only hope that we get more stories for Jimmy with the same creative team, now that this limited series is over.

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #1

Mar 17, 2021

The whole book is a treasure. This is the sort of innovative stuff that DC puts together best.

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #2

Apr 21, 2021

This is great. The whole issue is. I hope this series never ends.

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #3

May 19, 2021

This has been a really great book!

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #4

Jun 16, 2021

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #5

Jul 21, 2021

Lastly, we get the always amazing Daniel Warren Johnson writing and drawing an excellent tale. We get to see Clark and his relationship with the people of Earth and the planet itself. It is wonderful.

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Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #6

Aug 19, 2021

Lastly, we get a story written by Rex Ogle and drawn by Mike Norton. This one shows Superman and how he is an ally to the gay community.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 28, 2021

Overall this is a strong start to what could be an excellent series.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Oct 1, 2021

Tom Taylor writes a great script here. It is smart and has some great dialogue. The art by John Timms is very good as well. I have to say that they are doing a great job on this and I am loving where it is going. This is some great stuff.

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Superman: The Harvests of Youth (2023) OGN

Oct 17, 2023

Sina Grace had created a book for the modern audience with this book. The characters and their dialogue feel real and thought out. It is a good script, if a bit (only a little) heavy handed at times. It is an easy read and it is incredibly emotional. The artwork is perfect and works hand in hand with the script. I wouldn't mind reading a few more adventures with this world that Grace has developed here. It is a very strong and effective piece.

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Sweet Tooth: The Return #1

Nov 4, 2020

This is truly awesome and I am happy and glad to have read it. Well done.

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Sweet Tooth: The Return #2

Dec 17, 2020

Jeff Lemire proves himself an auteur with this comic series yet again. The writing is sharp and emotional. The art is pleasant to look at. I am wondering how he is going to make this a satisfying series in just six issues.

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Sweet Tooth: The Return #3

Jan 13, 2021

Lemire does a great job with all of the story elements. He is an auteur at this point in his career and masterfully creates his narrative with ease. His art is one of a kind too and this is another great chapter in an enthralling series.

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Sweet Tooth: The Return #4

Feb 11, 2021

He also has a deep affection for this universe. You can see the passion on each and every page. This series has only gotten better and I can't wait to see how Lemire ends it all.

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Sweet Tooth: The Return #6

Apr 15, 2021

This leads us to the conclusion of this series. These are the best moments of the entire book. The great thing about Lemire is that he really takes risks and chances here and it is truly awesome to see. The ending is as perfect as can be.Jeff Lemire is one of the most amazing creators out there and he proves that yet again. Both the writing and artwork are perfectly balanced here. The book is beautiful to look at and very poignant. I hope he does another sometime soon.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1

Nov 4, 2019

The ending is insane. Kudos to the creative team for just going for it. The artwork is some of the best of Walker's career. This is a great little treat and a real gem. Worth taking a look at.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1

Dec 17, 2020

This is the best one of Tales From The Dark Multiverse books that DC has done. It is very good indeed.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1

Dec 2, 2019

James Tynion IV writes a boring script that is very heavy with words. It was a trudge to get through. Aaron Lopresti has always been one of my least favorite artists too. All in all, this book is hard to like. And that is the biggest shame of all.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Nov 18, 2019

They really don't hold back. Characters die. It gets pretty dark. Kudos to Tim Seeley for really pushing the script. And artist Kyle Hotz only gets better with each project he draws. Worth a look.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Knightfall #1

Oct 16, 2019

The art by Fernandez is fantastic. He can draw whatever is thrown to him by the writers and make it work. I enjoyed it very much overall. It was a nice change of pace and it worked on a lot of levels. This is the first of several Dark Universe titles and I look forward to reading all of them.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Dark Nights: Metal #1

Jan 4, 2021

Ah, well. I am sure there will be more stories like this from this series coming out soon in short order.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #1

Sep 16, 2020

This is a good first issue to what looks to be one hell of a series.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #2

Oct 22, 2020

Overall, this a likable book in The Umbrella Academy series, that could benefit from stopping trying too hard to be strange.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #3

Nov 19, 2020

The story is well crafted. It does get a bit silly at times and it sometimes feels like it doesn't have a purpose other than to be weird. The art by Culbard is great though and this has some good storytelling moments.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #4

Dec 23, 2020

All in all this is another solid issue in a damn fine series.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #5

Jan 20, 2021

The result is a fine issue that never failed to keep my attention. This is the second to last issue so things are moving quicker. But that's okay. It is a fine story and it has some excellent artwork by Culbard as always.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #6

Feb 26, 2021

The ending of the book is just awesome. I'll just leave it at that. Simon and Way write another fine script and it is a good time. The artwork by Culbard is very decent as well and really brings the story to life.

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Tartarus #1

Apr 1, 2020

The artwork by Jack T. Cole is quite magnificent. He is a really underrated artist and really comes into his own here. This is a great science fiction comic. It is so damn interesting and I can't wait to see what the creative team has in store for the readers next!

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

The script is hard to access on any level and most of the suspense barely amounts to a yawn. The art is good but cannot save this book. Basically, it is close to unreadable and there is nothing besides the artwork that it has going for it.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

May 27, 2021

The script by Tim Sheridan certainly feels like we are doing just that: going through the motions. It is painful. The art is the only redeeming quality. Hopefully, Rafa Sandoval will find another book. He is a quality artist and deserves more than this.

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Teen Titans: Beast Boy (2020) OGN

Sep 4, 2020

This is a fine book and it is definitely one of the strongest ones DC Ink has put out thus far.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Legends #1

Jun 1, 2018

This book is a curiosity that's enjoyable if you're a Turtles fan. It's also enjoyable if you're a bit deranged (I don't judge). And then when you're done, go read the delightful books IDW are currently putting out. This comic will never be canon, but it's worth checking out, if only to see a crazy version from the past.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 14, 2018

So then, there are a few more twists and turns. By the end of the issue, there is so much happening that it's almost overwhelming. But it all makes sense and it's visceral and wonderful. This is a VERY different take on the Batman mythos. But it's a very well thought out one and is completely excellent from cover to cover. It's an early Christmas treat indeed.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 21, 2019

Snyder writes an amazing script here. I loved his work before and this is him at the top of his game. He works so well with Jock that the results are stunning. I'm at the edge of my seat for this one. The story and the imagery are top notch and this may end up being a true classic.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #3

Feb 13, 2019

Snyder paces his story perfectly and this is a shining moment for him writing this series. He knows his story well and writes the hell out of it. And Jock gives this book some of the best art of his career. We are now halfway through and I have no idea where the hell it might go.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

Apr 10, 2019

The horror aspect in the book is great and the whole thing just doesn't let up. Snyder and Jock have a hit on their hands and it's has some incredibly momentum. A great job by the creative team overall yet again.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #5

May 8, 2019

And this is Jock's best work. It's tremendous. The art is careful and considered. It's also incredibly well paced and strong as hell. The two creators are killing it on this title. I applaud their amazing efforts.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #6

Jun 14, 2019

The ending of this book is a cliffhanger of course. It's as rousing as can be. Jock does his best work here and that's saying something. He and Snyder have created an incredible book. Let's see how the last issue goes, but this could be considered a classic if it ends well. We shall see.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Aug 1, 2019

I hope to see Snyder and Jock work together again soon. They are only getting stronger with each and every collaboration. This is their strongest work to date and I love every second of it.

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The Department of Truth #1

Sep 25, 2020

Overall, though, this is an enjoyable book and much better than I was expecting.

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The Department of Truth #3

Nov 25, 2020

Overall, it is very good, but with a stronger artist with more control, this could be great.

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The Department of Truth #4

Dec 23, 2020

It has some good sensibilities to it and makes for a great read overall.

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The Department of Truth #5

Jan 27, 2021

Tynion has written another fine script here. There is a lot to like and it is intriguing throughout. The art isn't my favorite but I am adjusting to it enough.

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The Department of Truth #6

Feb 26, 2021

This comic was great and it works very well. Everything worked me finally with both the story and the art in this issue.

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The Department of Truth #7

Mar 31, 2021

It is consistently entertaining and constantly surprising and I am enjoying it very much.

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The Department of Truth #8

Apr 28, 2021

Still the story works well enough, and this series is one hell of a ride.

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The Department of Truth #9

May 27, 2021

Tynion does a great job of keeping it all together. The story is complicated for sure but he never loses sight and keeps his eye on the ball. I wish the artwork was better but at this point all I can do is accept it.

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The Department of Truth #10

Jul 2, 2021

The story by James Tynion IV is really great. Tynion really does a great job of scripting this to perfection. I very much enjoyed where we ended up by the end of the issue. I am intrigued to see if the quality stories on this book can possibly continue.

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The Department of Truth #11

Jul 30, 2021

At least the script is. Tynion does a great job building this world and making everything seamless. The art always takes me out of the book. It is not something visually that is pleasing in any way. That being said, this is a good issue overall.

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The Department of Truth #12

Aug 27, 2021

The story by James Tynion IV is something else. I feel like this book answers a lot of questions and sets up a ton more. Just the way I like things. The art is okay but it takes me out of the experience as it always seems to do.

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The Dollhouse Family #1

Nov 18, 2019

I will probably stay and read the next issue when it comes out. The art by Gross and Locke certainly is a reason to stick around. The last page really got me though. Let's see what happens.

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The Dollhouse Family #3

Jan 8, 2020

The story is well handled. And while I mentioned artist Peter Gross before as being an excellent artist, I would be remiss if I didn't mention inker Vince Locke. His inks are distinctive and really round out this book well.

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The Dollhouse Family #4

Feb 14, 2020

This is a very well done book that keeps you on your toes throughout!

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The Dollhouse Family #5

Mar 16, 2020

Carey is writing one hell of a strong story here. He swings for the fences throughout and really has put together a great story with well developed characters. I can't wait to see how he finishes this.

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The Dollhouse Family #6

May 20, 2020

This is some great stuff and a gem in the middle of a line of books that I am not really fond of.

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The Dreaming (2018) #1

Sep 5, 2018

Spurrier's story keeps you interested however. He does a great job keeping the feel from Gaiman's book alive. The art is very good as well. I'm interested to see what they do with it. Let's see where it goes.

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The Dreaming (2018) #2

Oct 3, 2018

The art by Bilquis Evely is the highlight of the book. Every character is wonderfully rendered and he has a beautiful way of handling the storytelling. It makes you wish Evely was around when Gaiman was writing the books. It would have maybe been special. This however, is just not.

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The Dreaming (2018) #3

Nov 8, 2018

Spurrier is being smart about the writing. He knows he can never do what Gaiman did so he's setting up own story and running away with it. It's really good. Combine that with the art and we have a very interesting book. It may even make its own mark if the quality keeps up.

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The Dreaming (2018) #4

Dec 7, 2018

The story is great. It's vibrant and it's made it's mark on me. Kudos to Spurrier on this. And kudos to Evely on art. She's doing a top notch job. This is getting good. Let's see where it goes.

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The Dreaming (2018) #5

Jan 9, 2019

Spurrier writes an intriguing tale that isn't bogged down by the past and is gets us to a unique place. I'm enjoying that. The art by Bilquis Evely and Abigail Larson is just wonderful. They give this book a look all of it's own. I didn't think I was going to like this as much as I have. I am glad to see that I have been proven wrong.

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The Dreaming (2018) #6

Feb 8, 2019

Spurrier and Evely are putting their all into this and it shows. It's imaginative in a way that I wasn't expecting. This is a top quality book from the covers by Jae Lee, right up until the last page. It's now a question of "Are they will be able to continue this book and maintain it like this?" I'm thinking so.

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The Harrowing (2024) OGN

Apr 29, 2024

I really enjoyed this book and I definitely have to read it again. It unexpectedly gave me one of the better reads of the year.

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The Infected: Deathbringer #1

Dec 5, 2019

The art by Brent Peeples is great. The storytelling in this is tops. Again, I just wanted more meat to this. It was really cool but I wanted more room for the story to breathe. It felt like an appetizer to a meal. And that the meal never really came to the table.

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The Infected: King Shazam #1

Nov 8, 2019

Mostly it is because the issue is dreadfully short. It feels like the story was just starting and then it just ends. I wanted more. A lot more! Instead we get a short story that is incredibly and noticeably short. And that is okay. Unfortunately, there was potential for so much more here, especially with the great artwork that this book has.

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The Infected: The Commissioner #1

Dec 23, 2019

The writing here is spot on. I have never been that big of a Herbert fan but man, does he do a good job here. This is a pretty excellent one shot that tells a great little story and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

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The Last God (2019) #1

Nov 1, 2019

I commend the Black Label line at DC for taking a chance with this unique and gorgeously illustrated book.

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The Last God (2019) #2

Dec 2, 2019

Philip Kennedy Johnson has written one hell of an original book. This is fantasy at it's best. The art makes the whole package complete and completely elevates the story. This is an underrated gem.

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The Last Siege #1

Jun 1, 2018

The art is very good and very dirty which I love. Greenwood has a raw and emotional style which is quite cool and perfectly suited for this book. His panel layouts especially move the story along well. I'm interested to see there this goes. This is a nice first issue, indeed.

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The Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Graphic Novel #1

May 6, 2020

The art style is absolutely cool, too. The use of color is especially impressive. This is a nice little treat to read when you are in the right mood. I enjoyed it very much even if it is just a little slight. Well done.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #1

May 30, 2018

It's exciting. There are so many questions raised in the first issue. This six issue series starts off great and is fueled with great inspired writing. My only question is if Bendis can make the big picture satisfactory. The adventure started off great here. Let's see where it takes us. For now, it's a high level book that will be at the top of my reading pile.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #2

Jun 6, 2018

Bendis keeps all of these balls in the air and keeps things compelling. The reader is never lost, no matter how complicated it may seem. He's making some good comics right here. I'm glad it's weekly. I don't know if I could stand the wait otherwise.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #3

Jun 13, 2018

Still, that's just because I want more. It's so well done that it goes too fast. But that is the sign of a creator at the top of their game.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #4

Jun 21, 2018

And then? After that? The regular series starts! And man, I can't wait for that.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #5

Jun 28, 2018

The ending is just awesome. It's a splash page for the end but man, what a splash page. It perfectly sets up the last issue. Can Bendis pull off a classic? Right now, all signs point to yes.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #6

Jul 4, 2018

Good for Brian Michael Bendis. He not only silenced the critics but he has created an amazing direction for a character that deserves the best.

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The Mighty Crusaders (2021): The Shield #1

Jul 2, 2021

The whole book goes in one big circle and that's pretty much it.

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The Oracle Code OGN

Apr 1, 2020

By the end of the book, Barbara gets what she needs but not in an expected way. The writing is excellent and taut. The art is pretty damn good as well. This is another excellent graphic novel from DC Ink. Well done again.

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The Prisoner (2018) #1

Apr 27, 2018

The art is decent. Lorimar experiments with a few scenes and it works pretty well. It's pretty. I'm intrigued to see where it's going but I'm hedging my bets as I've been let down some many times before with this franchise.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Nov 22, 2019

So how do I feel about this book? Well, I can only say that this is pretty damn great. It is like an early holiday present has arrived. One that I am extremely thankful for.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #2

Jan 15, 2020

The art on this is just amazing. Having Denys Cowan pencil and having Bill Sienkiewicz on the inks is absolutely amazing. The art really is a gift. The whole book is actually. You can't ask for much better than this. Recommended.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #3

Jun 17, 2020

Lemire packs the story with so many twists and turns that it is exhilarating. The ending of this issue is especially awesome. And nobody draws the Question better than Denys Cowan. He does an amazing job here as well. This book really is an incredible series. I am only sad that it is ending next month.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #4

Aug 26, 2020

I love the Question. This may be my favorite story I have ever read featuring the character. The story is great and the art by Cowan is the best he has ever done on this title. Thumbs up all around.

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The Ruins (2024) OGN

Apr 11, 2024

I loved it and I hope that he keeps putting out work like this until he can't anymore. It is a strong book for sure.

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The Sandman Universe: Hellblazer #1

Nov 4, 2019

Overall, this is a pretty good issue and a definite step in the right direction for this character.

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The Scumbag #1

Oct 22, 2020

Remender does a great job on the script. However, the star here is Lewis Larosa. This may be the best artwork he has ever done. It brings everything up to a higher level, making this first issue pretty sweet.

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The Scumbag #2

Nov 25, 2020

This is a great second issue. This feels like this is going to be a great long term series too.

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The Scumbag #3

Dec 23, 2020

This is the best issue yet, and I hope there is a much bigger story to come in this book than what we have been given so far.

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The Scumbag #4

Jan 20, 2021

Overall, this is a comic worth reading, and I had a lot of fun doing so.

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The Scumbag #5

Feb 26, 2021

This is hands down my favorite issue of the series thus far. Well done.

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The Scumbag #6

Mar 24, 2021

The script by writer Rick Remender is great. It is never too serious and never too light. Remender knows how to strike the perfect balance with this book with his writing. The art by Bengal is very good as well, and it makes the whole book a worthwhile package.

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The Scumbag #7

Apr 15, 2021

The whole thing is just fun and enjoyable and I am having a good time reading it.

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The Scumbag #8

May 19, 2021

The story is a lot of crazy fun. Writer Rick Remender is really cutting loose and it shows on every single page. The art is something special in this series as well. This issue is pretty damn good as well on that front.

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The Scumbag #9

Jul 30, 2021

This book is nuts, but I can't help but love every single page. It is a good time.

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The Scumbag #10

Sep 17, 2021

The artwork is always well done and this issue is no different. Overall, this is another great issue of this series.

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The Silencer #5

May 25, 2018

All in all, this isn't bad. It's tough to create a new character you care about but Abnett makes it look easy. There's a lot of good writing here and artwork. I'll continue to read this title and see it where it goes as it's intrigued me enough.

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The Silver Coin #1

Apr 8, 2021

The art by Michael Walsh is incredible. Walsh has always been an artist to me that seemed incredibly underrated. I hope this book changes that.

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The Silver Coin #2

May 14, 2021

The story by Thompson is very well done. The dialogue is good and the story really cooks. The art by Michael Walsh is perfect for this book. It is dark and moody and appropriate.

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The Silver Coin #3

Jun 16, 2021

Brisson is a great writer and does a good job here. Michael Walsh has been doing a consistently great job on the artwork. I am loving this series and it is been great so far!

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The Silver Coin #5

Aug 13, 2021

I am interested as to where they can take the concept from here.

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The Terrifics Annual #1

Nov 2, 2018

This is a quality annual for a book that is very good. The stories are strong and the art on each of them is decent. And you can't ask for more than that.

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The Weatherman #1

May 14, 2018

And the art of course is wonderful. Fox is a veteran and his art is perfect for this. I just wish I had the rest of it right away (five issues are already reportedly done). If the rest of the series is this good, however, I won't mind waiting.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #1

Jan 6, 2021

I have no idea where this is going but I cannot wait to find out!

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #2

Feb 12, 2021

Overall, this series just keeps getting better with each new issue that hits the stands!

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #3

Mar 12, 2021

It transcends the superhero genre as well and has become something wholly unique.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #4

May 5, 2021

Tom Peyer writes another amazing script. It is well written, funny, and exciting. The art is pretty damn good as well. I am loving this series and it certainly is one of the best in this franchise. I can't wait to see how they conclude this story.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #5

Jul 7, 2021

I think it is one of the best issues of the entire series. And that is really saying something.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #6

Aug 6, 2021

Tom Peyer has written a perfect script. He has also, alongside artist Jamal Igle, created a perfect world for these characters to inhabit.

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Titans: Burning Rage #1

Aug 14, 2019

The art by Eaton doesn't help. It's dangerously flat and doesn't generate much in the way of a heartbeat. I wish I had something better to say. But there really isn't. I've seen much better work from both of these creators. This just ended up being a colossal waste of talent and that's the saddest thing of all.

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Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale #1

May 1, 2019

I have not seen the artwork of Isaac Goodheart before this but this guy has a future. I love his work here and it's stunning. This is a great read and I cannot recommend it enough. And it definitely is getting the most coveted prize of all here: an A plus rating.

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Undiscovered Country #1

Nov 7, 2019

Snyder and Soule work perfectly together writing this book. The art is pretty amazing and great as well. This is only the first chapter and I can't wait to see where it goes. It may in fact be the best debut issue of a new series that I have seen in quite awhile. Well done.

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Unicorn Boy (2024) #1

Mar 22, 2024

Much better than I anticipated for sure. It is a good story that is accessible for everyone.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #2

Oct 3, 2018

Bendis and Oeming are at the top of their game. This series might even be better than the original. Time will tell but it looks likely indeed.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #3

Nov 8, 2018

The writing is tops on this title. And Oeming is a great collaborator with Bendis. His pictures here are great and expressive. This is a book that isn't talked about very much but it's damn good. The story and art are just awesome.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #4

Dec 7, 2018

This book is just another interesting work from Bendis with a strong artist. He is trying new concepts out and just working his magic in a collaborative way. This is a book with two top notch creators at the top of their game.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #5

Jan 9, 2019

This leads right up to the horrifying last panel. I don't want to say anything else except that Oeming nails the image and Bendis nails the dialogue. It's the penultimate issue of this book and I'm as excited as could be. The end of this issue is pure adrenaline and makes you want that next issue as soon as possible.

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United States vs. Murder Inc. #6

Feb 8, 2019

There is one last dark twist too. It's excellent. This whole book was completely fantastic . Bendis and Oeming really pull it off. There is a setup for another series at the end. I'm completely in. This was so good that I am counting the days until the next one starts up.

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Vampirella (2017) #1

Jun 19, 2019

I have to admit, I wasn't sure what Priest was going to do here when I first heard about it. Now I can't wait to see what he does next. This is some excellent work by two amazing comic book creators. They bring Vampirella back to life and make her story an unforgettable one.

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Victor and Nora: A Gotham Love Story OGN

Nov 4, 2020

This is a great standalone story that resonates extremely well.

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Vinyl #1

Jun 4, 2021

This is how you launch a new series.

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Vinyl #2

Jul 30, 2021

The story by Wagner is very cool. He always writes a great script and this is no different. The artwork by Daniel Hillyard is fantastic as well.

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Vinyl #3

Aug 27, 2021

The story is strong and is getting stronger with each issue that goes by. The art by Daniel Hillyard is extremely strong as well. I love the path this series is taking.

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Where The Body Was (2023) #1

Dec 15, 2023

Ed Brubaker's script is top notch. The characters and the set ups and the dialogue are all great. He is one of the best writers out there. Sean Phillips just seems to be getting better on the artwork too. His pacing and his graphics are pretty incredible. His son, Jacob Phillips, provides the color and it is an effective job. This is one of the best releases of the year. This book will haunt my thoughts for many years to come.

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Where The Body Was (2023) #1

Dec 15, 2023

Ed Brubaker's script is top notch. The characters and the set ups and the dialogue are all great. He is one of the best writers out there. Sean Phillips just seems to be getting better on the artwork too. His pacing and his graphics are pretty incredible. His son, Jacob Phillips, provides the color and it is an effective job. This is one of the best releases of the year. This book will haunt my thoughts for many years to come.

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Wild Storm #13

May 16, 2018

A well written and well drawn story? Sign me up. The only sad part of this book is that it's 24 issues in this series. But man, am I going to savor each one.

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Wild Storm #14

Jun 21, 2018

This is a book full of ideas. I can't wait to read each issue when they come out because of that.

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Wild Storm #15

Jul 18, 2018

Things are heating up in this book. Start from issue one and read up to this current issue. You won't be able to put it down. I certainly have not be able to.

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Wild Storm #16

Aug 15, 2018

This issue is awesome both in writing in art. Kudos to the creative team for telling one hell of an original story.

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Wild Storm #17

Sep 19, 2018

Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt are both doing the best work of their respective careers here. I'm totally in love with this series. I can't wait until it's over so I can read it all at once.

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Wild Storm #18

Nov 2, 2018

This is one of the best consistently great creative teams out there. This book has kept me enthralled from the very beginning. It's tops.

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Wild Storm #19

Jan 25, 2019

We only have five issues left after this one. It's been a hell of a ride and this is a fine chapter of the book indeed. The last panel is a quiet one but is also one hell of a cliffhanger. I'm sure this is going to end spectacularly.

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Wild Storm #20

Feb 22, 2019

The last line is a little girl asking in a colorful way just what happened. I laughed out loud at that line. It was wonderful. The whole issue was. We only have four more issues after this. I'm sad that is the case. But I'm going to enjoy the hell out of what is remaining.

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Wild Storm #21

Mar 20, 2019

Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt are one of the best creative teams currently working together in comic books. This book is sure to be a classic. It's been an interesting and downright strange time. I can't wait to read it all together.

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Wild Storm #22

Apr 26, 2019

The story is exciting and the art is just perfect. The writing by Ellis is fast and character driven. The art is incredibly exciting. You can't ask for a better package than this. I'll be reading right up until the very last page!

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Wild Storm #23

May 31, 2019

The last panel with Bendix just killed me. I don't want to spoil it but it's a hell of a last panel to end the comic on. I'm sad this will be over come next issue. It's been great. And if this issue is any indication, I have no idea where it is we will end up.

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Wild Storm #24

Jul 3, 2019

That last image, as well as the entire series, is beautifully rendered by Jon Davis-Hunt. He has done a tremendous job Illustrating the scripts by Ellis. These two creators worked wonderfully together and the series ends on a high note. They have more than accomplished what they set out to do and this book works on a deeper level too. It's a satisfying conclusion indeed.

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Wild Storm: Michael Cray #8

Jun 13, 2018

The last image is a splash page and Cray's last line hits home. It's a great ending and a wonderful set up for next issue. I'm loving this. Hill and Harris are killing it on this title and it's a great read month in and month out.

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Wild Storm: Michael Cray #9

Jul 11, 2018

That last page is also an amazingly well drawn splash page. Harris nails the page perfectly as well as the entire art duties of the book. I'm at the edge of my seat. The next issue can't come fast enough.

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Wild Storm: Michael Cray #10

Aug 8, 2018

The art by N. Steven Harris is wonderful. He paces his scenes together perfectly. Together with Hill, they have taken this forgotten character and breathed new life into him. I'm sorry that this title is going but I'm going to enjoy the hell out of the last two issues.

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Wild Storm: Michael Cray #11

Sep 12, 2018

The story is strong and the art by Harris is just great. This has been a solid book overall from issue to issue. I can't wait to see how the creative team wraps this up. It's very compelling.

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Wild Storm: Michael Cray #12

Oct 12, 2018

The last few story beats are horrifying. Hill makes it clear that this is not a happy ending. It is an ending that is haunting and memorable. As far as I'm concerned, this is the definitive book about Cray and the one that others should look at. He's a viable character and this team made him something worth talking about.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #1

Feb 13, 2019

I actually laughed out loud a lot during this book. It's great. Russell gets the plot going by the book's end. It has to do with where the Wonder Twins fit in to it all and it's spectacular and handled very well. And this is the book that Stephen Byrne was born to draw. It's excellent through and through and may end up being one of the best books of the year. It's fantastic.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #2

Mar 15, 2019

And Stephen Byrne is a marvel. He is so damn good at drawing facial expressions and physicality that I just love it. This is a great example of how all comic books should be done. It's quite excellent and keeps you interested and entertained throughout!

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Wonder Twins (2019) #3

Apr 10, 2019

This is a great limited series that I hope turns into an ongoing one. It certainly deserves it.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #4

May 8, 2019

The art by Byrne is tops. He really nails each and every scene perfectly. I love his art more and more with each issue. This is something special indeed. I'm sad there are only two more issues after this. It's a real shame, in fact.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #5

Jun 12, 2019

Artist Stephen Byrne is the perfect collaborator on this. His art is gorgeous and it tells a great story. I'll be sad when this ends, but hopefully these two creators will work together again. It's a great book and a fun time overall.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #6

Jul 12, 2019

The art by Stephen Byrne is tops. This is one of the best creative teams in comics. This is going to return in September and I can't wait. It'll be on the top of my reading like for sure.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #7

Sep 11, 2019

Russell is a fantastic writer. You can't say enough about him. The art by Byrne is great. He's one the best new artists of the last few years. I'm glad this book was extended to twelve issues. It should be an ongoing of course, but I will take what I can get. Especially when the creative team is this brilliant.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #8

Oct 10, 2019

The art here isn't my favorite. Mike Norton is just okay. That being said, he does a capable job here. The book is still fairly strong and one of the better new books of the year.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #9

Nov 8, 2019

And I can't finish the review without mentioning the fantastic art of Stephen Byrne. He is one of the best artists to come down the line in quite some time. Coupled together with Russell, these two creators have made another fantastic issue yet again.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #10

Dec 13, 2019

The ending is just a set up for the next few issues. But it is fitting. Stephen Byrne really is an amazing artist and does great here. This is a another fine issue in a fantastic series.

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Wonder Twins (2019) #12

Feb 21, 2020

This is a great series that never failed to entertain. Mark Russell deserves praise for making this relevant to modern times yet keeping it highly enjoyable without forcing points down our throats. The art by Stephen Byrne is a real gift as well. This is a well done series overall and a great last issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #51

Jul 25, 2018

The book didn't draw me in. The dramatic scenes tried too hard and the little action we get is forced and really meant nothing. It felt like it dragged on forever for me. When it ended, I finally breathed out a sigh of relief.They tried here and that's be commended. It just didn't work. I disliked the art too, as it felt stiff and lifeless. Not everything works and I appreciate them putting themselves out there. I just wish it was better.

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Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1

Dec 23, 2019

Johnson is a genius. This book moves along like none other. It also looks like no other book out there. This is a book that could have been cheesy and silly. Instead, it has amazing writing and artwork and it is just brilliant. Kudos to Daniel Warren Johnson for his work on this amazing book.

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Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #2

Feb 21, 2020

Daniel Warren Johnson is an auteur of the highest caliber. He is still very young, but man, is he putting out some amazing work. The writing and the art are brilliant. This will end up being a classic Wonder Woman story.

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Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #3

Jun 17, 2020

Daniel Warren Johnson does a hell of job creating this book. The story as strong as can be. The art and the storytelling is downright spectacular. This is one of the best Wonder Woman stories that I have come across and I can't wait to see how Warren wraps it all up!

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Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #4

Aug 21, 2020

This is one of the best they have done in this line of books.

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Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed OGN

Jun 17, 2020

This whole book is well handled. It is also timely. The writing and the art are perfectly tempered to make this a good read. This is the way it should be done when dealing with hard themes in comics. Also, special shout out here to the creative team for their take on the Steve Trevor character. Well done.

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Wonder Woman: Warbringer OGN

Jan 3, 2020

Overall, this is a great book to read and an awesome way to start off your 2020 right!

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X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1

Feb 5, 2020

This is a cool comic book. Zdarsky does a great job writing this. He is a natural writing both teams. And Dodson does a great job drawing this.

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X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #3

Mar 25, 2020

The last page promises one hell of an ending. I give artist Terry Dodson props for that last page and for the art in general. It is well done and very expressive. The whole thing is well paced and just a good time. I can't wait to see how the creative team ends this book.

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Year of the Villain: Black Adam #1

Oct 26, 2019

This was an enjoyable and well done little one shot. The only thing that was sad at the end is that you feel like there should be more Black Adam stories. Jenkins and Miranda do an excellent job with this and it really is a nice little gem.

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Year of the Villain: Lex Luthor #1

Sep 19, 2019

This is another nice chapter in this storyline and it is a key issue. It's also a very involving, if a bit crazy comic book issue.

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Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1

Aug 21, 2019

I mean, it was a pretty great story and all, I am just wondering if Black Mask will be playing a bigger role. Let's hope so and let's hope this creative team works together again. They work very well together.

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Year of the Villain: The Riddler #1

Sep 11, 2019

Russell writes another excellent script here. He does a great job keeping things moving and keeping things interesting. The art by Godlewski is fantastic too. I love that this exists. I'd also like more like this to come along. It's a nice fall surprise.

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Year of the Villain: Joker #1

Oct 11, 2019

This is an amazing issue. I am glad having Carpenter on this issue isn't just a cheap stunt. The creative team more than anything bring their A-game and this is one of the best single issues of the year. It is seriously that good.

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Year of the Villain: Ocean Master #1

Dec 13, 2019

It is not bad for a character that I pretty much have written off.

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Year of the Villain: Special #1

May 1, 2019

How does this affect the Doomsday Clock storyline? I get that the book is behind, but was this book rushed out to ignore the implications that were addressed in that storyline? Is the Rebirth over? These are things that worried me as I started reading this. Hopefully, DC answers with carefully constructed storylines.

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Year of the Villain: Harley Quinn #1

Dec 13, 2019

I really like the art by Mike Norton here. It is expressive and fluid but not overly cartoonish. This is some of his best work. I loved this very much. It was a pretty decent and unexpectedly fun read.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 23, 2019

I am not the biggest fan of Tynion. He just takes forever to tell a story. But I am a huge fan of Epting. He is great and does magnificent work here. It is not a bad book overall. I am glad they put some setup in the story. Now it is definitely time to give us some action.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

Jan 24, 2020

Like I said before, the art is really good here. But I have lost interest in this. Maybe it will pick up but we deserve more than this, especially after close to a year of stories leading up to this. This is flat and it could have been very exciting instead.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

Feb 28, 2020

At the end of the issue, Lex stages a big showdown at the Hall of Justice. It is super wacky and I wasn't very into it so it didn't have much impact for me. It felt flat to me, and I know the creators thought they were doing something exciting. Sadly, it didn't connect and land for me.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

Mar 18, 2020

It is all very bland served with a side of bland. This ended up being weak, when it could have been amazing.

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You Brought Me the Ocean #1

Jun 17, 2020

The story is well handled. The LGBT themes are done very well as arevthe themes of misplaced identity. The artwork is perfect as well and really makes the book a stand out. This is another triumph from the DC Ink line.

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Zinnober #1

May 21, 2018

I'm looking forward to picking up this series and seeing how it develops. For right now, it's got an excellent beginning and It could turn out to be a sleeper.

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Reviews for the Week of...


